>>13290326Fire Emblem: Awakening is one of the best RPG's on the system right now. It was the sole reason I bought mine when I did. It's probably the most accessible one we've ever gotten, so it's great for new players to the series; while at the same time containing loads of continuity nods and tons of the old characters, so fans of the series will feel right at home.
Shin Megami Tensei 4 is a lot of fun as well, and if you're a pokemon fan you'll probably enjoy it's demon system. If you get the physical copy of this one, which I entirely recommend, it comes with a Music CD and fancy Strategy booklet
And there's the promotion going on right now where if you get both of the ones I listed above, you get 30$ eShop credit.If you like Difficult Platformers, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is a blast. It's pretty much a straight port from the Wii, but I'd argue it's the best platforming on the handheld right now, and the 3D effects do look really good in it, almost like the levels were designed around them already
Kid Icarus Uprising is surprisingly fun, there's a ton of content, the levels are fun and it's a much longer game than you'd expect. The weapon system is incredibly complex, and the online multiplayer is always good fun, as far as I'm concerned. Also, the stand it comes with is really nice, I"m quite the fan of it. It's nice to prop your system up during some rpg's and stuff, I'll probably use it a lot as I play X/Y
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is another standout. If you're familiar with the franchise, definitely get it, it's the best entry since Freedom Ultimate. If you're not familiar with the series; you go out and hunt Dinosaurs to make armor and weapons out of them, so you can hunt bigger and bigger ones, eventually fighting Dragons and Leviathans and eventually moving mountains. Tons of fun, difficult, and somewhat grindy, but it runs beautifully, and the combat is really good.