[22 / 1 / ?]
Hey, I was thinking, what if we had a tournament about a week after XY was released. Now, I know what you're thinking, how can we have a proper tournament only a week after XY is released? Simple, only allow Pokemon that can be caught before the first gym is beaten to be used, with a level limit of 15 and only Berries as the held items. Of course, to keep things simple, no trades can be done, no breeding can be done, no move tutors, and no TMs (unless you can get one before you beat the first gym.) So, for example, if this was a Pokemon Ruby tournament, you could use ONE of the starters, Poochyena, Wingull, Dustox, Beautifly, Shroomish, Whismur, Geodude, Tailow, Nincada and Zigzagoon. They would essentially be limited to their level up movepools. Now, if you have already blazed past the first Gym, you can still participate, Just make sure that you follow the guidelines posted above. Now, why do this? First, it's fun. Second, EVs and IVs matter much less at lower levels than at level 100. Third, we can actually use some of the new Pokemon in an interesting setting. Would there be interest for this sort of thing?
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Can you plan this next month? like seriously I don't think this thread can be spawned so many times within this last month. I like the idea, I might be interested although it would have to be on my second cartridge because I plan on discovering a ton of things really quickly. But Im not going to remember or think about this next month, it would be best if it were planed then, In my opinion.
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I actually think this is a good idea. It'd really bring the spirit and challenge of battling back!
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>>13597428 I'm in! Keep re-posting this. Sounds like fun..
My boyfriend and I are doing this, kind of like adding a separate rival to the game. Right after each gym we're going to battle each other using the pokes we used to beat the gym leader and continue up until after the E4.
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
>>13598288 That could be another thing we could do. For people with a second cartridge or something, they can battle once a week after each gym.
btw, OP claiming trip and such.
>>13597428 OP that's a really good idea, but as other people ITT said, you have to repost this thread next month, or even in the first days after the release. If it happens I will enjoy it!
>>13599892 Actually, expanding on this, what if we were to have a game-wide competition. Every other day, you would face one person who is at the same gym as you. Then you have a best 2 out of 3 match, being alowed to switch teams up between matches. Whoever loses is eliminated from the tournament. Whoever wins is given a badge. This keeps going on until there are only a few left. Then, there is a massive double elimination tournament and the winner gets into the hall of fame.
This would take only a month, so this could be a regular thing to do. It would give people a reason to reset their games and begin anew. Maybe we could add unique modifyers once a month (every team must have 2 normal types/no more than 1 water type etc. only Normal Pokemon can use STAB attacks etc.).
>>13600135 I want to garner some hype and interest before the games come out. I also want to see what people want from a tournament like this. Do we want to have prizes? An interesting thing might be an egg that is allowed to participate in the next tournament. Also, what type of communication methods are we gonna have? Are we all just going to pile into a thread, or are we going to have a Steam/Mumble/Teamspeak/Skype chat or something? Is there anything we need to change? This first month is just basically bug-testing. And I need a good OP image.
On that note, does anyone want to do a test of the tournament with Gen 5? I think I've got my Black cartridge around here somewhere.
>Only level 15 >Before even the first Gym >An entire week after the game's release For what purpose
>>13600246 Fun. Bragging rights. Anonymous
>>13600259 Maybe for the people who got the game on the day before or the day of the tournament, sure
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
>>13600284 If this is a monthly thing, you can always join in next time.
>>13600209 Forgot trip.
>>13600304 I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying
A week after the game is released, everyone who would actually be taking part in this tournament would have already beaten the elite four and started work on gathering every pokemon in the region
Pee Wee League is kind of a shit thing to have an entire week after the release
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
>>13600391 So, should it be sooner? We could have the first one on the day of release.
>>13597428 ban return and it might be a good tourney
trust me, ban it
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>>13600569 If you insist on doing babby league, people would be ready to compete within a few hours of starting a new game, so the day of, or the day after, two days at most.
You could do it like a week after, but just make it level 50-60 instead, so people could actually use their in-game teams, and not have to go back and catch a bunch of random wild pokemon 20 minutes before the tournament starts, the worst that could happen is someone actually prepares for it
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
>>13600606 It honestly depends if you get it at the start or not. I think most Return TMs come after the first gym battle.
>>13600640 hopefully
that shit is way too powerful and too wide spread
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
>>13600653 Frustration would be an interesting thing. It's really hard to have a high-level unhappy Pokemon.
>>13600852 Let it die often, feed it bitter medicine, give it a shitty name, let it stay in the pokecenter.
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM
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>>13601113 Yes, but doing all that an hour or two after you get the game is very annoying.
TheAweDude !a2uDFch6hM