>>13470959While your girlfriend and, indeed, many learned professors have abandoned hope of ever discovering the truth behind whales, I for one feel that there still exists a worthy cause for examination. At first glance whales may seem unenchanting, however their study is a necessity for any one wishing to intellectually advance beyond their childhood. While much has been written on their influence on contemporary living, there is just not enough literature written about whales. Often they is seen as both a help and a hinderence to the aristocracy, many of whom fail to comprehend the full scope of whales. Keeping all of this in mind, in this essay I will examine the major issues.
Society is a human product. When Sir Bernard Chivilary said 'hounds will feast on society' he could have been making a reference to whales, but probably not. No symbol is more potent than the whale in society today. It raises the question 'why?'
Our post-literate society, more than ever before, relies upon whales. Clearly they promote higher individualism and abeyance of instinct. As soon as a child meets whales they are changed.
Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with whales. We will study the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model. Taking special care to highlight the role of whales within the vast framework which this provides.