[7 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By:
>Grow up in Palette Town; it's a shithole but I'm stuck there
>Finally get my first Pokemon ever, a Squirtle
>Name it DICKS
>Set off on my grand Pokemon adventure, starting north on Route 1
>Everything is going great, win my first battle against a wild Pidget
>Victory is sweet
>My shoelaces are untied.
>Trip on shoelaces, fall down
>Land on my dick
>I think it's broken
>Some kid that just gave me a potion runs over to check on me
>He calls 911
>Paramedics arrive, cart me off to the hospital
>End up waiting for a good forty minutes for somebody to help me, my weiner in agony
>Finally somebody shows up
>It's this super hot nurse
>She starts checking on me, asking me question, and handling my junk
>Start to get a stiffy
>BTW did I mention I'm eleven
>The nurse tries to ignore my excitement, but I can tell she's a little repulsed
>She tells me she's going to need to give me a shot
>She tells me the shot goes in my penis
>Pulls out this huge fucking needle the size of a man's forearm
>Just jams it in before I can do anything
>The cure is worse than the disease.
>After this agony is over, the nurse leaves
>Alone in the hospital bed still reeling from the pain
>Eventually fall asleep
>Wake up, eat jello
>Some old doctor tells me that I need to be hospitalized for two weeks while I recover
>Apparently a broken dick is a big deal, especially at my age
>Live in my hospital bed for two weeks
>Every night, while I'm trying to sleep, that nurse comes into my room
>She thinks I'm asleep
>Pretend to be asleep
>She starts smelling my hair and breathing on me
>Then she leaves without doing anything else
>Every night
>Finally get out of the hospital, tell my mom about the weird nurse
>Mom threatens to sue the hospital
>The weird nurse loses her job
>Never finish my Pokemon journey properly, but do get three badges
>Four years later, run into that same weird nurse on the street
>She throws a slurpee at me and runs away
>Finally get my first Pokemon ever, a Squirtle
>Name it DICKS
>Set off on my grand Pokemon adventure, starting north on Route 1
>Everything is going great, win my first battle against a wild Pidget
>Victory is sweet
>My shoelaces are untied.
>Trip on shoelaces, fall down
>Land on my dick
>I think it's broken
>Some kid that just gave me a potion runs over to check on me
>He calls 911
>Paramedics arrive, cart me off to the hospital
>End up waiting for a good forty minutes for somebody to help me, my weiner in agony
>Finally somebody shows up
>It's this super hot nurse
>She starts checking on me, asking me question, and handling my junk
>Start to get a stiffy
>BTW did I mention I'm eleven
>The nurse tries to ignore my excitement, but I can tell she's a little repulsed
>She tells me she's going to need to give me a shot
>She tells me the shot goes in my penis
>Pulls out this huge fucking needle the size of a man's forearm
>Just jams it in before I can do anything
>The cure is worse than the disease.
>After this agony is over, the nurse leaves
>Alone in the hospital bed still reeling from the pain
>Eventually fall asleep
>Wake up, eat jello
>Some old doctor tells me that I need to be hospitalized for two weeks while I recover
>Apparently a broken dick is a big deal, especially at my age
>Live in my hospital bed for two weeks
>Every night, while I'm trying to sleep, that nurse comes into my room
>She thinks I'm asleep
>Pretend to be asleep
>She starts smelling my hair and breathing on me
>Then she leaves without doing anything else
>Every night
>Finally get out of the hospital, tell my mom about the weird nurse
>Mom threatens to sue the hospital
>The weird nurse loses her job
>Never finish my Pokemon journey properly, but do get three badges
>Four years later, run into that same weird nurse on the street
>She throws a slurpee at me and runs away