Write thread - Mega edition!
FanFiction General
>Post your favorite Pokemon fanfictions! >Ask for opinions! >Share what you're working on! >And etcetera! Old thread:
>>13159787 IRC:
>irc.rizon.net #vpwritethread Catalog:
>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saTgrG8d0KhCsVwne47w-kYbfGoL9e7wsnrEEzoqqY8/edit?usp=sharing When posting fics in the thread, please post them as links instead of dumping them. It’s recommended you spoiler the link, as unspoilered links tend to get deleted by the janitors, especially if you mention smut in your post.
Can we post NSFW fics?:
>Yes, in a link. How do I get a story in the catalog?
>Post in here with the name of the author (If linking from a non-anonymous source), the name of the fic, the genre, and a short summary, and then ask for it to be put in the catalog.
The ampharos looked at me with distain after I stained his membrain with spilled tea. He bagon to glow. "Ampha, no" i say then he turn. The glow become lusterous locks of angelic puffin. This is the day I became a man.
Man so I decided to venture into some not-pokemon fanfiction as a breather and it's really weird. Like in ways I wouldn't expect even, like how the fact that I've been playing pokemon since I was a kid and being really devoted to it for a lot of that time since has left me with enough knowledge about the world that I have a really concrete headcanon of how everything works regardless of whether it's something that's ever come up or anything. Like now that I'm trying something without that same familiarity I'm really lost, because I'm so confused about so much of the mechanics of the world. Even my original fiction isn't as confusing as this, because at least there if I'm not sure of how something works, whatever I end up thinking up as a solution is immediately canon if I wish it to be, but in this it's like "yeah this could work like this, but does everything else support it? Is it possible some later revelations will invalidate it?" Then there are the issues like the one that is giving me the most grief at the moment: putting a character through a scenario that nothing in canon sheds light on how they would react in it. This is made even more frustrating since it's something the character must've gone through at some point, but it happened off screen since they're not that important. All in all I have to say it's the most frustrating and fun writing experience I've had in a while. Would recommend trying it yourself.
>>13313324 10/10 would fap to again
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Quick someone write a fic about the struggles of MegaAmpharos goes through in keeping its mane as luxurious as possible all the time
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>>13314086 Anon
>>13313324 requested to the rescue
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13322571 It's not actually done yet, but it's for SnK.
I'm basically writing Hands Down but in boot camp with a thinly veiled self insert as a comedy relief character.
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
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>>13322709 That actually sounds like it could be enjoyable, so I encourage you to keep going!
On my end, I know I'm going to have a lot of fun with these Mega Evolutions... this news today really handed me a big gift.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Hey everyone in /vp/'s write thread, Clouded Dawn back here if you remember my fondly yet. I need some help motivating myself to finish a story I started about Hilda X Rosa if you read it so I can move onto some other works I have in mind. I really don't want to start another big story yet until I get this done due to the fact that I did just that with this story and don't want to go through with not wanting to write the finally of the story. I figured I'd ask just because I'm a little bummed that I've lost motivation for it even tho it made me so excited to write it before due to the feedback I got from it.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13323115 me-
Fuck I hate when I make small mistakes that I don't notice till afterwards.
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13323115 What's the basic setup?
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13323254 Sorry still a bit new with this but what would you mean by the setup? Like the setup to the ending or the story in general?
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13323359 Like, the basic premise behind it, the context for how they meet, whatever like that.
>>13324274 I'll spoiler the description that I put for
fanfiction.net .
HildaxRosa shipping fic, Hilda is confused by her sudden feeling of the same gender, specifically a girl she meets named Rosa in the now peaceful region of Unova. Rated M for language, sexual situations and lemons later on. Strong yuri content so viewer discretion is advised. Reviews are loved. (I do not own the likeness of pokemon.) Basicly more into the plot that's explained in the first chapter that it's two years after the climax of black/white2 and they met through a battle when things got peaceful, Hilda lost but Rosa was really kind to her about it when she was feeling down from the defeat. The whole story is about their life two years later.
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Two old stories I wrote a long time ago. Feedback strongly welcome.
http://pastebin.com/742xuHxe http://pastebin.com/rZnwKf8N Anonymous
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13324534 Fuck it don't matter but I forgot my tip in this post.
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13324534 Well, I'm not too great with writing that kind of thing, but I do like the basic idea.
Maybe you could also have them bond over things that they share, like their encounters with Team Plasma?
>>13313274 I'm looking for a fic- specifically a male human on female Pokemon fic. Nsfw welcome. It's a shame Solceon Daycare is over.
Kyouhei !!iyGYdLJbI/k
>>13325308 In general, or would you rather one of us write one?
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13325290 Fuck I don't remember if I have done that yet but it might be a little late for that now. I'm almost at the climax of the story now
strangely even though I love the story, I'm tired of writing it now and want to fucking end it. I can send a link if you want to take a read sometime? I can't promise it'll be great.
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>>13325355 Either/or. I really love reading fics about that kind of thing. Not just because its nsfw, but because that the fics feel more like bonding with Pokemon more than nsfw.
Sorry for the short wall of text, just thought I'd explain myself. I like Gardevoir.
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>http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8673844/3/Hands-Down About fucking time, if I do say so myself.
Almost worried it wouldn't get done before the XY release.
The epilogue almost for sure won't be, but some things just can't be helped. Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13325378 I suppose I can give it a look, whenever you feel like sharing.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13325505 >http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9218584/1/No-Way-are-Roses-this-Beautiful Alright here it is, have a go at it. It gets pretty sexual later on so just a warning now.
it's my first time writing this kind of thing so I-I hope it's okay anon-kun... Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
First chapter for my new story, starring a female Zoroark.
SFW. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9578315/1/ Anonymous
I want to write and there are two separate stories I'm working on at the same time. I can't get either of them done since whenever I start up writing on one I'm thinking of ideas for the other.Have any advice?
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That feel, though I can't say I have any advice for you though, I usually just try to work through it. Anonymous
>>13326131 it's good but it would be better if every character was Roxie instead
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>>13335067 Don't worry, I'll whip something up with Roxie pretty soon.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13335672 Hopefully it'll be
tsundere yuri fic but that's just my taste.
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
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Chapter 2 out.
Short one, merely for the sake of development.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9578315/2/The-Thin-Lines Anonymous
>>13335773 I need to write a really tsundere character one day. I think I missed a chance with Roxie in Hands Down.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13342323 I kind of noticed that two. Like I haven't finished reading it all yet but I noticed how she was a bit tame and such like yes most rockstars are chill, but I see her as a tsundere more then anything.
>>13342399 My headcanon personality for Roxie is actually really heavily based on an ex of mine. Like the only real difference is that my ex was a guitarist. I've actually never thought of Roxie as really tsundere (maybe some tsundere tendencies but never full on tsundere) either so I didn't think of it at the time.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13342539 Hey man don't worry about not thinking about it, you did the story the way you wanted and a I commend that, I suggested out of personal opinion so my opinion is a little lower than what yours is.
Also good for you for not doing whats been done hundreds of times. I like seeing that. [/spoiller] Anonymous
Kyouhei !!iyGYdLJbI/k
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>tfw have to write my own fapfics
>>13347443 >>13348599 don't bump the dead bread
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13348921 Not really dead per-say, just writing takes longer to read and write to begin with.
It's not really like the draw thread where a lot of people go and request things and there's a over population of anons that draw wheres the write thread might have what... 3-5 maybe more people who have dead motivation to write their own started works to begin with honestly idk where I'm going with this.
All in all its not like the draw thread where it's active all the time.
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>>13348921 lel make me turbo homo
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>write smut >4,000 views >write non-smut >50 views Stay classy, Writethread. Here's chapter three.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9578315/3/The-Thin-Lines Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13353432 Hey you two!
Time to drink something classy and read some smut like always. Aslo.
>I get it's sarcasm >Not like the draw threads are any better with smut requests Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
>>13325551 I just read the first chapter. Not bad, you have a pretty good idea going. I think the one thing that would definitely go to improving it is making the language flow a little bit better. Some of the lines, such as
Hilda was now the age of 20 in this new peaceful region of Unova, a nice early morning sunshine has awoken her from her sleep as she yawned in a pleasant manner and smiled to the arrival to a brand new day. are phrased a bit awkwardly and it distracts a little from the overall tone. Using that sentence as an example, you could try something like
Hilda, a 20-year old young woman living in the now-peaceful region of Unova, was awoken by the sunshine peeking through her window. She yawned pleasantly and smiled to greet the brand new day. This makes the language a bit clearer and expresses your overall point better.
I like the idea, so I definitely wish you luck with it.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13354190 Ah I see what you mean, it might be a bit choppy for you later on than if that bugs you a bit. I did notice that reading over it myself a couple nights ago so I can tell I'm just barely starting out to begin with. Plus I need to take the time to read over it then just finish and release.
Butler|1163 7517 8595 !!vQF061dDoa/
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>>13354293 It's something easily addressed, though. Just do some more reading and get used to clearer phrasing. Once you get used to it you should be able to iron it out easily.
>>13353432 >Zoroark I'll give it a t...
>Drama/Tragedy nope
Nah, I'll read it anyways
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13356997 Is it any good so far? I'm not much into those kind of storys so I won't be reading it myself.
I'm not entirely sure that you all will like this one, but I found one recently that's still on-going, but enjoyable.
That is, if you don't mind
anthro .
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8958571/1/Flame-of-Life Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13357866 >Is on 4chan >asking if we don't mind anthro It's not my cup of tea but I'm sure you don't have to question if people mind here.
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>>13353432 >mfw my sfw fic is more popular than my nsfw fic because every new chapter pumped it up to the front page to more exposure Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>>13357628 Just read the goddamn thing. It's my first attempt ever at making people cut onions in front o' the screen, I need as many volunteers as possible for my experiment.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13361764 Well you really can't force me can you? It's like trying to force feed medicine to an old man that would die if he didn't take it when the old man has lost the will to live. It's just wrong. I'd be more inclined to do so if it was my kind of story.
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>>13361841 I was just joking, don't need to snap at me like that.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>13361859 I know man I was just saying. I wasn't angry bro I was jsut making fucked up examples because I like doing that kind of thing for some reason. Really doesn't come out right through text based convos tho. No harm tho.
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>>13361894 Does this mean you will read it? Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13361905 I'd say it's a solid maybe from me. No promises. It'd be like me back in high school when they'd give required reading and I'd say "YEAH I'LL READ IT!" Then I never read the book and fail every reading test. So yeah... Maybe. Anonymous
>>13353432 Your lack of emotion or setting of a scene is extremely apparant, try to first set the surroundings so the reader can get a basic idea. And as the prophet homer once said, ''increse your wordiness''. Seriously work on establishing a emotional norm and mood so the story doesnt feel as bland as cornflakes.
Clouded Dawn !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>13361917 D-do you not like cornflakes anon-kun? Also I kind of like that saying, I might use it now. Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
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>>13361917 I'm working hard on this. It's even worse when you're not on your mother language.
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
>>13361917 Not trying to make up excuses, though...
I'm just way too paranoid of adding unnecessary chunk to my text or sounding redundant. I thank you, based anon, for pointing this out early in the story.
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>>13361917 Homer was a prophet? Wasn't he a poet?
My first fiction, comfort/trying to teach lucariowritefag to properly use scenery and emotional setting to build a better story.
http://pastebin.com/F2xqa1AC Anonymous
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>>13361968 It helps build a proper setting and pace so the reader doesn't feel like everything is going at a unusual pace, it also helps make the shock value more believable so that the happy and calm atmosphere you established is completely shattered.
What time does the First Place match start in the Pokemon Championships (TCG/video game). I love in Vancouver and I'm thinking of going. I checked the Pokemon World page, but couldn't find anything.
>>13362292 9:00 for vgc, 12:30 for tcg
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>>13362309 Thank you. I didn't mean to post in this thread. I wanted to make a thread, but I was reading here and accidentally posted. Thanks a lot!
I want to do a self-insert mary sue about me and my level 100 Gardevoir. I would replace my player character in the Pokemon world. It'd be similar to the anime's setting, but with the game's characters. Me and my Gardevoir talk telepathically all day erry day about pointless shit a la Lucky Star until she starts to suspect that I don't belong on the world because I become careless after having slept with the Pokemon a few times. Oh, yeah, did I mention there's pokephilia?
>>13362357 also she had a nickname like Lucia or something
and she likes it when I call her Lucia
but when she starts to become suspicious of me I make her uncomfortable so she starts to take comfort in being degraded by being asked to be called 'Gardevoir' here and then
and it's akward because other Pokemon trainers think we stare at each other because we're all telepathic and shit
it's like psychic sex yo
>>13362366 but the whole plot is intricate. like she has odd vague memories of when I played her on the gameboy, and it's difficult to piece them up with our new, interpersonal one on one relationship because of the whole continuity of actually being in the world and not being the world playing a game as comparison
>>13362378 gardevoir secks
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>>13362238 This was actually pretty nice. It could use some editing, though I'm guessing that's just because you did it really quick.
The Cancer
>>13313274 that picture has always creeped me the fuck out
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
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>>13362238 Thank you based anon
I-I'll work h-harder, s-sensei-sama Anonymous
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>>13362357 >>13362366 >>13362378 >>13362388 I'll be honest with you. Don't take this the wrong way but
I'd totally read that. Anonymous
>>13362238 You're damn good, guy. Have you written anything else?
Anyone here read any of Ri2's work?
The Cancer
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>>13365746 >doesn't scare me, OP's image has the face of pure insanity Anonymous
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>>13371626 You should. I'd tenderly, passionately read every single line out of it.
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>>13371626 the ssimple words, i would read every line, give a stronger message despite its simplicity.
Lucario !MLWuprjgYs
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Here is chapter 4. Chapters 5 & beyond will take a while longer, I'm afraid.