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No.13571289 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I went into gamestop today to pick up a few event Dialga and a young boy noticed I had my ds and was talking to the cashier about pokemon. So he asked his mom if he could talked to me. She seemed disinterested and said okay. He pulled out a 3ds and asked if I wanted to trade. I said sure and asked him who his favorite pokemon was. He quickly replied Sableye (pronounced sably) I showed him a few I had and let him pick shiny sable named vincent. He asked me who I want and I asked who his least favorite was.

He said patrat (pronounced patrick) because his eyes are scary.

After the trade he was so happy and hugged me and said thank you!

I felt good to help the little guy out, brought me back to the days when I first started playing.

ITT: Feel good stories