The day that the Pokemon Direct with Pokemon Bank and the Kanto Starters I got my 3DS Blue Black XL as a surprise. I love it, it's great. I don't have any 3DS games so far, I'm going to wait before deciding if I will get something else besides Pokemon, but I'm playing DS games on it and it's all fine. Even with Gen 5 graphics where you can already see pixels it's still fine. Now the size was hard to get adjusted to, but after a few days, going back to my DS lite it felt so tiny. Circle pad is hard to use right. Sometimes I fuck up and go the wrong direction.
The 3D isn't that bad on my eyes, still feels weird, but I will probably get used to it. The only real issue I have is what this anon
>>13815824said. I keep bumping the volume with my left hand and every now and then it blares the music in my ears.
If you have the money to get one, I would definitely suggest it.