My first shiny was a Gastly in Diamond, evolved it to haunter then traded it to a friend as a gift.
Then a Marill in either the Great Marsh or some route nearby, I was runnin around in glee then tripped and my game froze lol.
Then I started a new save and encountered a shiny starly after Dawn's catching tutorial, caught it, got all the way to that town with the daycare and restarted my game because I wanted a Murkrow instead.
I lose that Diamond cartridge.
Then I got Heartgold and my first shiny in it was a Tentacool but one of my friends restarted my save.
Then I started a new save and went into the Dark Cave and encountered a shiny Geodude, I had no Pokeballs lel.
Then another save later I SR'd for a shiny Totodile but got Cyndaquil instead and SR'd for a shiny Ho-Oh too.
In Platinum I RE'd a shiny East Sea Gastrodon. Too bad.
In Black I first encountered a shiny Foongus with Pokerus on my first run, then a shiny Gurdurr and Frillish both in two consecutive weeks. And recently last week a shiny Durant and then a shiny Combee three days afterwards.
That's about all the shinies I've encountered that I can remember.