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!a3Mq6S0nIQ No.13729980 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been confronting myself with a very shallow, yet deep thing. You all must have probably thought of it before, but never gave it much importance.

Well, here it is:

>Given that Pokémon is a kids' game, the word death is usually abolished, with Pokémon "fainting", instead of "passing out" or in more severe cases "dying". Now, don't go all Nuzlocke on me, because it's just lying to yourself. Pokémon are still alive, only, for you, in your heart, they're dead. But, every game has Pokedexes that reference "death", and a memorial dungeon, not to mention Ghost-type Pokémon.

Then, why don't our Pokémon, or even US die? I mean, it's not like a Lv.2 Caterpie will survive a Sheer Cold OHKO from the ruler of the seas, Kyogre. Why does it faint? Do wild Pokémon and trainers' Pokémon have limits and ethics? Or are they immortal?

And why aren't any plot-related mentions of dead humans in Pokémon? Are they immortal?