>>13492069Here's this term again. Jumping the Shark. Being used wrong yet again on /vp/ by you ignorant fucktards. "Jumping the Shark" is plot related you fucking plebeians. It refers to the time Fonzi jumped over a shark while water skiing on Happy Days, towards the end of its run when it was getting tired. A similar situation is "nuking the fridge" which is also directly related to the plot. Pokemon jumped the shark as soon as it was concieved. "10 year old children, catching powerful nature manipulating monsters inside tiny capsules" is just about the most insane thing out there. "Mega Evolutions" literally fits perfectly into the universe. It's expected. So no, assholes, you aren't using it right. Say it's being retarded, call it boring or overrated, but for the love of God, stop using this term wrong you fucking idiots.