>>13272983>legendarysGroudon continues to leave its mark on the Ubers metagame even in the 5th generation. Its massive Attack, great physical movepool, powerful STAB Earthquake, and access to Rock Polish and Swords Dance make it a deadly physical sweeper. Drought also gives Groudon a useful niche for bringing on permanent sunlight, powering up Pokemon such as Ho-Oh, Venusaur, and Reshiram while fueling devastating sun-based strategies. Groudon's excellent bulk also allows it to function well as a defensive Pokemon, countering top physical threats such as Rayquaza, Lucario, Zekrom, Terrakion, and Garchomp, while supporting its team with moves such as Stealth Rock, Dragon Tail, Thunder Wave, and Toxic. Groudon's ability to sweep, support, or do both make it a massive threat to any team, with its only real flaws being its modest Special Defense and Speed stats.