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Grolrious Plokemon Reaks!

No.13462505 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Goodo herro to you! My namuruu is Mr HatsudatsuMatsu-SanIchiChan, you mayl carr me Mr-SanChan. I'm heel today to spleek on the berhaff of grolrious Plokemon company, of whichu I am CLEO of, and also Plime Ministel.

I wirr leveal arr your qlestions and then gor awal folevel.

PIkachu wirr have a newr evorution carred Peepeepee, which attackru wirth mightly Thundelforce.

We haveu cut Galdevoil under many tellorist threats from soccel moms. Plokemon X annu Plokemon Y wirr be pliced at 1 americlan dorror, because arr copies are broke, and do not go past the intro scleen. To downroad the patch, it wirr cost you legistration into Plokemon webusite, bank infolmation, rinking to Facebook, and arso posting on grolrious leddit.