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Uhh..Yea a confession

No.13294209 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, It's Ash from Pallett. Me, CIlan and Iris are at a Pokemon Center and I had got to thinkin'. I'm a good, no AWESOME Pokemon Trainer. My Pokemon believe in me and I believe in them. We can win every battle thrown at us with strategy.

YOU ARE ALL JUST JEALOUS OF MY AND MY AWESOME TEAM! The reason I store my Pokemon before starting a new region, is because I want to give a lot of Pokemon a chance to succeed and make them happy. Look at my Buizel. He was really mean at first but became to like me and we worked hard together! Same with all my Pokemon. They are tough and so am I. I bet I can beat ANY of you with them all. If I can beat Team Rocket, I can beat you!