The main reason I don't like Megas is that I don't like formes in general, except for things like Gastrodon or Burmy where it makes sense.
You know why they've done it though, it's so that 3-stage Pokemon can go further, but in my opinion, 90% of fully-evolved Pokemon are good enough anyway. Ok, there's things like Aggron that could do with tweaking, but I'd rather them make up for that with better movesets, abilities, etc.
I know a lot of people get annoyed about evos of past-Pokemon, but all I want is for Dunsparce, Sableye and Farfetch'd to get evolutions...I don't want them to change form, I want a permanent new Pokemon.
Some things I think could do with an upgrade but evolving would be silly, like Marowak, that's the kind of thing I want an evolution for. Yeah, I know it has killer attack, but a bit more bulk would really help.
Mega Kangaskhan I'm a bit impressed with, but I'd still rather it just have a pre-evo.
Ampharos I think is shite, they've just put on a perm and more spheres. Lucario and Blaziken win points for looking vaguely different to their originals, but they're not Pokemon I especially like so I can let them slide. Mewtwo I don't like one bit. Absol is vaguely interesting with its ying-yang thing, but I can't take it seriously with that quiff. And the wings just look like they were stuck on it for the sake of it. Mawile could have just done with an evolution.
Short answer: What do I THINK is going to get mega'd? Something that doesn't need it, like a startwr.