>>13375653/v/ basically had the same elitist mentality that you did.
moot responded to that and asked them what they disliked.
This was when /vg/ was born and when /v/ began to fall.
Most of the decent discussion moved over to /vg/ where people help each other, tolerate opinions all while having fun.
/v/ at this time was stuck with pokemon, retro games, recent releases and sales.
/vp/ was created around the time B/W because the pokemon general threads were always on the front page of /v/ and people were complaining.
And now for the most recent one /vr/ there's no point in telling you how this came to be because it's pretty obvious.
Anyway now, because of that elitist mentality, /v/ is filled with shitposters while most of the intelligent discussion moved over to /vg/, /vr/ and to an extent /vp/.
If that doesn't tell you you're wrong then I don't know what will.
Anyway I'll be leaving now because there's no point in continuing past this point.