Wanna make a trade?
Wanna rustle up a battle?
Wanna bitch about breeding?
Wanna give or receive mystery eggs?
Here at WiFi-General, we do all of that and more!
--------------------Misc Info--------------------
Everything you need to design a trade sheet, make a mystery egg run report, or learn how to IV breed/EV train can be found here:
>www.mediafire.com/?53r9q20hpeuril5 But OP, how do I know who has what for trade?
>If there is not a link in the email field, the person probably has their trade sheet posted somewhere in the thread. But OP, what is a Mystery Egg run?
>As soon as you get your pal pad, you trade for six random eggs and use them to complete the game! But OP, the wi-fi is derping!
>Both traders exit and re-enter the WFC. Make sure C-Gear and voice chat are off! But OP, where do I check IV's?
>www.pokecheck.org But OP, I'm a newfag, what do?
>Always include FC, generation, and what you can offer in your post! But OP, 4chan's down, what do?
> Here is a link for list postan':
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13537748 >that feel when so dead I am florist ToTT:
Gen 6 Starter Typing Speculation Paul B2: 2452 6724 9756
>>13537802 >Fire/Psychic >Grass/Fighting >Water/Dark This is what I've been thinking from the start but I heard there was some evidence of Chespin being Grass/Fighting.
Also updated list
Quoted By:
>>13537802 tott:
fire/psychic,water/fighting,grass/dark New to Wi-fi general? :
http://pastebin.com/Hu3aaWX2 Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13537593 pls be in london Y-You should add me on Steam too. We can kill hunters, witches, and smokers.
I think my name on there is Reema. >>13537682 Even though I've memorized nearly everything, and how to upgrade my weapons in the most efficient way, it's still hella hard.
bretty gud/10
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Quoted By:
>>13537802 Fire/
Flying Water/
Fighting Grass/
Rock Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13537893 >Senpai never Sambies with me Sad
Xyvre 2710 1379 3197
>>13537748 >2013 >not shitposting Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13538044 Son
>this happened 20 years ago Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13538037 We can SAMBI now if you want, I'm in a zombie killing mood since
I've been repeatedly raped by chainsaw wielding women and Shreks pissed off cousin. Anonymous
>>13538071 good lord i literally do that in most every single post i create. but, i always make myself anon. mayhap dat is da secrt ot da evladingds dabans.
Wyatt Fish
Quoted By:
>>13537748 TOTT:
Fire, Water, Grass Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13538092 We need more players, if it's just me and you, It'd kinda be boring. If we can get 6 players, we could do Versus, oh god, so much fun could be had Nate !AfagtF18t2
Quoted By:
>>13538094 You should see Mattie
>>13537748 >Nate thread >Actually Trading And Not Shitposting DOHOHO. I see what you did there, you sly dog!
>>13537893 Americunt here. Sorry senpai ;_; B-But I'm shit at L4D/L4D2, though...
>>13537717 My Steam is in the e-mail field if you guys want to add me, though I can't play any vidya for a few weeks.
Wyatt Fish
>>13538131 >implying L4D/2 takes any skill and not just random autism You could add me on Steam~
It's the same as my Showdown
Bleeark Polite sage for off topic
>>13538132 L4D/2
Quoted By:
>>13538162 I'll play, I only have l4d2 though.
We l4d2/smashbros now.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13538106 Maybe we can invite a few people.
>>13538131 pls b a grill
I'll add you. :3 >>13538162 >L4D >skill top kek
If it doesn't happen then I'll probably just end up doing some random WiFi battles.
>>13538200 Check chat, Stu, Timtam and Valk are down for playan, and Zach
Just gotta reinstall L4D2, since factory reset uninstalled it.
Already 20%
Again, off topic polite sage
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
http://pokemonshowdown.com/replay/randombattle-47076895 Skitty v Slaking is the only noteworthy part of this battle.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13538230 Well slap a wig on me, dress me up, piss on me, fuck me sideways, binge drink until I'm near comatose, and call me qp we've got ourselves a game here.
Wyatt Fish
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
Quoted By:
Hi there WFG, how are you today?
>>13538241 Either paralize or truant, poor Slaking.
Grey : 4986 6289 0778
Quoted By:
'ey wfg Anyone up for a friendly battle
Aether 2882-0195-0438
Quoted By:
Box of misfortune time. Random egg get. Who wants?
Grey : 4986 6289 0778
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
I need a Tirtouga/Carracosta. Nothing special, just Pokedexing. I'm happy to borrow one, breed it and trade it back too of course.
Paul B2: 2452 6724 9756
>>13538709 I've got an extra one just give me a derp
Quoted By:
Anyone for Showdown?
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
>>13538736 A derp? As in any random Pokemon?
Paul B2: 2452 6724 9756
>>13538771 Yeah, actually if you have W2 a Skitty would be nice but otherwise just give me a Patrat or Pidove or something
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
Quoted By:
>>13538796 I can do a Skitty, I'm on White 1 and its traded up from Gen IV though.
Quoted By:
>>13538771 You're cute, little one.
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
Quoted By:
Lima pls come sambies
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 03:20:48 No. 13539061 Report >>13537703 Sorry about vanishing there.
Just a random Cryogonal? Specific Nature or anything?
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13539061 Modest/Timid
I can give you mostly anything you'd like for it.
Adieuu b2 3397 5339 0981
Quoted By:
Hi wfg. I hit a wall with my breeding because I forgot the whole "power item" thing. PWT or something hooooooooo
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 03:28:44 No. 13539181 Report >>13539082 I can do that easily enough. You going to be around a while tonight?
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13539181 I should be but I won't be able to trade since I'm not home.
Would you like me to get you something for the snowflake?
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 03:34:39 No. 13539276 Report >>13539220 Ah, alright. I can hold onto it for you then.
Wouldn't happen to have any PP items spare?
Quoted By:
I just got an odd keystone from the antique shop on W2. What can I do with it?
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Let's do some fucking trading.inb4 no trades
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13539300 Also, special call for Bane to pick up his Deino if he still wants it.
Dose anyone have a TM of toxic for heartgold or soulsilver?
>>13539377 Do you have any evo stones?
>>13539392 Which ones you want?
Anyone have the latest version of Pokegen or where to get it?
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13539276 Both PP up and PP max.
Max for Cryogonal?
SS: 3568 4717 3198
>>13539409 I don't care but leaf would be nice.
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 03:48:26 No. 13539468 Report >>13539450 Sounds perfect to me
/r/ing the original of OP's picture sage for off-topic
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13539468 Great. I've got quite a bit of PP raising items it seems if you'd want to do some breeding for them.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13539473 There's no original, really.
Most of it was added as we went along.
Quoted By:
>>13539494 Actually scratch that, I can't even remember anymore.
>>13539465 Got 2 of those actually. Do you want a pokemon too or should I just send it with a random rattata?
SS: 3568 4717 3198
>>13539506 I only want one. Just a derp is fine. What's your FC?
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 03:53:37 No. 13539536 Report >>13539490 Yeah, sure. Name some other stuff you want and I'll add 'em to the list
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13539536 Voltorb, Tauros, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy, Throh, and Golett.
Beneficial nature and two 31 IVs that aren't HP.
Let me know how many you can/are willing to do and what you'd like in return for your efforts
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13539529 Sorry for the wait my wifi was fucking up.
3870 0134 1112
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 04:09:06 No. 13539687 Report >>13539583 Lemme get out of Black Tower and do the Cryogonal before I promise to do any others.
I should be able to do the Voltorb, Tauros, and Golett easily enough though.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13539300 Well that's a grand total of 0 responses, so no more trading for the night.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 04:29:36 No. 13539887 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>13539300 I still want it. Thanks for holding onto it so long. I need sleep though, and don't have my game on me. I should be able to pick it up later today.
Quoted By:
Looking to trade a Tepig fir charmander, white 2, see image for friend code
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Is there anybody willing to give out a Mudkip? I want to raise a Swampert for my team. I have 6 badges and am willing to catch what you want/need. My Pokedex is at 54 caught right now. >Version White 2>FC 1765 4789 8592>Name Rachel
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
>>13540536 I will. Just give me a few minutes to breed one
>>13540580 Thanks! Do you want anything in particular? I also have some items if you want them.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13540586 Breeding? Grinding? Battling? Other?
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
Gible 4 perfect ivs hp att def and spd modest nature. I mean come on breeding for 27hours so far I have one with 3perfect ivs but not the nature I want then I get this
M \n
>>13540617 >breeding for 27hours >no everstone you brought this on yourself
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13540536 >Rachel I've liked that name.
Need anything else aside from Mudkip?
>>13540617 Use an Everstone son.
>>13540673 No sir, just Mudkip. And d'aww, thanks.
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
>>13540644 I make then hold power items so high chance of ivs being passed down , just so angry only took 13hours game time for perfect iv lavitar
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
Quoted By:
>>13540707 You're not having them both hold power items are you?
M \n
Quoted By:
>>13540707 It's 50% chance if they both hold power items, better off using the one you need the most and an everstone.
>>13540673 I've never liked the name Rachel. It's so plain
>>13540686 Oh god what am I doing wrong
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>13540680 Aw. Shucks.
>>13540682 B^) >>13540713 It reminds me of a friend I used to have. Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
>>13540719 That happens sometimes. Re entering the room and making sure c gear is off usually fixes it.
Enjoy your mudkip
Quoted By:
>>13540740 Awesome, thanks!
is the release of X & Y going to make wifi general awesome again? Maybe it just sucks for me because I only play soul silver.
>>13540772 Name me times when Wifi General has been awesome.
Quoted By:
>>13540779 >never >never >never >when dogfucker gives free bjs James.
Quoted By:
>>13540779 Days of Remi were bearable.
Quoted By:
>>13540603 Breeding Smeargle still.
Thinking about taking a break for Marill or Absol.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>13540779 Whenever I'm here.
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
Starting my next breeding project. Are you all going to abuse me if I put up Bold Misdreavus leftovers?
>>13541135 Post what you settled for!
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
Quoted By:
>>13541181 No, I'll get abused for that too.
Griffin (B2: 5329-8751-9586)(W2: 3053-4285-5385) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (B2: 5329-8751-9586)(W2: 3053-4285-5385) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 25 Aug 2013 08:58:44 No. 13541190 Report Give me a new breeding project, WFG. Breeding Archens is getting tiring. Maybe something with the Duskull line...
>999:59 playtime Well that's it, time to stop playing this game forever
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
>>13541227 I got that really quickly. It keeps going up when closed with c gear on
>>13541236 Wh-why would you have C-Gear on?
Alex B2: 4170 2367 4627
>>13541241 I didn't have any reason to turn it off. Left the system running overnight with the power cable plugged in.
Quoted By:
>>13541190 Some Beedrill would be cool.
Aether 2882-0195-0438
>>13539300 Will do anything for Deino
Quoted By:
>>13537841 how much for the darkrai
Quoted By:
>>13540664 >Rock Slide mah nigga
I'm currently killing time with PWT. Anyone can suggest a good par with my Milotic and Dragonite that would both cover their weaknesses. I just think of any.
>>13542107 any fighting type
Polar !p9fAgIvZlo
Quoted By:
sup, just checking muh bitches, sup lima
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13541260 Enjoy your new fucked battery.
Good Morning everyone.
To the person who was wanting a mudkip, I ought to be posting leftovers with good egg moves soon, if you want to come back then. At least 4*31IVs and Avalanche, Curse, Yawn.
Also, battle?
>>13541993 I have some modest Deino leftover, if you want that. Let me post my list
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542107 Something ground, because Thunder is bullshit in PWT.
>>13542138 >modest Deino leftover Everything is Timid...
Please give 21 Aether
>>13542138 T-thanks anon. Whatcha want for it?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542165 Didn't you know that's how you spell Timid now? I'm only spelling it the old fashioned way for you
Okay, I'll head inside with it
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542169 Pick one from my list that's still available and it's completely free. I'll also throw in a shard or pp up.
If you want it named, tell me that too.
>>13542146 Would inferape do good?
>>13542127 What's a fast ground/dual pokemon
>>13542178 Number 21
Name her 'Cuddles'
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542179 Infernape is a good choice for just about anything.
Fastest Ground is Garchomp. Landorus is next.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542196 21 just went to Zessica, sorry.
>>13542165 Thanks for pearl and excellent leftovers.
>>13542230 19 then? Name him 'Nibbler'
>>13542213 Thanks bro, I really appreciate the help. PWT is just cheating. I just don't know if it's just in Hard mode but... Even they're confuse+paralyzed+inlove they still always hit. pls moves like thunder that doesn't have a perfect accuracy will more likely to hit.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542251 Certainly.
>>13542253 It is, I hate Thunder Jolteon, it really messes up my Swellow and never ever seems to miss.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542300 Give me a min. WiFi is fail
Quoted By:
i have some snorlax if anybody wants. there not specially breed iv snorlaxs or anythnig special at all. i will take any derp for trade.
im interested in some mystery eggs i have three mystery eggs to give away.
Quoted By:
>>13542351 I'll bite. Whadda you want?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542387 You're welcome!
I am contemplating buying a 3DS XL Video Capture Kit for X/Y and stream laddering/breeding/whatver. Do you guys think it's worth the 230$ investment? Might even be enough people interested in watching something like that, considering that most people interested in competitive gameplay just play/watch Showdown? I assume if I can get a ~150 viewer base I might be able to pay it off in donations eventually. Otherwise the investment seems pretty high.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542462 Given that the 3DS still hasn't been hacked, it might gain some attention since you can't play and stream roms of those games.
However, have you seen the quality of the captures the device makes? If the quality is poor then nothing will save it.
I won't make any guarantees about numbers, but some of the more popular nuzlocke players used to be able to get to a peak of 70 or so viewers, however interest has waned considerably since then, I rarely see more than 20 these days.
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
I need a Shelmet/Accelgor. Nothing special, just Pokedexing. I'm happy to borrow one, breed it and trade it back too of course.
>>13542495 Well, the quality seems very good, I've sent the manufacturer questions about their software, including max resolution. But from some videos I've found on videos it seems pretty smooth.
Also, I'd like it to be a regular stream, with content being mostly breeding, online battles (Nintendo ladders should be more interesting now that disconnects count as losses), GL tournaments, interesting ways of tackling ingame content (themed teams for the obligatory Battle Subway equivalent etc.) and generally rather close interaction with the viewers.
I realize it'd still be a pretty niche stream, not gonna attract too much attention on twitch, but I think it might be a pretty cool experience for myself and maybe I'd be able to acquire some regular watchers..
Not that 230$ would be that much of an investment, but I'll be attending university around X/Y release, which means I'll have to plan my finances a lot more carefully from now on.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542538 I can give you one, I think.
>>13542551 That sounds like something I'd be interested in at least, especially theme teams and the subway/online battles.
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
>>13542572 Sweet, want anything in particular for it?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542585 No, anything random is fine. I'll add you and head inside
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
>>13542601 Alright, cheers dude
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542613 Make sure voice and C-Gear are off, both of those can cause problems with me. Let's both leave and re-enter too, that sometimes helps too.
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
"Con " : 1121 2279 2256
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542679 You're welcome, good luck with the dex
Anyone have a Lapras I can trade for?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13542735 Sure, let me breed one. I can give it curse and avalanche too if you want, though that might take a little longer, since I'll need to get a female first.
Quoted By:
>>13542735 No.
No one is trading.
Go away.
Why is this Moth guy such a prick all the time?
>>13542755 Can't reply to my face, faggot?
>>13542768 Maybe it's a reference to how you posed as 'The Thread' in ye olde days...
>>13542774 I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
I'm just bored.
>>13542779 >>13542735 >Defence stat increase !Moth.raJtM
Quoted By:
>>13542787 >defense >not special defense >implying moths do anything but quiver dance Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542735 Got a Lapras for you. As a bonus it even has some perfect IVs
Aether 2882-0195-0438
>>13542962 Holy shit man thanks! Headin to a PC now
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13542986 You're welcome, hope that helps.
Aether 2882-0195-0438
Quoted By:
>>13543024 It will m8. Especially with its Water Absorb
I'm gonna try to do some egg move breeding to get some trading trinkets. How exactly does the passing down of moves work? Can the male pass down any move it can learn or a few selected ones?
Quoted By:
>>13543107 Males can pass down any move it learns but the child will have a set list of moves it can inherit from the father.
In addition to true egg moves which require breeding from another species parent (or with a parent who has been bred with those moves) you can also pass down TM and tutor moves with just the father knowing them, and level up moves if both parents know them (both parents must know the level up move even if they're different species).
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Aether 2882-0195-0438
>>13543296 How about I go back to sleep and you
come back to bed Melek B2 : 3526 4167 2734
Hey everyone! Could anyone spare a Ralts Egg? I've just completed the third Gym and I'd like to add one to my party.
>>13543337 I can breed you one real quick.
Melek B2 : 3526 4167 2734
>>13543365 That would be awesome. I have nothing good to give in return though...
>>13543380 Perfectly all right. Take it for free. I just got an egg, oval charm speeds things up a lot. You available now? My code is 2280 6503 8163
Melek B2 : 3526 4167 2734
Quoted By:
>>13543405 Yeah I'll be on my way to the Pokemon Center! Thanks a whole bunch!
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13543320 fite me irl 1v1 i swer ill fukn rek u m8
>>13543327 How about no? jvk be right there Aether 2882-0195-0438
Nate !AfagtF18t2
How the fuck is this thread still alive and not even at 200 posts yet?
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13543417 >jvk be right there I am just a moth, pls don't confuse me like this
Melek B2 : 3526 4167 2734
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Quoted By:
>>13543454 Ravi wut r u doin
Rabi stahp
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13543456 >>jvk be right there >wait did I really write that? >wha- holy shit Wow.
Quoted By:
>>13543460 Let me know if that wasn't the right egg. I'm doing some egg move exportation with last resort torchic
Does anyone want to fight my frog/toad team? Level 50 unless there's somehow an auto 100(all my pokemon are 50)
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13543488 I'm assuming on cart? I can battle you
>>13543514 Yes, my friendcode is 4428 3018 7792
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13543584 Okay let me head inside then. You'll want Flat Battle
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13543584 Good game, I was expecting belly drum poliwrath. Politoed was bulkier than I was expecting too.
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=search&vid=&bid=590565625638 Abzu
>>13543720 Thanks, my toxicroak would had been useful in that situation.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13543766 Empoleon being slow as shit really helped me too, since I saw what you were doing, let me switch in safely
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>13543443 Because I'm not here.
>Quoting a random post Oops.
Werther 0518 7387 1080
uguu !uuuuuuuux.
Should I go for a shiny Mothim? it's only male, so if i get a female, i get shit
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544047 Go for it, shiny mothim looks pretty good
>>13544009 Didn't you do that last time too?
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13544086 I-I don't think so..
How goes [breeding project here]?
Matt 335457713706 !!yxxG0/jULJl
Hi wiffy general, newfag here. I want to have a shiny non-legendary trade. Here's what I've got:>shiny rhyperior, lv. 81 >shiny metagross, lv.82 >shiny tangrowth lv. 100 >shiny empoleon, lv. 100 Let me know what you have. I'm trying for something that balances out my team, so fire, ghost, fighting, grass, and electric types would be great. I'm open to almost anything. Sorry if I'm being a huge n00b, so tell if I'm doing something wrong about this trade request.
>>13544027 Oh hey, it's qp.
Hi qp.
>>13544122 Do you know about the pokecheck website?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544117 It's mudkips and it goes, but slowly, my mother mudkip is now level 52, and my father I levelled up so it wouldn't forget egg moves, I'm trying not to settle on it, it's 31/31/28/28/31/31 though and that's tempting.
What's your current project and how's it going?
>>13544122 Instead of saying what you have, how about you also ask for what you want/need.
Most people will trade shiny for shiny, but some people will jew you out of them for a regular pokemon, so keep that in mind.
Also use pokecheck so we know they're legit.
uguu !uuuuuuuux.
Quoted By:
>>13544142 Hi Anonymous. :3
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13544155 I would totally settle on that. What set are you going to use?
I finished getting egg moves for everything, and now I'm just looking for genderless/male exclusive mons.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544177 Probably curse avalanche EQ Waterfall, but I have Yawn as an egg move too because it's tempting to take that over waterfall.
My Empoleon has me spoiled a little bit on breeding though. If it gets much higher level I will settle for now, at least. I can always come back to it, but if I let it get all the way to 100 I'm fucked
Matt 335457713706 !!yxxG0/jULJl
Quoted By:
>>13544146 >>13544157 I just looked it up, and now I question whether legit or not myself. I'll upload them there if I can figure out the wifi WPN-thingy, and go from there.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13544209 Try it out and if you don't like it, you can always teach it Waterfall whenever.
You can still EV train things at lv100 in gen V
>>13544027 Oh look it's you.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544267 I know, but I don't evolve my breeding mons because it affects hows fast I get eggs/how high I have to grind to keep eggmoves/ having to evolve a new parent is a pain.
You're right though, I should just stick with Yawn and if I don't like it replace it with waterfall, but if I do the other first I can't go back.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13544309 Oh. Well, you'll have a good Mudkip for.. something.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544361 Little Cup!
Eh, if it gets to 98, I'll just let it evolve. It's still a bit away from there, though
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13544400 Little Cup is more of a level 5 thing though.
Eviolite Mudkip?
Hey guys I need a little help with nicknaming my female venonat, and aerodactyl.
Quoted By:
>>13544440 Bologna the Venonat, and DICKS the Aerodactyl
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Quoted By:
Hey guys back again today. Still looking for a DWF tentacool if anyone can help out.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13544435 So it is, I forgot, I don't play it much. It could be a yawn setter with eviolite, and curse for bulk
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Quoted By:
>>13544495 Worst case scenario, you've got Yawn/Curse/Rest/Waterfall Eviolite Mudkip, shuffling your opponent around stacking residual damage.
At least until one of them falls asleep that is.
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Quoted By:
sure is slow in here
Sam 2022-7467-4858
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Good afternoon wfg!
uguu !uuuuuuuux.
>>13544280 Hey there, Pleb-kun. ~
How have you been?
>>13544718 Verily.
Wyatt Fish
Quoted By:
Just got my 2 shiny dialga event thingys.
>>13544928 I've been alright. I'm like 6-0 with no motivation to play at all on the suspect ladder and I'm steadily improving in
League of Plebs uguu !uuuuuuuux.
>>13545082 I'm glad I'm already done with reqs, got absolutely no motivation to play right now. #freepony and stuff. ~
>League of Plebs Absolutely disgusting.
>>13545229 I don't actually care about the vote, I just wanted to see if I could make reqs but then I won 6 times in a row and lost all motivation to play.
I've got everything that's colored. Anyone feel like helping me out? My priorities would be the legendaries and starters I don't have. You may notice some of the ones I'm missing are evolutions or pre-evolutions to ones I already own. Most of those I'll work out later, but my Pichu, for instance, is a shiny I'd rather not evolve. I don't have many spares at the moment, but if you let me know in advance if you're looking for anything, I'll see what I can do. Thanks in advance.
uguu !uuuuuuuux.
>>13545389 >I don't actually care about the vote Pleb-kun, pls, you must aid me in keeping the evil Smogonfag empire from banning best pony. :<
Wyatt Fish
>>13545423 I can give you the legendary birds if you can spare an event legend or two
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13545423 I need to do this as well. I'll post my list in a bit and we can organize some swaps if you'd like.
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Battery is almost dead, but is anyone interested if free female smeargle leftovers? 31/31/?/?/31/31 ?/31/31?/31/31 31/?/31/?/31/31
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Hello ded thread. Apologies to the people who were expecting DWFs from me, I ended up on a surprise visit home this weekend. I'll be delivering all the DWFs tomorrow, along with doing more Happy Hours if anyone is interested.
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
>>13546455 Good to see you Amoeba.
Gib me free dwfs Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13546476 Hey momiji! I see you've had the high honor of starting a drawfag thread~
You can have free DWFs when Happy Hour is active~ Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
Quoted By:
>>13546489 Yeah!It's the first time I make a drawfag thread, it feels good.
I'll be expecting for it!I ve been quite lazy about finishing my DWFs Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 21:52:17 No. 13546579 Report Quoted By:
>>13546455 Heya Amoeba. Good to see you're back!
Looking for a Modest, untrained Vulpix with Drought. Willing to trade Terrakion, Virizion, or Ho-Oh for it. Or possibly something else if you prefer that.
jvk - NEW 1894-2420-1267 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>13543464 It seems I can't leave your mind, sempai
I decided I will lurk no longer with a anonymous name and actually make it easier for others to find me. That is, once I decide on one. Until then, I look forward to trading with everyone.
>>13546607 Got someone who hit me up from da. After that, I'll breed you one, free of charge, since none of the things you offered interested me.
Quoted By:
>>13546812 ur name is now Potato
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
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>>13546718 I-it's just that you're r-really annoying is all!
Wyatt Fish
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 22:27:01 No. 13546974 Report >>13546948 Occasionally, Why?
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Still looking for a DWF Tentacool!
Wyatt Fish
Quoted By:
Does anyone want some DWF magikarp? I don't know if the IV's are good and don't feel like checking.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13547069 I have one spare.
>>13547090 Brawl also has tripping.
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 22:41:32 No. 13547112 Report >>13547090 >>13546966 >>13547002 I prefer Brawl over Melee because of it's
More Visually Appealing UI, and Modability. I'll admit that Melee is by default more competitive, but Brawl is more fun. Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
>>13547099 What would you like for one? I have a DWF lapras
Wyatt Fish
>>13547099 Wish you could turn that off.
Isla !!kG1HCO41lYm
>>13547090 >not having friends IRL to play vidya with /PWFG/ meetup when
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Sun 25 Aug 2013 22:45:13 No. 13547167 Report Quoted By:
>>13547120 Yeah, I'm a horrible gamer, I know.
>>13547137 You can,
Withmodding >>13547140 Why not both?
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13545423 Sorry, I'm going to have to retract my previous statement for a while as I realized 90% of the rest of my National Dex isn't complete due to laziness on my part (ie I need to breed/evolve).
>>13546080 Hnngg. Fukken saved.
>>13547099 Oh shit. Welcome back, Amoeba!
>>13547112 >he has fun playing vidya HAAH WAAW
I just wish Melee had Lucas and Wario. Honky
Quoted By:
>>13547140 I sometimes prefer the company here.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13547114 No, I mean I have one spare, you can have it~
in about an hour, got stuff to do first. >>13547186 >back I've been back for 3 threads fucker.
Hey icecream man~ Lab
>>13545767 Sorry for taking so long to answer. The only spare legendary I have is a Keldeo.
>>13546053 Sure thing.
>>13547215 thats ok with me
as long as it's legit
Quoted By:
>>13547186 I thought you might have had that one already, but I put it on anyway.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Grey B2 : 4986 6289 0778
Quoted By:
>>13547211 Gab that to my mug m8 n not online n see wot comes about.
get on Skype pls~ Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13547307 >Battle >On train wifi Yeahno.
>>13547264 Cool, just send me your FC, then. Can you trade now?
Grey B2 : 4986 6289 0778
Quoted By:
>>13547332 if ameoba is still here I'd like to have him/her check it just to be sure
I can pokecheck my zapdos for you if you want as well
>>13547404 I don't really mind. How do I check the Keldeo?
>>13547428 it's an event legend so it cannot be checked normally
ameoba is the only one I know that can check ribboned mons
>>13547464 Well my friend traded it with me personally, and all the data seems to match this one
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Wi-Fi_English_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_V#Distribution_2 The only difference is the level, which is now 51, but I'm the one to blame for that, as I used it a few times before getting my own Keldeo through an event.
>>13546812 Dude nice, I appreciate it. Would you be able to name it Uller as well? Is there anything you're looking for?
Quoted By:
>>13547505 Sure I can. I'll start the breeding now.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13547404 >him/her I can check that Keldeo if you check
your privilege cis scum ~
But sure, I can check it. Let me know who's FC to add, and I'll be there in 5 mins.
Rob, if you want that tentacool, I'll be in the wfc in a moment.
>>13547563 I believe it's mine. W2 4213 2117 7820.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Quoted By:
>>13547597 Alright, heading in momentarily.
>>13547500 just because the data matches, doesn't mean it's legitimate
there are clones out there.
have amoeba check it, just to be on the safe side
>>13547563 there are only two genders. if you aren't one of them then you are a freak of nature ~
also could you possibly teach me how to check ribboned mons so I can do it myself?
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13547619 Bitch I am an amoeba, gender means nothing to me~
You can only check ribboned 'mons if you're running the game on a flashcart, like an R4 etc. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>13547637 oh
well I guess I'm not doing that anytime soon
Quoted By:
>>13547563 i'll give you $50 if you cum for me on cam
4342 - 0394 - 2465
Anybody know of any trainers in Black 2 that own a Skitty/Pinsir/Rufflet? Last three I need in the Unova Dex before it's done.Haven't bothered with the game and so I thought I'd finish up with what I could.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13547703 A trainer between Black city and Undella town uses a Pinsir.
He's near the waterfalls.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Let it be known amongst those in WFG that Lab has a perfectly legitimate Keldeo. Heading back into the wfc Lab.
4342 - 0394 - 2465
>>13547737 Neat. Now how about those other two (Skitty and Rufflet)?
Quoted By:
>>13547783 Neat-o. Thanks for clearing that up.
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
>>13547211 just tell me when
0305 1759 2183
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>>13547783 heres my friend code Lab
4342 - 0394 - 2465
Quoted By:
Q. Why hasn't there been a trainer index for the games yet when there's one for wild Pokemon?
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13547784 Looks like you'll need to trade to see a Rufflet.
Skitty is with a female breeder on Route 12.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13547813 My apologies, I just checked and I must have released them.
I'll breed you one tomorrow, if you're still looking for one at that point. Again, sorry to mess you around there. 4342 - 0394 - 2465
Quoted By:
>>13547858 >Skitty >Route 12 on Trainer >Black 2
Quoted By:
>>13547858 But only in B/W
4342 - 0394 - 2465
Anybody got a Skitty and/or Rufflet?
>>13547898 I'll breed you a skitty
4342 - 0394 - 2465
>>13547907 Code?
Also, still looking for Rufflet.
0305 1759 2183
hold on LAB I may have forgotten to remove the Pokecheck DNS
SkittyIsLove B2 2280 6503 8163
>>13547923 >>13546812 >>13546607 Decided on a name at last. Skitty will be ready soon. Code in name
Quoted By:
>>13547956 That's ok, I'll be waiting.
SkittyIsLove B2 2280 6503 8163
>>13547963 Egg obtained. Heading to the club~
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Quoted By:
>>13547862 Ah bummer ok ill keep looking.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Quoted By:
Still looking for a DWF Tentacool!
4342 - 0394 - 2465
>>13547984 Shit sorry, ill be there momentarily. Been cleaning my room as I monitor this thread
Righ 3010 5928 5938
Quoted By:
Hey /vp/ this is my first time posting in one of these threads, anyway I was wondering if Anyone would be willing to trade me starter pokemon, I don't have any rare or interesting pokemon to offer though. Ill include me FC if anyone wants to trade, I'm playing on Black.
Quoted By:
Anyone want to help me evolve my Boldore?