I honestly can't forget any of the Pokemon. I don't understand how you guys could, on a board designed for Pokemon. I don't have to use it, but if you show me a pic of like pic related I'll remember at least what game and what type they are.
>>13298006Ruby/Sapphire, Bug/Flying (I'm pretty sure).
>>13298066How can you forget Gold/Silver can learn any move Normal beagle painter?
>>13298093How can you forget Ruby/Sapphire cute pink Clamperl evo that's actually a murderer Water-type?
>>13298140Or Ruby/Sapphire Normal color changer that was the Gen 3 Snorlax obstacle?
>>13298148Or the Fire-type that I thought was in Gen 3, but was actually from Gen 2.
>>13298179Or the Dark/Flying counterpart to Braviary in Gen V.
>>13298191Or the Ground prevo of the other sand summoner from Gen IV
>>13298199Or the Gen II only Psychic/Normal that's a palindrome?
>>13298222Or the worst Flying/Normal regional bird from Gen V?
>>13298225Or the Bug that evolves into Forretress from Gen II?
>>13298253Or the amazing Ground-type olliphant from Gen II?
>>13298255Or one of the few Ice-types from Gen V?
>>13298298Or 'the most forgettable Pokemon' Water-type from Gen IV?
>>13298332Or Dark/Flying mafiadon memecrow (Gen IV)?
>>13298341Or Murkrow, prevo of above (Gen II)?
>>13298450Or Nazca lines magic guard psycho shift Flying/Psychic (Gen V)?
>>13298497Or delicious berry Grass-type that changes form in the sun (Gen IV)?
Honestly, it's incredibly easy to remember Pokemon, they're all distinct.
I'm serious, there is no forgettable Pokemon.