>>13377588Thanks, I had expected nothing but a slew of shouts of IMPOSTER and sages, and people trolling me about my nostalgiafaggery, but you guys have been a pretty receptive audience. I should start coming here more often again.
Most designs aren't set aside specifically, though some of the better ones, or those that they sunk more into developing before eventually cutting, get shelved and are more likely to be revisited.
Though, I've been looking at most of the current generation pokemon and nothing stands out as being a failed design I've seen before, though there are similarities here and there, I wouldn't be surprised if their borrowing ideas form multiple failures to make a single pokemon, or an artist remembering and old idea he had and implementing it with a few changes.
From what I can tell, it's mostly marketability that makes those decisions, and a lot of the designers get really bummed when their pet project doesn't make the cut, and I wouldn't be surprised if they keep pushing it.
Sorry I can't answer these better, but as I said, I worked there nearly eight years ago, so I'm not exactly in the loop on what their doing now outside of conversations with friends who still work there.