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Only two more days...

No.13683508 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did you guys get your shiny lv 100 Dialga yet?

>have mom drive me to Gamestop because I'm 19 and still don't have my license
>try and do the event in the car close outside the store
>it doesn't work
>summon the courage to go walk into the store with my DSi out
>have B1 in DSi and the other three games in a PSP case (I don't own a PSP anymore)
>when I walk in this short super cute grill with long, bright red hair and glasses says "Hi!"
"Hey, are you guys still doing the, uh, shiny Dialga Pokemon event...thing?
>"Ummm, I'm not entirely--"
>some guy across the store cuts her off and yells "YEAH WE'RE STILL DOING THAT"
>stand near a display table and do the event for all four games as fast as possible, not looking at anybody, paranoid that people are silently judging me
>finally finish and pack up and walk out

It wasn't that bad but still.