Wanna make a trade?
Wanna rustle up a battle?
Wanna bitch about breeding?
Wanna give or receive mystery eggs?
Here at Wi-Fi General, we do all of that and more!
--------------------Misc Info--------------------
Everything you need to design a trade sheet, make a mystery egg run report, or learn how to IV breed/EV train can be found here:
>www.mediafire.com/?53r9q20hpeuril5 But OP, how do I know who has what for trade?
>Check the trade sheets before asking. But OP, what is a Mystery Egg run?
>As soon as you get your pal pad, you trade for six random eggs and use them to complete the game! But OP, the wi-fi is derping!
>Both traders exit and re-enter the WFC. Make sure C-Gear and voice chat are off! But OP, where do I check IV's?
>www.pokecheck.org But OP, I'm a newfag, what do?
>Read this: http://pastebin.com/Hu3aaWX2 Previous thread:
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>posting the pastebin 10/10
Quoted By:
>all that text If only Ravi were here
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
ToTT: Is Phione a legendary?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13652239 Yes. On that note, I need another Phione. Anyone have one spare? I did something with mines, I can't remember what.
>>13652239 As legendary as Rotom >>13652262 I can breed you one.
Sounds like a good enough reason to finally withdraw my Global Showdown mons from the battle box.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13652296 I still have all my global showdown mons in my box too.
Of course, my global showdown mons are also my random matchup mons and my subway battle mons.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
So ToTT:Which Ability for the released megaevolutions is the best fit? Not best competitively, but that fits best with the theme of the pokemon
Finally got my
4 Dialga from Gamestop. Time to SR for nice natures.
>>13652239 ToTT:
________________________Yes Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13652711 >4 dialga Ohh god I still have 3 to SR. ;_;
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13652719 I only got one, but I haven't done anything with it, been getting my SS team together, it's beginning to look very nice.
>>13652719 I settle pretty quickly on event mons since I never use them anyway.
>>13652711 >>13652883 Oh, forgot my name there.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13652894 I used to do that, but the recent showdown made me want to try and at least get something usable out of them.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 16:19:03 No. 13653034 Report >>13652914 Do you aim for 31 IVs?
I'm way too lazy for that. Modest/Timid nature and 20+ IVs it is. Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13653034 I'd be happy with just 31s in Special attack if hp and speed were 20+, I'm really aiming for 31 in special attack and speed. I would possibly take Timid for scarf hilarity, though, but again with 2*31 for that
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
>>13653034 >>13652883 First one I settled on was sassy, 31/20+/31/25+/20+/15+
Was going for a modest one but this one was too nice to pass up.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 16:25:54 No. 13653127 Report Quoted By:
>>13653072 Having a similar situation right now.
+Sp.Atk -Def, whatever nature that is. Could make a nice mixed attaker.
Dat shitty HP though. Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
morning how does everyone feel about the direct?
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 16:35:38 No. 13653259 Report Quoted By:
>>13653244 Hi there.
Pretty good.
Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
I..i dont want to breed anymore.. Should i just settle with this 21/11/31/25/31/31 Marvel scale dratini? (i want sp.atk dnite, so 11 atk wont hurt, hp and sp.atk though..) I´m using 31/00/31/31/31/31 poliwag as father and 12/00/31/09/31/31 Dratini as mother..
Quoted By:
>>13653244 hello
pretty happy~
>>13653299 Also, would i get better result by replacing the current mother with a 16/00/31/31/01/31 one and pass sp.def through the father?
>>13653299 If you're Quiet no. If you're Modest, no.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 16:42:56 No. 13653385 Report >>13653299 If you're going for Sp.Atk you should aim for 31.
From my experience it's always better to breed with Power Lens or Power Bracer if you're breeding an offensive mon. Anonymous
>>13653375 it´s modest. Does it really make that much of a difference? :(
Wyatt Fish
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>>13653341 They both have 3 31's so it would yield the same results.
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>>13653389 It was just the implications that Quiet means mixed, although you said yourself that you don't care about Attack so it was dumb, but who isn't?
>>13653385 I would, but sadly i dont have a foreign female with 31 in sp. atk.
Also the current mother doesnt have the right nature, which means that the father (who has 31 in sp.atk) needs the everstone
>>13653439 If you're MM'ing don't settle until you get a shiny. If you're not upgrade yer mum.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 16:51:48 No. 13653526 Report >>13653439 I could breed you a german one if you'd give me good parents.
I just want to finish SRing these Dialga first, though.
>>13653505 I´m not, but i read somewhere that if mom and dad are from the same trainer, i´ll receive eggs at a much slower rate
>>13653299 I once hatched a modest Dratini.
She was not that good.
Keep breeding, never give up.
>>13653071 Turns out I have a Ghastly parked in the daycare and I don't want it to lose Disable jst yet, can you wait a little for your unlegendary Phione?
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>>13653526 I´m german myself, thanks though^^
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>>13653527 Yeah, something like that. When breeding pokémons with the highest egg count of the game I really don't think you shouldn't care about that, especially if you have the Round Charm. Especially compared to the time spent on IVs
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13653528 That's fine, I'm not in any rush or anything.
jvk - NEW 1894-2420-1267 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Hello, WFG. I remember saying something about Pokémon Bank on these threads long before the official anouncement. Question: am I psychic type?
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13653760 Actually I believe you're jew type, given the rest of that announcement.
jvk - NEW 1894-2420-1267 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>13653790 >Bank confirmed as jvk/Gustav type Amoeba - B2: 4342 3084 9252
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 17:12:51 No. 13653845 Report Second Dialga. 27/29/22/28/27/03 Adamant Nature. It's a bit tempting.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13653845 Trick room physical Dialga.
Go for it!
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 17:17:13 No. 13653893 Report >>13653882 S-SRed right as your message appeared.
.. Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>13653893 It was a half joke anyway, you really want better than that
Mystery Egg run update. Kabuto is carrying this team currently.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13654188 Looks pretty good. What abilities do they have?
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Quoted By:
>>13654188 Looking good man.
29/29/31/31/31/10 Dratini.. So close yet SO FUCKING FAR
>>13654242 Flame Body - Chlorofphyll
Run Away - Snow Warning
Reckless - Swift Swim
I'd add that to the next update.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>13654275 Two weather abilities and the only weather setter is for a different type. Looking good though, good luck with your quest
>>13654288 Yeah, the random nature of mystery eggs means there's no real obvious team dynamic unfortunately. Even so it's just the campaign and theres a reasonable level of variety so they should pull through just fine. Cheers man.
>>13654328 >unfortunately Come on, that's the very interest!
Quoted By:
>>13654343 Very true, the only Pokemon on my team I've used before is Starly so it's cool to use Pokemon I otherwise wouldn't and the make do nature is definitely the appeal.
>>13654259 29/22/21/29/31/31
opinions? still not enough?
M \n
Afternoon all, how's everyone's breeding going?
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 18:17:08 No. 13654727 Report Quoted By:
>>13654645 Looks good.
I'd go with at least 3x31 though. Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13654702 Hi M. Managed to breed 2 Eevee DWF today so I'd say its going pretty good. Now that I have confirmation that pokemon are transferable I might start on a shiny MM.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 18:23:23 No. 13654814 Report >>13654702 Oh, hi there M.
Currently breeding
Dialga . Only getting shit right now.
M \n
>>13654789 That's good, just started Sphealing now, so hopefully that turns out well enough for me.
>>13654814 How many did you get, and what are you settling on?
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 18:45:23 No. 13655087 Report >>13654852 Got 4. Not really sure what I wanna settle on, but Modest/Timid with high Sp.Atk and Speed is always nice. Maybe I'll get some ideas for other things while SRing, though.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
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>>13655087 Bold and Calm are both good. Mild/Lonely if you want to try mixed.
M \n
Quoted By:
>>13655087 Damn, good luck with that, hopefully the RNG gods shine on you today.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
So I am playing on an english copy of the game - can anyone with a foreign copy help me out? What i'd like to do is trade for a ditto, a ditto with a 31IV in one stat or a pokemon with 2-3 perfect IVs and a certain nature. In return I could trade you the same, or something I can get for you.
Evening gents. Im the person that has been looking for a Dialga and Kyogre for my National dex completion. Luckly with this Shiny Dialga event, I just now need to look for a Kyogre if anyone is willing to help me.
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13655717 how desperate are you? I'm about to take a shower and than head out to buy some groceries for dinner
if you can wait I can lend you a kyogre to complete your dex. its possible I might even have an extra one you can keep
>>13655880 Well i'm free for a hour or two before I'm leaving for the day.
M 1679 5082 6811
>>13655904 If you still need one you can see mine.
looking for mystery eggs to do a run of white 2, already got 3 from friends just need 3 more eggs.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13656429 I have an egg for ya, if you want
>>13656359 Yea sure.
>>13656429 I can quickly breed you two eggs if you want them.
>>13656520 much thanks, ill be waiting
M 1679 5082 6811
>>13656620 What's your FC?
I'll head in after checking some pokemon.
>>13656620 and thatll be all the eggs i need, much thanks guys
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13656625 Alright, whenever you can get to the room is fine
would anyone here be interested in any rng abused mons/eggs? i'll take requests. if you want an egg to hatch shiny ill either need your TID/SID or a pokemon with your games OT traded to me.
>>13656674 Could i get a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 female dratini with marvel scale?
I need it as a parent Anonymous
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
>>13656656 Something strange is goin on, I am going to exit and re-enter
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
M 1679 5082 6811
>>13656752 K adding then heading in.
>>13656761 hello
Quoted By:
>>13656751 Remember there's a Modest one with 31/00/31/31/31/31 up for download on pokecheck if you don't care about clones.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
>>13656649 sorry anonymous dude, my game seems to freeze when I try to contact you.
>>13656775 Woo for finally getting the Shiny Charm. Cheers!
M 1679 5082 6811
I..i dont know what to think anymore I just hatched a shiny shed skin Dratini. I dont even know if i should be mad or happy
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13656775 Hi
>>13656910 Congrats
>>13656966 >Shiny Dratini Well at least it's not from Benga
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13656986 Alders grandson.
Gives you a shiny Dratini or Gible.
>>13657016 This is my first shiny ever since i´m playing pokemon, and i started with red and played every generation Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Quoted By:
>>13657029 You got an easy shiny the hard way basically. Anonymous
>>13656751 Sorry for the delayed response.
I can do that for sure if you still want it.
>>13657207 How long would it take?
>>13657241 Usually only takes 15 - 20 minutes.
Assuming I don't fuck up repeatedly.
>>13657252 Well idk, might need to go soon, i dont wanna let you do it and then be gone, maybe some other time if we´re both here
>>13657285 Well I'll probably just do it now and hold onto it for the time being, if that's the case.
>>13657308 That´d be pretty cool
>>13657324 Did you want a specific nature?
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Anyone up for a quick triple battle?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
We dead?Something about mega gen 1 starters? What did I miss this time?
Abe 1722 4014 6658
M \n
>>13657766 Poke Bank, which lead to people complaining about 1000 pokemon storage and transfer from gen 5 to 6 for ~$5 a year.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13657766 Very dead.
Thick Fat Mega Venusaur, Drought Mega Charizard, new ability Mega Blastoise. Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 21:51:36 No. 13657833 Report >22/22/29/30/31/31 timid shone dialga I think I'm settling.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
>>13657804 3000 M.
Also I have a few DWF eevee for anyone who needs them
Cedar [w2] 4471-1975-5707
Quoted By:
>>13657833 Shone, and
not terrible IVs, nice!
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>13657804 It's the only way to transfer? Fuck.
Not a whole lot, but I don't want to have to play for the transferring of my shit at all.
Anything else? >>13657813 Sounds fun. I hear Charizard still is fucked by anything rock hard?
>>13657833 I'm jelly.
Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
>>13657862 It is, but now Ninetails seems outclassed.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Well anyone else got any RNG requests? I can do eggs that'll hatch shiny on your game if you provide me with your TID/SID.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 21:54:55 No. 13657894 Report >>13657880 Nintails is still better for mid-game switching in. Megazard can be nice for priority weather lead though.
Cedar [w2] 4471-1975-5707
>>13657887 Trading you a pokemon I caught in my game is good too?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>13657880 I'm sure people will still prefer Ninetails at times though.
I guess I should try and continue with my Mawile breeding.
I have Den and Momiji down for dibs, did anyone else want priority choice? Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>13657932 You could show a pokecheck from anything from your game, it'll have the info on it.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
>>13657932 Yeah, I'll just have to upload it to pokecheck first.
Cedar [w2] 4471-1975-5707
>>13657942 Oh right, yeah. I think I'll dedicate my free time later today to trying out pokecheck, I haven't used it yet.
>>13657944 I think I'll probably rein in my interest for now, my conscience is telling me I won't appreciate it as much as one I hatch myself.
Its very tempting to ask for a shiny mystery egg. Adam B2 4900 4231 5152
Quoted By:
>>13657894 >>13657934 True. I guess defensive sets will be more popular than anything offensive though.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Quoted By:
>>13658002 For sure. I'll probably be taking requests every so often anyway, in case you change your mind.
Been RNG'an for a while now and there's nothing I really want for myself at the moment.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Quoted By:
I can do wild captures from W and W2 as well. W2 tends to be a little more difficult, but it's by no means impossible. I think I have a few duplicate legendaries from Plat/SS if anyone's interested in those.
M \n
Damn, I think it's time for a break.
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13658096 >6 in Special Defense So close.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 22:15:17 No. 13658138 Report >>13658096 Congrats man!
lel M \n
>>13658136 >attack These are what I have so far, nothing great yet.
>>13658138 Keep laughing, I better delete it before the regulars grab the torches and run me out.
Quoted By:
had to dissapear for awhile, still looking for eggs after that one guys game kept failing on him for some reason. still need 3 mystery eggs.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
>>13658168 This is the best I got after like 1000 eggs. Got fed up and decided to learn gen 5 RNG.
I don't know how you guys stay at it. D:
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
>>13657862 its free on release and then another 30 days or something
its less than 42 cents a month afterwards
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13658168 If you could keep this one
>>13658096 for me. I can pick it up later along with the Wailmer.
>>13658222 Autism M \n
>>13658222 Because it's
fun and I sort of get that false sense of accomplishment when I get 4 IVs after starting with nothing.
>>13658245 Sure thing, I'm grabbing one more batch now before I eat dinner, probably be on until midnight est.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
>>13658245 I feel like RNG abuse requires just as much
if not more autism powers, but tends to get results quicker.
I used to hatch eggs and chain shinies the old fashioned way for years.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 22:29:27 No. 13658306 Report >>13658222 Not really liking the idea of RNG abusing. But meh, people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect me.
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Quoted By:
>>13658306 Yeah I know a lot of people don't like it. I was a litte hesitant to ask for requests here, to be honest.
I can understand why though, I myself think it's clearly cheating. Mods on pokecheck banned me from the shoutbox and added me to their little "smogon pokecheck fans blacklist" for voicing this opinion.
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13658261 Cool. Forgot to mention that I also want the female that has 04/03/31/31/31/14 IVs from this list
>>13658168 >>13658264 Exactly like M said and that feel of accomplishment after all that hard work is the best feel for me.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
I have three DWF Eevee going for free if anyones looking for them. I am looking for a timid charmander from a non-english cart to start a MM project,
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 22:41:42 No. 13658474 Report >>13658450 I can breed you a german charmander. Just give me a few minutes.
M \n
>>13658407 OK, did you want nicknames for the 3?
I'll trade when you're ready after I get back.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13658474 sweet, want anything for it? I have PWT items on my B2 as well as a living dex so I can breed you up something
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 04 Sep 2013 22:44:22 No. 13658514 Report Quoted By:
Afternoon, wfg. How goes it?
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 22:44:33 No. 13658516 Report Quoted By:
>>13658493 I could use a Focus Sash, but IMO that would be too much to ask. A derp with a funny nickname will be sufficient.
>>13658450 Oooh, I want one. I can swap DWFs. I have spare Charmanders and Squirtles, as well as leftover Vulpix.
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Quoted By:
>>13658487 No nicknames since I'm going to breed em anyways.
I have to go now. I'll pick em up in a hour or so.
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
>>13658533 Give me a minute and i'll meet you in the room.
And Nitrox I have many BP, so I shall get you a Focus sash
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13658533 Oh wait i'll need your friend code. Also can I take a leftover vulpix? I'm not big on unreleased DWF.
>>13658642 Will you be around in 30-45 mins? I just realized that my DS is dead, and I have to do something while I wait for it to charge. And yes, please take my Vulpix! Will you want a nickname?
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13658830 I should be around, yeah. It doesn't need a nickname or anything.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:08:00 No. 13658880 Report >>13658865 Is this one alright?
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13658880 It is much better than alright, that would be great!
John !QlwDap4ZJo
Posting before they are disposed of.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:12:28 No. 13658943 Report >>13658904 Ok, heading to the WFC now.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:13:15 No. 13658953 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
list of pokemon not needed to complete the pokedex?
>>13658936 gimme that female with hp dark 49
>>13657782 Are you still here by any chance?
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
>>13658943 Thank you so much Nitrox. I have something to do for at least a few days (probably weeks) :D
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:17:31 No. 13659031 Report Quoted By:
>>13659019 Good luck! Hope you'll get a good IV'd shone asap.
Thanks for the Sash! <3 Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13658936 can I have dark 59?
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Quoted By:
>>13659062 2967 7457 0298
Sorry, sometimes it takes ages and longer for gf to fall asleep John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13658953 Of course, Nitrox~
>>13658973 Gimme a name other than Anonymous and let me know which one you want (since there are two) and sure.
>>13659060 Yes sir.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:22:47 No. 13659147 Report >>13659111 B-But that's the wrong one, John
-kun. Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13659111 alright, lemme know when you're in there, I have you on my pal pad but it might be a different john/you might have gotten a new code
>>13659062 I´m in the room, is there anything you want for it in particular? I kind of guess not..
Abe 1722 4014 6658
>>13659260 Got any extra event pokemon you'd be willing to trade?
Zero 4084 4667 8892
>>13659294 I dont really have anything, i got a couple random shinies from distrobro if you want any of that, i never really traded with anyone or went to wifi events, sorry :/
Xyvre 2710 1379 3197
Anyone else actually willing to pay $5 a year for 3000 more boxspace? Damn I need to buy a new game each year to just keep up.
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
>>13659355 less than 42 cents a month, why not?
Abe 1722 4014 6658
>>13659343 Ah, just give me whatever then.
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13659147 I don't even. My ability to multitask has gotten even worse it seems.
>>13659164 Heading in now.
>>13659320 Noted.
>>13659355 As a semi-poor college student, I wipe my ass with $5/year.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:38:53 No. 13659411 Report >>13659392 Can I pick it up tomorrow? Pretty sleepy right now.
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13659411 Sure. Something came up so I'll have to go after these trades, anyway.
M \n
>>13659343 >distrobro vomiting intesifies.jpg
>>13659355 Most likely
OK I'm back Den, also if Phyrro or Casket are lurking, I'm done breeding Spheal since Den already picked theirs, so take as many or as little as you want.
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E
Nitrox : W2 : 1808 - 0062 - 3451 !nitroxKN4E Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:40:54 No. 13659444 Report >>13659430 Alright, thanks!
<3 Good night WFG
~ M \n
>>13659440 >forgetting full check with gender >>13659444 Night Nitrox!
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:42:44 No. 13659478 Report >>13659470 Can I get that MIddle one?
>>13659389 Thanks, i appreciate it.
and hope she gets some work done Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
let me know if you don't see me john, I'm in wifi right now
M \n
>>13659478 Yep, want a female too?
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:45:29 No. 13659527 Report >>13659511 Sure, Send me the very bottom one if you want, too.
M \n
>>13659527 OK, ready to pick them up now?
Bane : B2 : 4514 2028 8516
>>13659019 I should be heading in relatively soon. I have your Vulpix.
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:48:10 No. 13659572 Report >>13659547 GIve me just a few minutes, if it's alright
Having Breakfast at the moment John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13659320 Waiting in WFC now if you'd like to pick your Horsea up, sir.
M \n
>>13659572 No problem, let me know when you're ready then.
>>13659581 Hey John!
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13659590 Hey M~ How've you been, man?
M \n
>>13659599 Great actually, got my school stuff settled, so nothing interesting in my life until xy.
Been up to much lately?
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
John, the egg I gave you is a deino with earth power and dark pulse and should have decent stats it was bred from one of months babies
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
John !QlwDap4ZJo
>>13659625 Same here. Just waiting for pc parts and XY while I grind hours at work.
>>13659634 Thank you very much~
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
>>13659674 hopefully its male
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Wed 04 Sep 2013 23:57:00 No. 13659695 Report >>13659590 I can head on in now, if it's still a good time for you
M \n
>>13659674 That's good, once I get my books I can upgrade my pc to playable too.
>>13659695 Yep, heading in
Zero 4084 4667 8892
Abe 1722 4014 6658
Casket 3998 8744 4225 w2
morning wfg. posting this guy again as well :)
Bane : B2 : 4514 2028 8516
>>13659657 Thanks! Time to start breeding an Espeon...
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13659793 >30 HP Disgusting.
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [B2] 1765 3505 7271 [SS] 3827-0561-8298 !wJaxeehRtQ Thu 05 Sep 2013 00:03:22 No. 13659812 Report >>13659710 Thank you very much, I'll take care of them!
M \n
>>13659793 Hello, want one of these
>>13659470 Phyrro grabbed the middle and bottom, but you're free to the rest.
>>13659812 No problem!
Bill B: 1421 8534 7747
Quoted By:
>>13659805 No problem, thanks for the vulpix
Casket 3998 8744 4225 w2
>>13659820 sure! i got 2 alright chinchou set aside, they are currently nicknamed by numbers so you gotta nickname it. they are 31/x/26/31/31/x and 31/x/5/31/31/x pick one and give me any spheal :D
Casket 3998 8744 4225 w2
>>13659820 also my ds decided to reset my FC so make sure you have changed it M \n
Quoted By:
>>13659993 The second one is fine, no nickname needed, as I would use it for more breeding purposes.
Adding you then heading in.
M \n
>>13660005 >>13659993 Thanks for the fish!
I'll be back in a bit, if you're looking for me Den.
Casket 3998 8744 4225 w2
Quoted By:
>>13660135 ty for the little ball of cute :D
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Xyvre 2710 1379 3197
Hey guys, is a specially defensive utility Excadrill a good idea?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Quoted By:
>>13660322 Actually, in Ubers, the Rapid Spin Defensive utility is it's best choice, because it can absorb Toxic and T-Wave without issue. Just be aware of Will-o-Wisp Arceus and such.
Wyatt Fish
>>13660554 isn't announcing to everyone that you're in the thread the opposite of lurking?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Quoted By:
>>13660622 He's saying that if you need him, he won't be posting but he will reply if you ask for him.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Take my shitty leftovers before I release them all.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13660669 Save that last Jolly Magikarp on the list for me
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13660669 I'll take ghost 49
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660718 They have numbers
faget Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
>>13660669 Can i get the 16 carp please?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
>>13660669 Would also take the 4 deino
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Sam 2022-7467-4858
Quoted By:
Good afternoon WFG>dat direct this morning expanddong.jpg
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660751 >>13660776 Sure.
Meet me in wifi.
>>13660760 I wasn't talking to you
faget Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13660801 never mind, I was talking about the carp but there was also a deino with it
>>13660751 asked for it
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660823 Ah. Anything else seem good?
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
>>13660834 nope, nothing left with atk and spe
thank you anyway
Wyatt Fish
>>13660687 >jolly >magikarp I'll take psychic 42
Zero 4084 4667 8892
Wyatt Fish W: 4857 6898 8030
Wow linked wrong post
>>13660834 see
>>13660850 Rob B2-2967 9670 7099
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660860 Give me a number and maybe ask rather than demand.
>>13660882 Since when have you had Gen V?
Meet me on wifi.
>>13660894 No problem!
Wyatt Fish W: 4857 6898 8030
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660911 Scroll up, it's there.
But unfortunately the Deino just got traded away.
Want another one?
Wyatt Fish W: 4686 0700 1642
>>13660928 My FC just updated. I'll take number 6 if you still have it.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13660948 Gotcha.
I'll head in.
Zero 4084 4667 8892
>>13660900 Sorry i would very much appreciate number 12 and if it not to much trouble number 6 if it still not traded
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13660963 Much better.
I can get you 12 but 6 just got promised.
Okay, so I've got a White version I'm not doing anything with, and I'm kind of interested in a Mystery Egg run. What are the odds I'll end up with a bunch of absolute shit Pokes that struggle even in in-game use?
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13660982 Pretty low, usually.
Wyatt Fish W: 4686 0700 1642
>>13660982 Probably wont happen.
>>13660954 Thanks
bbq <3 Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
decent, I once made a mono dark ME run for some anon here
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>13661011 No problem
bbq~ Wyatt Fish W: 4686 0700 1642
>>13661029 gen iv battle pls Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13661036 Don't get too clingy. Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
>>13661026 Hello, sorry it took a while but I got the Treeko you gave Wendy a few month ago.
Want it back?
Quoted By:
>>13653034 How do can you tell if they have 31?
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13661264 YES
I lost my 3ds so I couldn't come back
heading in now
Mako Black FC: 3955 9227 6448
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
Quoted By:
>>13661287 Let me find the guy, I haven't played pokemon since July and I can't remember in which version I have put him.
Just a sec, I'll tell you when I have him.
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
Hello folks. Hopefully I've lurked enough... maybe not. Anyway, I need two DWFs: Snorunt and Drilbur, unhacked. IV's don't matter. I'm afraid I don't have anything awesome to trade, only derps. I'm trying to get ready for a league at my college. If anyone can help me out, please let me know. I saw a few people about a week ago who had these, but they might not be around due to the new info explosion. Also let me know if I'm doing it wrong.
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
>>13661287 Your character name was Eric right?
I have so many Treecko that aren't mine it's hard to tell but I think this one was yours.
I'll be there in just a sec.
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
Quoted By:
>>13661363 yep, that was the name of the character
heading in
>>13661341 your post is huge
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
>>13661385 I'll make shorter posts.
>>13661399 I thought making an image for two pokes was a waste.
Quoted By:
>>13661423 I wasn't serious, you did fine.
Sam 2022-7467-4858
>>13661385 >>13661399 That was hardly a long post.
>>13661289 Cool team
>>13661439 its the largest post in the thread
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
Old list, probably updated.
Sam 2022-7467-4858
The pokemon bank is making me consideer collecting DWF now that box space is not an issue, someone please talk me out of it.
>>13661491 True but it still isn't that big of a post
Nigh 5244 0926 1254 B2
>>13661638 its less than 42 cents a month, why not? especially since its not connected with just one game, you only need one bank for multiple games
>>13661516 Can female Torchics even legally have their DW ability?
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
Quoted By:
>>13661707 No female starter can, unless I'm mistaken.
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
Quoted By:
>>13661707 Legally they are only male Japanese torchic with the DW ability.
Sam 2022-7467-4858
>>13661687 I was going to get the bank regardless, it will be really great for transferring my live dex. I was talking about collecting the dwf.
>>13652079 is mystery egg nuzlocke a thing?
Quoted By:
>>13661796 If you make it, then sure.
Wyatt Fish
>>13661762 >Pokemon bank Why not just store them using pokecheck, then release them on your game and re-download them from
pokegts.us using the pkm file. It's the exact same thing.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>13661870 Because pokecheck won't be a thing for a while next gen.
Sam 2022-7467-4858
Quoted By:
>>13661870 It wouldn't feel right, I couldn't release all them like that. Also fuck pokechecking 649 pokemon, bank will be 10x more convenient and it'll be free for the first month it is out which is more than enough time to transfer. Cesar - 1121 0982 1200
Quoted By:
Hey, guys! Is anyone willing to give me a Mankey, a Mr. Mime, a Totodile and maybe a Mudkip? I don't have much to offer besides the exclusives from Black 2.
Joako (B: 1764 8930 7107)
Quoted By:
Hi, I'm looking for a fire pokemon to complete my party, someone has any to gift? Thanks in advance
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
M \n
>>13662234 Hey, want to pick up those pokes now?
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13662234 >Den Thread is now excellent
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13662260 >Nate Hey!
>>13662252 Sure. You want anything for em?
M \n
>>13662414 Nope, they're all yours.
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
Quoted By:
>>13661516 I suppose I should have asked when you posted it but are any of those DWFs available for derps?
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Quoted By:
>>13662438 Ok. Let me check my derps and head in.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13662438 Thanks M.
That Sableye was one of Lima's breeds. Just to let you know M \n
>>13662782 No problem, thanks for the patience in connecting!
Night wifig.
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Quoted By:
Checking on smogon about Keldeo and almost all of its moveset rely on HP, except for SubCM set.
>>13662854 Night M!
Wyatt Fish
Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Anyone want to rustle up some Mystery Eggs for me? I'll post again as soon as I've got access to trading.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Cedar [w2] 4471-1975-5707
>>13663232 I can do some eggs for you. What are you looking for? Monotype, balanced, etc?
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
>>13663201 Yeah I was kinda hoping to at least get one of the DWF's I needed tonight. Didn't expect it to be this dead.
>>13663264 Balanced would be swell.
Cedar [w2] 4471-1975-5707
>>13663275 This better be gen 5. I'll see what I can do, give me a minute.
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
>>13663270 It's always dead hours when I'm around.
What was it that you needed?
Quoted By:
>>13663287 Should have specified, sorry. White version, yeah.
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
>>13663288 I need Snorunt and Drilbur. I don't care about IVs, but they can't be hacked either.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
>>13662782 Hey Den?
Spoiler Joako (B: 1764 8930 7107)
Quoted By:
has someone has a derp fire pokemon to give, i need some to finish my party. thanks
Fred w2: 1249 7899 7610 !!+5x+umleG6R
>>13663303 Ok let breed them for you.
Just give me a lot of time, I'm fairly slow and unlucky at this.
Wyatt Fish
>>13663262 >Using NSA search engine Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
>>13663270 It's not uncommon for these thread to always have dead hours.
>>13663268 Made any bros/sis with that team yet?
Tarage W2: 3397 5694 6421
Quoted By:
>>13663323 Thanks a bunch. I appreciate it.
Nate !AfagtF18t2
Quoted By:
>>13663325 >implying google can't search your search eninge search results Den 1292 9773 0780 W2
Quoted By:
>>13663327 So far Jotunn and Njord are carrying the team to be honest. I'm having to go out of my way to keep Valkyrie and Idunna leveled but I appreciate they're late bloomers, as soon as Idunna evolves she'll be kicking some ass and that's pretty soon. Njord is my current go to but it's still early and there are many opportunities ahead for all of them to become major bros.
Ravi !!sOuIUPxchDO
Nate !AfagtF18t2