[21 / 3 / ?]
So I'm gonna get back into Pokemon. Haven't played since Gen III, but I have heard of certain parts about the later gens thanks to friends. Did some further research into the franchise, and now my interest is piqued again. However, when I get back into things, I don't pussy foot it. Here's what I'm going to do: Beat Blue, Stadium 1, Crystal, Stadium 2, Emerald, Colosseum, XD, Platinum, Battle Revolution, Black 1, and Black 2. For the frontier thing in Emerald or whatever, I'm going to get all the symbols. Platinum, I'm gonna get all the ribbons and shit. Colo and XD, gonna beat Mt. Battle in those games. As for the portable games, I'll probably just have a casual, no items run through them. No nuzlocke, no crazy monotype, nothing of that sort. Just catching Pokemon that I like for their design and using them for fun. From my understanding, the portable games are all easy unless you do challenges, while stuff like Battle Frontier is ridiciulously hard. Might even go absolutely insane and complete all the pokedexes in all the gens. How fucked am I, /vp/?
Skip it and play X/Y>Not starting on the newest, best and most pure edition in the series
Don't play all those. Just do platinum and b/w. It's just a month away, and that will catch you up on all the pokemon you've missed. Or just skip it so you're not burnt out when x/y comes out.
>>13583817 Do White and Black 2 instead of Black and Black 2
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>>13583834 >tfw I'M burnt out on Pobeman right now >tfw October can't come soon enough Though isn't it amazing we've lasted this long without any deaths?
>>13583817 Gotta be honest, OP, i did the same thing, minus the battle frontier in platinum. Collosseum and XD, though?
Your ass is in for the long haul. Those games are slow as dicks and mt. Battle takes quite the toll on your sanity. It took me a month and a half to do both games' story, and 2 weeks straight for mt. Battles. Other games may not be slow, but prepare your anus for a month of doubles
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I can handle it. I'm a big fan of old 80s RPGs, which were generally grindy and slow as fuck. I'm okay with being in the long haul. I have OCD and I'm absolutely obsessed with clearing out everything imaginable in a game. That's why I'm going so far.
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platinum b/w b/w2 in that order
>>13583849 >start Mt. Battle >this won't take long >first few double battles go quickly >it starts to slow down >you're not even halfway >so many double battles you get double vision in single battles >reach the top >sanity near breaking point >opponents start warning you about the toughest double battle you will ever fight >the vast majority doubt your abilities and tell you to turn around and leave before it's too late >you reach the top >you feel like it's finally over >hear some rocks move behind you >turn around >Patrick Bateman appears to battle Anonymous
If you've already played up to gen 3 just skip the blue, crystal and emerald ones. Also stadium and stadium 2 were really more party games than something with a story that you play. I think battle revolution was the same. Just play Platinum, Black and Black 2, Colosseum and XD optional.
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>>13583836 This is the worst suggestion I have ever seen.
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>implying there's anything to do in Battle Revolution
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>>13583869 Not really party games per se. It's actually has a single-player option and it can actually be pretty fun at times if you're into competitive battling. It gives a very small sliver of what competitive Gen I (and II) was like.
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I recently just did this myself. Skip everything before emerald, you can't take those pokemon up through the games with you.
Fire red/leaf green instead of red and blue, and heart gold/soul silver instead of the originals. Don't waste your time on obsolete trash.
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>>13583909 thisthisthisthis
and you can even transfer them
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>>13583867 >the battle begins >doesn't even have a full team, just two Fearow >it should be easy, right? >knock out one >he uses full revive >quickly knock out the other >he uses full revive >after many hours, realize that he has infinite revives >the only way to win is to defeat them both at the same time >don't have any moves that hit both opponents >realize that you've wasted all your time trying to beat Mt. Battle >jump off in despair >a shout echos from above >you should've checked them when you had the chance Anonymous
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I swept mount battle in about 3 hours with my lead green team...anything over 60 ensures a straight through win
>Fire Red >Emerald >Colosseum >XD >Platinum >Soul Silver >White >White 2 This is the holy canon of pokemon games, follow this and you won't falter