http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=159 Wiki:
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/CAPX_Wiki Forums:
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php ?
Current Demo of the Game:
http://www.mediafire.com/?1de4t4u3yqg6z1z Current Comments Pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1XSUpMgD Right now we need:
>Design Revisions (For Pokemon with less then 66% approval rating) >Region details & Mapping >Names (Make sure to add your ideas to the wiki or forum!) >Sprites >Movepools, Stats & Abilities >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain about the starters, don't.
Ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>All submissions are closed at this time! >Pokemon with Green Arrows are ready design wise to go in game, they can still be changed but your time is much better spent elsewhere. >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >The dex has low quality images, check the wiki for better quality. >Spriters need to stop making the sprites direct copies of the art! They need to make sure they are facing the right way! > If you do not like a design give constructive criticism so we know best how to change it! >We are really trying to capture the spirit of Pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any Pokemon player. >We are not adding Fairy Type. >We are not adding Mega Evolutions. Clash's art folder(
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=336 ):
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g0exdjc1rdlkg4z/dZAAdIcVGB Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far:
http://imgur.com/a/X0x8e/#0 PokemonOnlineGuide:
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design surveys finished when?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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Oh yeah I posted a new thread to, fun
well somebody asked, and here it is a quick try on both, pangolash and diloweed. Feedback please also, the other one was the ghost, right?
>>13814872 Oh god no not these again, why do you guys keep revisiting already surveyed pokemon I have had enough headaches today
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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>>13814913 Because he is on 36%?
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>>13814872 Looks fantastic.
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>>13814872 You took away the whole tumbleweed thing that Diloweed had, I don't really like that
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13814872 could you make the pangolash look a bit closer to the one in now?
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
Forgot to post this last night: redesign survey results:
http://www.mediafire.com/view/nya2kvof8dcabp7/Data_All_130913.pdf Snogre and Paramoth can be put to confirmation
>>13815115 >Pink silkinder >Purple paramoth C'mon son.
>>13815115 Next time, can you add "if B, which ones?"
so we don't need a whole football team each round.
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
>>13815157 yadda yadda what should I do with it
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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>>13815156 Yeah, this is just narrowing down each group until we have a single group left, then we narrow it down from there and see if we change anything and put it to confirmation.
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>>13814721 >>13811424 we should decide which of these is used. and in what way.
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/Forage ,
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/Another_berry_proposal and chen had jams doing essential the same thing as the proposal. so how/what the proposal makes etc. the berry economy is very much in the light, deciding the berries to exists and their roles is important
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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>>13815174 Post it. Looks good enough to me.
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
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>>13815174 ditto on my end with my attempts to merge ours together.
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815150 silkinder will be changed to match (hopefully)
iirc kinder colors weren't up to vote.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13815252 >>13815215 sweet, will be put in
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815246 I made a bunch like that forever ago, but now in hindsight and comparison to GFs they look downright awful.
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
>>13815115 >wanting a fumighast whose head is its own crotch Anonymous
>>13815318 >wanting a Fumighast that looks fatter than Biggie Smalls I SHIGGY DIGGY
>>13815292 Alright.
We also need stuff like this for more trees
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>>13815150 Lots of pokemon change colors when they evolve
>>13815353 that would be both of them right now
>>13815380 >changes form >his head shrinks to less than half size Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13815359 I dont really see why, my forest does just fine
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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ok, one more time
>>13815318 do people actually think that?
C has almost identical placement as B, it's just the pose and the angle. Dude is curved in an S shape
>>13815309 meh, it won against grey. Can always revote it with mommy colors.
or even better, another color more akin to the males, but not the pink that lost
I would have prefered a Pastel/Bright color vote for the entire line, but whatchagonna do
>>13815389 A looked like pic related
B looks very compact and complete
C looks a bit flat and naked
>>13815543 what point are you trying to make
>>13815592 That B is the best one right now
Reposting on new thread. I can't figure out a way to make those steel divisions on the most complex ones, I applied some mos shadows in this one though.
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
aaand last one, tried noxial with little hands so the evolution will not look too... abrupt?I'm so sorry about my english
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815359 if used properly it allows for every combination.
although this one has less icky touching points.
>>13815679 Having the hands be a part of the glass looks odd
>>13815685 No, no, I mean we need that set for different types of trees
Do chilloth and soakoth have backsprites, not displayed on either "need backsprites" or the wikis sprite page
>>13815668 more minimalistic
badges should be simple
big shapes, not tiny details
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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>>13815731 Read the bottom left corner of
>>13815157 .
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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>>13815421 was more going for changes form, body more than doubles
>>13815668 >>13815741 thought this would help
dunno if it will though
>>13815741 Hence why mayan glyphs are the way to go
>>13815679 in my headcannon, he's pent up until he explodes out as Fumighast. So the abrupt makes sense
>>13815679 Can you try one like this?
>>13815453 So Draik what's next?
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>>13815782 >implying they can't connect and still be minimalistic. Glyphs would be cool.
Calendar would be cool.
they just can't have such tiny details
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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>>13815792 but where the hands come out, still?
tried this
>>13815755 Anonymous
reposting team member costume idea
>>13815692 oh, right.
we have a list of trees somewhere?
or if Draik could just post that section
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815831 is me
>>13815453 can you post that dirt road tile too? it's completely unreadable, needs to be fixed
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13815815 finishing the forest. I wont be attempting a route 4.
>>13815849 the one in that pic or the one you sent? I'm actually puttin in the ne you sent now
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815453 oooh
put this on to show the scale
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815887 Oh, if there is a better road then use that. Just the one in that pic looks like one solid color, which is not optimal.
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13815849 >>13815887 this is it now
>>13815949 but you made it for me? where is your brain?
>>13815983 It's beautiful
Can you post it at the res you drew it at?
And can you add smoke arms? Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
I'm just a random armchair/new guy, but isn't it strange having level 8s in the first route? Also, Is there actually going to be effort put in the writing more than what's required?
>>13815983 Can you make the expression a little less... ambiguous?
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13815887 I made route 4 for you. As a reward for doing the forest.
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>>13816138 Yes and yes. Pretend that demo didn't exist, its just Proof of concept. We have a new one coming out very soon (hopefully in the next month) that will be MUCH better.
>>13816138 >effort >writing Holy shit I am laughing like a motherfucker
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13816138 are you playing the current demo? Cause thats crap, and yes.
>>13816195 So Beaut, thanks many
AlsoThese trees need all this green stuff turned to a regulr shadow yo. Transparent grey, etc.
>>13816275 Have you seen the proposed plot ideas and character back stories, anon?
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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>>13816078 oh... resolution, unfortunately, I drew it like that
orz Anonymous
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>>13816301 >res = resolution = canvas size Anonymous
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>>13816301 Thats much better. Wow that looks great, I think we've got a winner here.
>>13816308 We don't write too good, but hey look where we're at
>>13815829 >>13816214 I've always wondered, would bringing the whip back for the team grunts be too edgy? Female grunts could have riding crops instead, and if we do muscular grunts (like in Colloseum) they could have cattle prods.
>>13815616 Yeah but B is fucking inelligible for the game. Theyre similar enough it shouldn't matter
>>13816357 In fairness, my plots have been the way they are because I'm on a goddamned mp3 player
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>>13816404 The whip thing was a relic from capumon where you could tame your creatures without needing a pokemon in your party first, generic animal catching
>>13816489 Get a fucking laptop you underage faggot.
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
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>>13816129 I mean like this
really shows how massive it is.
wifi is suffocating, have a super crappy screengrab instead
And can you post the road tile anyway? looks like a chocolate river. I am not with the liking.
>>13816272 can do
>>13816454 >B is fucking inelligible for the game. Well folks, looks like it's decided then.
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13816272 this things are starting to take longer to post than they do to make
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
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>>13816793 forgot, could you explain the transparency?
just a png with 50% black?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13816793 >filename And yeah, just a round shadow thats semi transperent
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>>13816765 >people voting for something just because the other one isn't eligible Anonymous
>>13814721 wow another game also used hm items to by pass the need for hms. pokemon Zeta
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>>13817621 good feature, did you feel like it worked*
>>13816301 You still here?
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13816883 I don't care if I made them.
They suck
so here are new ones.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13817716 beautiful, will put in. i'm taking a break from this in a sec to go paint, I'll post the forest with this, the different grass, and the logs after. Thanks!
>>13816272 are these tree tiles made by people in the project?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
So would these smallest ones be suitable for the headbutt trees? I dont really like the ones in the tileset now, so I put these in.
>>13817759 nope, they were in the tileset previously. from different games I guess?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13817798 You did it, didn't you
>>13817835 EDIT: Yep
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13817835 Two tall trees by the river next to the bridge near the bottom (second to bottom) are cut off. I think it's because of the 'headbutt' trees, though??
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13817976 Ah, I just forgot to erase those. Thanks
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
>>13817700 I'm always here
, brah highfive >>13817790 yo brah Now a bit more saturated
>>13818046 Can you post the full resolution of
>>13815983 >>13816301 ? Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13817993 Am I also allowed to say the GREEN shadows on the BROWN paths (casted by trees) look very odd? Not so much on the side as they are on the bottom, like nearest to the exit.
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earlier I came up with a good concept for the bug gym leader and posted it on the forum, however it appears to have been deleted. Why is this? "Boobella" (a busty gym leader that likes bugs and wears a bikini) would have been likely to win the vote.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13818064 Yes, I just asked tileanon to fix those for me
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>13818046 ILU DURRTLE HI! Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
Quoted By:
>>13818089 Whoops! Ok then. sorry. I was just skimming, Carry on, draiky draik!
I'll get to working on the *insert 3d project here* tomorrow.
Tileanon !dJ6DTaYuFo
>>13818089 don't see how you overlapped some of those trees diagonally without the tiles done that way, so I'll just call you a witch and be on my merry way
Durrtle !!SUDJMflPZTZ
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>>13818059 Truth is, I always sketch to that resolution and whit that shitty brushes (is SAI's brush default tho)
I could make it better but I need to know if something else should be changed.
>>13818113 HELLO DIA :D I'm always here Anonymous
>>13817621 note sure, but they use the same software and can have light source dependant shadows in dark towns, have overworlds, seems like a dude we might turn to for help if we need it for alot of our implementation can't be figured out, cause he got it all to work in our software.
Hey my name suggestion for Monkezuma's pre evo made it in! Thanks for using it!
>>13818612 It shouldve been Chimpatlipoca and Itzoape or something. Chimpoca is a shit name
>>13818954 Tezcatlipoca is a deity's name, it doesn't fit, Chimpoca is almost the exact name of a tlatoani, like Moctezuma.
>>13818996 Erm, I had the wrong name. There was a ruler with the name though, and I believe Chimpoca's name came from that. We just had to shorten it considerably from like, 13 characters
>>13819074 Yes, Chimalpopoca.
>>13819123 So Chimpalpoca or Chimpopoca would've been better. Oh well, too late now. Also one is 11 letters.
;_; Anonymous
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>>13816525 It died you idiot. It died because I've had it for three years, since I've been in college
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>>13819169 I suggested Chimpoca because I didn't know the character limit, I also mentioned the Tlatoani's original name, though. Actually now I think Chimpopoca sounds better but for a fire type, because of the Popocatepl volcano.
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I'm posting in a thread and I didn't read the OP, let me make terrible replies and not understand the purpose of this thread!
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13818161 im magic yes, could you shadow the top tree in
>>13816272 please? and all the small bushy/tree things?
>>13818447 Wait. Isn't Zeta the one with the bases? We should ask that guy how he does them so we can include them in our game.
>>13819447 think he has everything we wanted, sprite work/mapping is limited but the animations and mechanics are amazing
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Tried two different feet, thoughts?
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
https://www.surveym onkey.com/s/H55TT7F Note: this is only for the Snogre line, so its very quick.
>>13819533 Oh ya, doesn't he have Mac support too? I can't remember exactly their features right now but if we asked for some help from the guys of melanite and zeta we'd be fucking set.
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>>13819819 Middle is alright I guess
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>>13819915 Voted!
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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Closing this in a few minutes: Minor changes survey
https://www.surveym onkey.com/s/6CFF2BD Anonymous
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>>13820531 I like the top a lot better.
>>13820531 Why do you want to make them dull, let them be vibrant and pokemon-ny
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>>13820531 >>13820577 I like the bottom more
>>13820551 Beacuse the thing they're based on is really white
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13820627 Everything seems just like stickers on the wood floor
Does it need shadows or new floor-tiles?
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>>13820531 I like the top, either way when it comes to sprites we'll have people saying they're too saturated.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13820627 shadows, i can make them. the pokemart and lab need them too. im just trying to finish up the forest first. what do you think of the layout otherwise?
>>13820692 pretty good 7.8/10
Can't find the words for what I dislike about it right now
>>13820627 >>13820627 Mangrove's lab looks better with tiles.
It actually looks like a lab with tiles.
This just looks like some weird-ass college dorm room.
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>>13820577 is this the version for blind color ppl?
I surely dont want to be rude, but you have to fix a bit those colors.
>>13820627 this
>>13820662 Also, why cant you make the lab, bigger? or a bit different than Oak's?
>>13820692 Also suggesting the bookshelves have books sticking out a tad bit if possible. Wouldn't need new tiles, just edit the current ones, maybe.
or copypaste and then edit a tiny little bit.
>>13820764 Reminds me of the researcher's labs in like, Ace Ventura or any movie with a safari
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13820764 it had tiles first but it was deemed "not hhis style" I liek this better anyway.
>>13820742 sweet.
>>13820815 I didnt notive the similarity to oaks, but it is kind of a basic lab layout. Also it was made small to look more cluttered. it woulnt look too good any bigger.
>>13820815 I agree with this..
I know it's supposed to be filled with artifacts and stuff, but it just looks to confined to be that cluttered.
Maybe have like a private area where he just hangs out. Like big comfy chair with a fire place; pic related.
>>13820993 Also I think the best distinction to make to separate it from Oak's lab are the front book shelves. The space they take up is the same as Oak's lab. Stagger them or maybe set them against the wall (rotate one set), and move the pokeball table to the center
>>13820946 "You must be the monopoly guy"
"Do not pass go, do not collect 200$"
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13821126 Your genitals on a table
>>13821126 Something that isn't really helping us any. Unless its a future cutscene.
If you can make that, couldn't you start on a Quetzar sprite?
>>13821149 Silly anon, Moose is like Lilligant
Moose's genitals are on the head Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13821118 my oc!
>>13821065 >>13821112 I could do this, just need some new tiles, but i would be willing.
>>13821149 lewd
>>13821161 >>13821161 >Something that isn't really helping us any why do you think I posted
>>13820627 Anonymous
>>13821192 Draik I don't see why you're being defensive over Moose's post.
Im just saying, I don't feel like making 3d models for sheer fanart or whatever is a proper use of time when we have important things like Quetzar's fucking frontsprite and a demo to be making and stories to be writing.
Now, not everyone is good at everything but moose is a decent artist and with attention to detail and the dedication it would take to make a complex 3D model of a table, especially if it goes beyond that into animation, his time would be better spent doing something forward and productive.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13821229 its supposed to be for the cutscene where you choose your starter. Also moose doesn't sprite as far as I know. Generally, she just draws and since her tablet isn't available, I figured she could do something that would be awesome AND productive. Sorry.
>>13821229 are you telling people what to do with their time? what are you a faggot or something?
>>13821229 hahaha youre so stupid
>>13821349 >unless its for a future cutscene So basically, my "Hey can you direct your attention somewhere more important?" was completely nullified by "No this is more important".
Got it.
>>13821411 I was merely suggesting someone do something else that we could really use right now since no one is.
>>13821418 And this is why this project is going to get no where and why we don't have a plot
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13821465 No, its not for a futre cutscene, its for a cutscene now, and sinsce moose can do nothing else productive, she is doing her best. I'm mapping, so we cant. A quetzar sprite isn't really needed for the demo either, and as of yet, I havent seen you do much.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13821149 Ew Gross
>>13821161 I'm no spriter. I have a 3D quetz in the works, though. This project will be easier so I'll be working on it, instead.
>>13821229 who said it wasn't going to be used for something productive?? Like Draik said
>>13821349 I'd rather be drawing, but I don't have my tablet. They said they were mailing it back but won't be here 'till the 20th, then it has to be sent to the new address anywayyyy. I COULD draw at school, but since I don't have Skype there I don't know what's going on.
Besides, who wouldn't want a 3D environment fanart? I think it'd be cool. At least I'm voting in surveys.
I'll be hand painting the background. I'll probably bring this file to school and work on it during down times. I also need to model his glorious chair.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13821521 this is looking awesome
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>>13821502 Moose is a guy you idort
>>13821465 We're working on plot. We haven't surveyed it yet. Calm down you defeatist and instead of being an armchair designer, get your head in the game pussy and do something to further the war effort.
Or are you a worthless waste of carbon and a genetic anomaly that your mother regrets not swallowing?
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13821502 >and sinsce moose can do nothing else productive o-ok....
>>13821229 >and stories to be writing. I love writing, however, the nature of Anons in this project don't make me want to write.
Time for bed. We're making cosplays in the 'morrow. Goodnight, peeps!
have some mouse art an anon requested me to draw for them Anonymous
>>13821502 Future cutscene as in "will become a cutscene". Excuse me.
And i've made up an extremely beta quetz sprite but I dont really have artistic talent to take things further.
believe me, I'm helping in any way I can and if you have suggestions, I'll try to work on those as well. But really, the response to someone criticizing a well-liked trip is absolutely sickening. Rather, the fact that the responses would be much less bitter if it was some random anon.
I had no reason to think it was for a part of the project.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>13821680 i didnt mean to bash on you, but I directed you to my lab, and if you think ove any game past gen 3, they have a 3d cutscene for it. so it works. Again, I apologize.
>>13821582 sorry, but as far as things for us to actually use, now that most of the pokemon designing is over, its kinda true. I do love your art though, never leave.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13821744 It must be late night for Draik. Does Draik get narrow-minded when he's sleepy? Let me tuck you in <3
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>>13819819 try one more like the art
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
Quoted By:
>>13821785 i did only get like 5 hours of sleep. blegh. todays been stressful.
>>13821680 You see a table like object with three round objects on a pokemon board. What did you think it was for
>>13821744 >any game past gen 3 See thats the problem. I played Pearl once and got to the second gym and quit. And then there was emerald.
>>13821816 I thought it was fucking fanart what did you think? But i also assumed it might become an animation bit.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Quoted By:
Alright, ladies. Let's all put our big girl panties on and stop fighting.
>>13822010 >I played Pearl once and got to the second gym and quit. so you still saw the 3d cutscene for choosing your pokemon then.
>>13822010 I immediately knew it was pokeballs because I have an attention span and can make logical assumptions based on the data known
>>13822010 Your age, it is 18 is it not?
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>>13822092 20
>>13822083 Did I ever say it wasn't fucking pokeballs?
>>13822079 I don't remember it. I just remember selecting the pokeball and fighting a bidoof
Clash !dErycoonJw
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>>13822497 jesus, so many long, sappy backstory leaders.
When will people learn that we dont want those?
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>>13821582 ~youve been visited by the bored anon of tryhard editing~
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/vp/dex is ded long live /vp/dex
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>13822907 clash, with our level gradient, and wanting higher levelos in the wild, are we just gonna have a more variable encounter line, meaning we encounter prevos and evos in same patch, or are all the late line poke gonna be all final evo??
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>>13822907 hurrah. snogre just need to get rid of those stupid arm crystals and its perfect.
Still voted for it to get in. That would count as a minor change anyway, yeah?
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>13822961 Uhh from what I think you are saying, late game will probably have rare chance of encountering the evo and then also being able to encounter the prevo/mid evo at a high level possibly higher then when it would normally evolve. And I would guess that is the average although it really depends by area. But we have a lot of variety to choose from. Especially when it comes to mid/late game cave/desert Pokemon. As well as mid/late game jungle. And in such areas we could opt to have more high leveled midevo's rather then the fully evolved ones. And then post-game-wise like on the islands I think it would be best to have some fun areas filled with hard trainers but decently easy Pokemon in the wild. Like the Garden Maze would have low leveled Pokemon in the grass but some nice items you could find. Or in another area would have challenging trainers to fight.
I think one thing though is that something people thought of but is going to be hard for us to figure out is, will all Pokemon be available Pre-E4? I know in the past people have mentioned we can always save some for post-game. But whichever we choose is going to be someones favorite. And will likely cause some disappointment and arguing. That is if we go that route though. I would say being able to encounter the other two starters in whatever way we choose will happen post E-4 though. Most of this is all speculation though and will be figured out as we come to it.
>>13823077 yeah that's what i thought. it's be nice to have a chance to use a ball on every pokemon, except maybe nobunta is a prize/trade. but i'd rather the rare poke are rare not none-existent. maybe a hidden springs with frolicking numbantas and jungle region with grass starter line, etc.
that and be given eggs more often for quests. make them more apart of the game, so much of pokemon is gimmick, maybe making things more apart of a regular playthrough then just distraction can make the game better. bridge the hardcores to the catch 25 poke and overlevel through the gym leaders
>>13823077 Wait. The markings on Gravollum is a face? Fuck. That makes it a billion times better
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>13823207 Well one thing I am worried about is gym leaders and everything being too powerful and eventually making grinding a must-do for the majority of players. Which depending on how bad it is can lead to not-as fun experiences. Having to grind here and there is nice and gives challenge but needing to do so constantly could push people away from playing the game. All will need to be tested though.
And I think the postgameislands will be filled with an abundance of different habitats and areas. And having areas akin to each starter would be nice.
>>13823229 I am glad his line has been getting more recognition, I have always liked it and months ago he was very often forgot about.
Also something I have been thinking of doing is either an interactive lets play/nuzlocke either by stream or youtube once the game is finished. Although I figure there will be tons of youtube videos of random people playing, hopefully I can give a different experience because I have been around so long. Anonymous
>>13823410 lol me too clash. maybe we can have the vp makes nuzlelocke race. first to the city of gold goes on to the next round.
Clash !dErycoonJw
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>>13823462 That would be awesome!
I would like to see one of the slightly popular pokemon speedrunners to speedrun our game... but that might be hoping for too much. Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
okay, fuck everybody, i'll finish this in the morning. dont event try and tell me about any errors or stuff right now. I need sleep.
>>13823410 I actually wanted to to and lp of the demo, but idk...
Repostan. Tried to keep the badges plain. Now with badge case since people had concerns about the round design being visible from the start. Additional thing of note is the serpet-like shape of the case, and the fact that after finishing the gyms you are supposed to rearrange it in a circle. a.k.a. Uroboros .
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>>13822907 Sweet Diamat made it in.
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>>13823410 >once the game is finished. AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
So I haven't been here in a while, is the new demo out?
>>13823575 beautiful
okay, errors. surf off end of the map at the bottom of the map. you can still get to the centre 'island' via regular surf. grass overlapping the path looks messy >>13823615 HA!
>>13823575 Sprite Guy! We need forresty stairs!
>>13823670 well i'm a sprite guy, but have done tiles, give me a base and i will try to jungle them up.
>>13823733 small quick fix
>>13823786 x2
Added small shadows to the top parts, so they look like they actually have steps.
>>13823795 how's this for vine covered stairs?
>>13823983 I don't really see stone stairs in the forest.
I'd go for something like earth ones or just slopes.
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>>13822907 It's taking us so long to sort out those last few unconfirmed.
>>13823795 That shadow makes a HUUUGE difference!
But stone stairs in a forest seems weird, maybe wooden plank stairs would make more sense?
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>>13819960 and nuzlelocke rule adder, and platforms very much like ours for battling. i just worry they will say we are the ones ripping them off. unique udeas are only good if we use them first, platforms, hm items..... who knows what else
>>13815774 not bad
>>13816005 oh man this map is intense. what's up with the honey tree though?
>>13823582 >>13823590 the circle is a winning design to be regardless of the specifics
>>13823615 the new demo is going to be out relatively soon
>>13824174 >Implanking >>13824535 Yes, but we could make it a surprise for players. Afterthought: the last badge (grass/Ghost) can be made as a green skull, finishing the snake motif by giving it head.
Am I the only real lesbian girl in this project?
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>13825143 no I am totes a lesbian gril, Wibe can verify
Worldwibe !!Ss4pOUddSQJ
I don't usually post here, but what the hell Will this game have cries? Like, for each Pokémon? It'll seem really lazy if it doesn't
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>>13820185 my jaw dropped
I love it!
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>13825604 sure it will, we've still got miles to go on this thing guy, we're only now working towards the aft end of finalizing a dex, then we get to the nitty-gritty "oh shit we actually have to make a game" portion.
just lay back and relax, is all coo bro.
>>13825585 and don't you know it!
calm down dude, obviously we have cries
try looking up stuff on the wiki next time
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>>13825686 calm down? he/she was just asking a perfectly valid question.
>awful defensive typing, among the worst possible >mediocre offensive stats >mediocre defensive stats When a we going to fix this?
>>13825793 >implying every pokemon needs to be great it is what it is
>>13825817 Pengliff is very rare, even though it's early-game. Shouldn't its power reflect this somewhat? That's the logic behind rarity, isn't it? Every early-game mon should be viable later on, I'd say.
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>>13825850 rarity isnt something weve really worked out fully
were making mons as good as they are based on concept
maybe they are rare cus they keep getting killed by like a thousand different types
funny enough, before people kept complaining that his type shouldnt exist, now gf did it Anonymous
>>13825793 it's an early game shit design mon, it's just filler
>>13825793 where is SZ? I need him to make more art
>>13825927 >Penglacier >Shit design U wanna go m8?
Wanna take a round in the ring and let our fisticuffs do the talking?
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>>13825953 n-no I was only baiting dude
>>13825850 >butterfree should be viable later on What? That completely defeats the purpose of it.
>>13826002 whats the purpose of butterfree?
>>13825938 SZ is kill
>>13825927 >filler Isn't that every Pokédex ever made? I mean, you have to put something in to fill all the "roles".
>>13826019 >SZ is kill no fucking way man how we going to get art of all the mons? What happened?
>>13826013 Teaching about evolution.
Giving you a small powerboost to help you at the start.
Giving early status inflict abilities.
All countered late by being a overall weak replaceable pokemon.
Like most early easy to catch pokemon.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>13824691 These are pretty dand sweet, thanks homie. Ill put them in when I finish all this grass stuff.
>>13823625 Jeses, I forgot about thst surf one, and I know about the rest. Thanks.
>>13824535 Its a honey tree. In the forest. So we can use honey. What did you think was up with it?
>>13826052 not either of you but
>impying mons are designed with purposes like that they just designed a butterfly, said, hey look this guy seems pretty week, and they set stuff accordingly
>>13826002 Butterfree is completely viable lategame motherfucker
>Psychic >Aerial ace >Sleep Powder >Dream Eater >Rape train Anonymous
>>13826052 but Pengliff is the pinnacle of design and needs appropriate 530 stats
>>13826080 >aerial ace >60 BP >45 attack Anonymous
>>13826080 >45 attack >Aerial Ace Anonymous
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>>13826079 so you think it's casual that both butterfree and beedrill evolve at such low levels?
>>13826079 >>13826085 if we gave mons stats depending on their designs two of our starters would never surpass 400 BST
>>13826108 >>13826116 I have only used the set in gen 3 Anonymous
>>13826138 Flying was a physical type back then.
>>13826123 not design, concept
if gf had a concept for a crazy powerful butterfly, then butterfree would be crazy powerful despite not looking it
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>>13826138 Still physical.
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>>13826150 It was still useful for me I recall. Maybe my memory is not as good as I thought Anonymous
>>13826152 what is different between design and concept?
>>13826164 the most extreme example is sudowoodo being designed as a tree
but his concept is a rock bodied false tree
also look at ledian, the design is a lady bug
the concept is the basis in star light and his size
>>13826164 example Crawglock's concept is a pistol shrimp, gf did made apokemon with the same concept, but they look nothing alike because they have a different design
>>13826035 Relax, other guys have taken the reins. Sugis are pretty superficial, anyway, they don't give anything other than that 'official' air to a design. art only really needs to be changed with cases like Burrmudail, where it's difficult to translate to a sprite.
>>13826223 >other guys have taken the reins i don't think we had more than 3 sugis after i left
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>>13826164 A design is how a Pokémon looks, a concept is what it is based on.
Turkeyshit is a turkey hoopoe with many colors and a headress (design)
Turkeyshit is based of a turkey, a hoopoe and a chief (concept)
>>13826217 >>13826220 but I don't get it, does this mean that he means to be a powerful butterfly you need to base it on a powerful butterfly? How do you decide what is and what isn't a powerful butterfly?
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>>13826267 ops it was a mistake should be He
>>13826262 dia confirmed for decent music taste
>>13826258 No, the pokemon is based on a butterfly. period.
On the design stage you can make it look powerful, cute, dumb, etc.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>13826285 Ok but the penguin looks pretty powerful and confident
>>13826085 I'm not talking about pengliff.
I'm just saying not all pokemon need to be viable for "competitive" play.
>>13826307 Ok, but what I was trying to say is that even if butterflies don't look powerful on their own, if you design a pokemon based on a butterfly you can make it look powerful. Of course that you can vary butterfly species to see which ones can be turned into powerful pokemon more easily.
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>>13826341 its ok as long as my pokebros gets in
>>13826080 Butterfree is countered by pretty much anything it's weak to though.
Shit, send out a lightning type. Thunder.
Next pokemon please.
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>>13826341 Ideally, the range of viability in a set of FE Pokémon should be low.
>>13826387 Actually I meant to point out that you said lightning type and I just noticed my own typo
>>13826391 Well maybe don't be a jackass next time then.
>>13826393 >jackass He's not the one who said lightning type and referred to an 80 accuracy move as a good sweeper.
>>13826408 >80% Also
>Not using basic tactics and setting up rain dance It used to be called Thunder type, it's ambiguous enough for me to give zero shits. Anyway we're going completely off topic. So drop it.
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>>13826424 >So drop it. >dropping that thun thun thun Anonymous
>>13826424 >It should be called thunder type! Stop making excuses for your fuck up and any normal person would just use thunderbolt instead setting up rain for a fucking butterfree.
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>>13826440 Loneleaf reminds you that it still counts as a shitpost even if you are ironic.
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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Minor changes results:
Current lost, so changes are coming but I'll make a runoff to decide the severity of the changes.
http://www.mediafire.com/view/a689wng6nzh75g5/Data_All_130915.pdf Anonymous
>>13826451 >It should be called thunder type! Where was that even said?
Jesus your reading comprehension is terrible.
>>13816454 just cause you don't like it, doesn't make it ineligible for the game.
ive been gone hi guysdid that new auguanaut ever get surveyed?
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>>13826487 >used to be called thunder type Even so, that was a long bloody time ago when's the last time you played a pokemon game.
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>>13826515 No, it'll probably surveyed with one of the last surveys
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You know what makes a great snack? Crispbread with kaviar on it
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
"minor changes" RUNOFF:
https://www.surveym onkey.com/s/PXXWCVQ Note that the currently running Confirmation survey is grandfather'd in to the old system, and only "Its completely perfect" votes will count to grant game-ready status.
You guys should just stop this isn't even bait.
>>13826659 K.
He said its not bait everybody, time to pack it up. We had a good run, but anon called it.
>>13826624 What happened to all our spriters? We were getting rid of things left and right before and now we're getting no where.
>>13826679 >What happened to all our spriters? We were getting rid of things left and right before and now we're getting no where. same that happened with our artists. Their shitty egos can't take critique
>>13826694 That's not what's happening at all.
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
>>13826679 Rat hasn't been around, I know a few have been working on other things, and the rest only edit sprites, not start. We have no one to start a sprite around, so the spriters we do have left are pretty much useless aside from QC
no offence >>13826694 There's more to it than that anon. And I know for a fact that a lot of our artists hit a dead end with designs. We have 10,
Hopefully soon to be 9 designs left, and out of those most of our artists have already drawn and redrawn their ideas for them over and over, or they simply don't like the designs
see: golems, Fumighast Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
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>>13826694 The artists are leaving because there's less and less to draw. Has nothing to do with critiques.
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>>13826694 It's just that I've found an amazing secret in ss13 and my friends and I are trying to complete it. I'm sorry I'll get back to spriting backsprites and junk sooooooon. Anonymous
>>13826754 >and the rest only edit sprites, not start. We have no one to start a sprite around, Which is why I got on the only artist I saw and asked them to do the only front sprite we have left.
No back sprites are needed for the demo and a lot of the current fronts need critique, editing, and general quality control to match the style anyway so I'm not worrying about those. On top of how difficult S-Quetzar is, the people unwilling to start a sprite are never going to touch it with a 20
meter pole
>>13826812 it would need a better pose anyway. If its wings are spread like that its head shrinks to a third of its size in the statue form.
>>13826834 Not like someone took the time to draw 8 different poses, even if some of them were gen1 as fuck
>>13826847 8? If it is 3x3 wouldn't it be 9? Or did he leave out a square?
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>>13826754 I'm sorry, but I have a comment about the last survey. When I read it, I thought "minor changes" referred to the option after the the design got confirmed. I didn't think it was the same thing as "minor adjustments."
>>13826834 >like that Are you implying a sprite should just be the art, shrunk down?
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13826847 >>13826868 You could do some crazy perspective to fit it all in there, too. If I had a tablet handy I'd draw what I had in mind. Maybe I can take a photo and upload it.
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>>13826854 Actually I think it was a 4x3 but the bottom right corner was blank. so 11 poses.
A lot of the poses looked similar to Moltres without legs
>>13826868 But that's why I said it needed a better pose
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>>13826888 remember to leave your dick on the image for scale
>>13826888 I dont understand why you cant zoom in x6 and draw a tiny little sprite, if you're capable of using a computer at all. Not saying this to be rude, no matter how much bitching I get for criticizing you. I seriously dont comprehend that. No one is asking you for a pseudo-3d, perfectly shaded game ready sprite. Just a tiny little skeleton for someone else to go off of and improve. We'll never get anywhere if no one tries to start. And yes, I have tried to start before a certain person suggests otherwise
>>13826894 The art should rarely ever be used as the Sprite's pose. The art is usually facing the wrong way, too static and passive, and not suited for an aggressive or a playful battle sprite
>>13826955 >The art should rarely ever be used as the Sprite's pose. The art is usually facing the wrong way, too static and passive, and not suited for an aggressive or a playful battle sprite But that's why I said it needed a better pose
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>>13826511 It lost confirmation. It is inelligible for the game. If a design loses confirmation, it is inelligible for the game. Minor edits must occur at the very least
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13826955 I understand your lament, I really do. I used to make base poses once upon a time. I tried to 'sketch' the pose I had and it turned into a mess. I can't make the perspective right with a mouse, either in a 96x box or an image to emphasize the pose as art.
>>13826976 You still said it as if quetzar was the exception
and did we seriously vote Quetzar over Astracoatl? , and not something almost no spriters seem to take as a general guideline
>>13827005 Thats entirely understandable. Wish you would've said that last night. Would've saved the Moose Defense Force from having to come out and set fires
>>13827032 >implying were not shit when it comes to names that said, quetzar is the better name
>>13827032 >Astracoatl Fuck that's amazing.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13827041 Yeah, most notably I made Draggar and then Quality Bro took it and made it smaller and more blue. I don't think there was ever a 'survey' perse. It was more or less 'QB did it so it's perfect let's use it". I really don't mind - I helped, afterall.
Moos doesn't need a defense force. He can do quite well on his own!
Tried a very active pose for space quetz
>>13827041 You really believe that reason people called you out was because said something against a tripfag don't you?
>>13827079 I don't remember ever doing draggar.
Think you're confusing me with someone else.
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13827106 There were 2 quality bros. There's the one we have now, and one from ages ago.
>>13827082 Ballin, shot callin, that's a pose!
>>13827079 Shit moose you need to sprite more often
>>13827099 Dude whæt
Local Moose Friend !isnn/AUU0c
>>13827123 Nah, I was told I wasn't very good multiple times and it's not really something I enjoy doing. I don't like working small.
>>13827082 >It's a diagonal cartoon shit, even with matching colouring Anonymous
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>>13827137 Oh ok. You are good though. Fuck the police moose you do you
>>13827147 >mfw Anonymous
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>>13827120 Oh shit really now? From when
>>13827072 I bet it was surveyed, but i found the name on the wiki page. I don't know if clash checked those for names, or if the same names were forum'd. >>13827060 I would agree if Rayquaza didn't exist. Its a very narrow victory even then, though.
>>13827193 Quetzar sounds very generic
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>>13827209 Quetzal means 'feathered', and Coatl is the serpent. That said, that means we named it "Feathered Stellar (object)" which is pretty badass. Alternative would be "Space Snake". Because Gen 5 starters didn't give us enough MGS references Anonymous
>>13826694 THis. Artists should just fuck off if they can't listen to the community. Way too many try to add their own unique touch instead of doing what the comments say
>>13827350 You are completely talking out of your ass.
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>>13827350 >says the talentless sack of shit Anonymous
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>>13827429 No he's right. We need people who listen to the comments not do their own thing
>>13827350 May I remind you that everyone on this project volunteers?
When SZ was here, the critique was "Fuck you, to got the color wrong on the squid. You're ruining this project."
Doesn't that seem discouraging to you?
>>13827460 Yeah but dunky's still here and he was treated WAYYY worse.
All about having thick skin which SZ didn't have
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>>13827460 >May I remind you that everyone on this project volunteers? >volunteers No one seems to remember that.
>>13827460 He also had a few people tell him his shading was shit. Which it really isn't that spectacular, but its not as bad as people said.
>>13827476 This. Dunky still gets shit on and all he does is vote in surveys and let us make the surveys properly due to his account. Which, nothing against him but we literally never get 100+ votes anymore. We dont really need it anymore, do we? Or did it do something else.
>>13827476 Sure he sought to be praised, but being unnecessarily rude to someone that takes time to help the project really is counterproductive
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
Redesign survey:
https://www.surveym [spoier]
onkey.com/s/P3XVPGY [/spoiler:lit]
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>>13827540 Nice spoiler fail m8
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
>>13827476 >>13827504 Dunky barely did anything besides pay for an account and when things didn't go his way in a survey he threw a Giant fucking hissyfit and said he was 'fucking done with this shit project' multiple and actually pretended to leave, then he hit up the Skype group for sympathy comments. Thick skin huh?
>>13827504 Allows for more than 1000 respondents a month, more than 10 questions a survey, and more than 50 responses per survey before surveyors have to write down every IP and then clear votes so more than 50 can vote.
We need it
>>13827522 No I didn't seek to be praised, but I agree with you on the rudeness. Some of the tripfriends get hate for the dumbest of reasons or because they trip. Sir Vey comes to mind Anonymous
>>13827540 What isn't that pramoth prevo for genders? male on left girl on right?
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>>13827567 Multiple times*
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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>>13827579 Yeah it was, but we voted no gender difference. So now we have 2 Lintles holding back the line from being run in confirmation.
>>13827573 Ah, I was just wondering. If we didn't need it, I wouldn't want
you wasting money. I thought it was 100 responses without it. Didn't know about the other limits.
>>13827567 Hms was a low point in his career for sure
>>13827567 I haven't seen his trip so technically he is gone. The guy hasn't caused issues so what's the big deal. And if you had your info tied to an account that people would need to use wouldnt you stick around?
>>13827573 c-come back anon
>>13827617 Have anyone drawn any Dunky bara porn yet? I want him to either dominate Clash or Moose
>>13827615 Way to downplay it. He doesn't anything of real note and you people suck his dick and act like he's the golden standard of behaviour and etiquette around here.
>>13827644 Nope
Go back to /vg/ if you want to ship tripfags
Whose fault is it Gorarum didn't get in?
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>>13827663 I thought we already did? I've seen a lot of pics
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>>13827567 >when things didn't go his way in a survey he threw a Giant fucking hissyfit I thought that was Terra's shtick
Everyone I've talked to about Dunky's bad rep told me it was like, two surveys that had a tremendous impact on the result of our project, and everyone was high strung about it. It helps that I was around for some of them as well, but my memory isn't trustworthy. tl;dr, I don't think it was as bad as you're saying
>>13827647 >you people suck his dick and act like he's the golden standard of behaviour and etiquette around here. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagagagagagahahahahahah
not even close.
you must not come around here often.
everyone here knows dunky is a cunt.
we just don't give a shit anymore because he lies low.
>>13827614 It was a one-time payment actually. Clash is the one who still pays monthly for god knows why. I've reached out to him multiple times to save his money but he refuses. >>13827626 I'm still anon like
>>13827617 Said. I bought the damn acct, might as well make sure it gets full use and look for trustworthy surveyors.
>>13827647 I mean, I only thought brawler aguanaut, battering ram flairees, named quite a few mons, drew a noxial and eronze, came up with the oil rig, am doing plot, ran a plethora of name surveys and other surveys, stat, help with movesets, and as soon as I get a laptop I'm going to help map. Standard of behavior I was not, but to say I do nothing just irks me wrong.
>>13827666 The fans who did one redesign and then voted it out for the original which was inelligible for survey.
>>13827686 This
>>13827617 >I haven't seen his trip so technically he is gone Pfft. He responds to almost post that acknowledges him as dunky. He has caused trouble with his bitching he held up three threads with it during the hm debacle. And he doesn't need tostick around Clash has an account.
>tfw SZ won't even do more sugi even if you pay him your NEET money
>>13827713 >Clash is the one who still pays monthly This is literally the first time I've ever heard of this what the fuck
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>>13827713 >I'm still anon like>>13827617 >Said. I bought the damn acct, might as well make sure it gets full use and look for trustworthy surveyors. Oh. You're Dunky? I thought you were SZ. Oh well
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>>13827715 That's why Sir Vey had to go to Dunky's acct. Clash can't handle the load of all of these surveys. Clash's account can only have 1000 votes a month. Low numbers or not, our survey load is more than that
>>13827717 >tfw SZ wont come around and we'll continue to have unSugi'd mons Anonymous
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>>13827749 He doesn't like Dunky for whatever reason. That's my hunch. I know they had a falling out or something idk. Why else would he not use Dunky's acct Anonymous
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>>13827715 Hm shitstorm was a bad time for everyone.
I'd prefer if we totally forgot about that entirely.
aside from the results of course.
>>13827759 >SZ doomed us to only having an unfinished art dex W-why give us hope and despair?
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>>13827715 What trouble lately? That's in the past man let it go.
>>13827713 Bullshit. You didn't think up Bralet Aguanaut and the battering ram flairees came from Corinthian styled helmet sketch that no one payed attention to in the first thread it was posted in. *I* took the liberty of reporting and pushing it because it had an actual theme instead 'rock goat'. Faggot.
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>>13827790 Brawler* and instead of*
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>>13827790 lol what the fuck. Helmet goat is shit its just a goat with a helmet. Fuck you
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>>13827786 Because despair is what this project runs on.
>>13827790 Nope. Sorry lad, but back in April, Aguanaut had no reason to be fighting. So make it a brawler, blah blah blah. And Greek Battering Ram was mine that I also pushed.
You can have shitty helmet goat though
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>>13827834 The battering ram was the one I pushed you fucking imbecile, you didn't think it up. It eventually got turned into the shot we have because people lost their way and focused on one aspect.
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>>13827834 You're also terribly mistaken or just straight up lying about Aguanaut.
Why didn't you guys make the Flairees a satyr with its lower half covered in rocks instead?
How did Aguanaut go from a shark to a brawler exactly?
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>>13827908 Inb4 Phil from Hercules pops up.
>>13827918 Are you being ironic or serious?
Why is both Aguanaut and Eluchadon mexican wrestlers?
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>>13827908 Because the line is goats, not goat men
>>13827918 It was never a shark, newfag.
>>13827929 is it an obvious thing? I only got into this project around christmas last year
>>13827931 Aguanaut isn't a luchador
>>13827931 Why is both your mom and aunt a slut?
The answer to both questions can be answered with a because.
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>>13827931 Am I having a stroke or are people just fucking around?
>>13827954 then what is he?
>>13827957 thats not a good reason, if any that is a bad reason
>>13827947 The fact that you still haven't realized they're iguanas, when the name literally spells it out, is absolutely hilarious. Keep thinking they're landsharks.
>>13827936 >calling shark guy a newfag Dude hes been around for ages, incorrectly thinking AGUANAut (hint: spell it with an I) was a landshark.
>>13827977 Well you tell me why your mom and aunt is a slut.
>>13827977 olympic wrestler
>>13827977 A wrestler of the non Mexican variety
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
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>>13827977 It's a bit sad that this the average quality of posts on this board
Also I sent my laptop in for repairs 2 days ago so I should be and running again soon.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Hey guys I'm going to close the Harpee survey in like an hour.
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>>13827982 Oh god that realifs me. At least it is more original than a landshark as that's already been done.
>>13827983 because they're women? edge
>>13828003 cool
>>13828006 >mfw Anonymous
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>>13827977 >It's not a good reason because it's a bad reason Anonymous
>>13828029 link to survey?
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>>13823590 that's actually pretty clever
liking some of the designs as well
Chen !EchegrinwM
One or two Pokemon Hurrcanine learn too many moves for a Pokemon that evolves via stone so I'm gonna prepare some updated movesets for them.
>>13828158 Chen, do you have the trainer locations and patterns for downward cave?
>>13828158 >to get drizzle in your team you need a dog pokemon Just kill me now
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
>>13828158 Eluchadon throwing moves maybe?
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
>>13828175 Lucky you! Hurricanine doesn't have drizzle!
>>13828175 >to get drizzle in your team you need a frog pokemon >to get sand stream on your team you need a sand hippo Just kill me now
>inb4 ttar >>13828158 Based Chen
>>13828175 Come over and I'll do it for you
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>>13828225 >>inb4 ttar What is wrong with Tyranitar?
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>>13828225 Is the weather-survey still up?
Chen !EchegrinwM
I'm doing dishes now so responses will be slow. >>13828169 Are you talking about this? Its a little out of date.
>>13828175 Hurricanine doesn't have Drizzle silly.
>>13828194 I'll try my hand at it after I'm done with the stone mons.
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
>>13828222 Never noticed it as a "hidden ability" better be damn rare/hard to get.
>>13828222 I thought it did? Who does?
>>13828225 well at least those mons seem pretty powerful and aren't just your early route real animals.
>>13828229 What's gotten you so turned on?
>>13827982 different fag here
I always knew they were iguanas, though I was told as much early on so I guess it doesn't count.
As for the name, I never saw it containing Iguana.
Agua - Spanish for water
Naut - Argonaut
means fighting water dude.
Just saying it isn't necessarily as species specific as Ponyta or something.
>>13828222 >>13828258 Who has drizzle then?
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
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>>13828273 Actually that should really just be removed.
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>>13828286 Aguanaut is probably the best name in our dex
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>>13828281 >Poliwag is literally the first water-type pokemon you encounter if you picked Chikorita >implying frogs and hippos aren't real animals >implying Pawter is an early-route Anonymous
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>>13828158 Some dudes changed evo method recently.
I don't think I have a list, but everyone is depicted here
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/Pokemon_Evolution some went from stone to level, some from level to stone
also some levels changed, Grolem evolves later, I know that off hand.
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Wait. Does no of our pokemon have drizzle?
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
>>13828298 that's currently being voted on
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>>13828281 >politoed seems powerful Anonymous
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>>13828298 We're determining it now. Weather survey mah nigga
>>13828286 >Iguadium People like you are the ones who got Hyezuka into the humanshape egg group
any chance at making poodle moth early game bugs instead of tribugs?
>>13828342 Yeah but he spoke specifically of Aguanaut. And what's wrong with a bipedal humanoid pokemon that is based around human culture being in humanshape eggroup?
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
I vote Ragnarow as the drizzle pokemon
>>13828374 >already the best pseudo-pseudo dragon >needs another boos Anonymous
>>13828342 Iguadium is obvious, just didn't think of that when posting.
I'm just responding to you saying Aguanaut contains an iguana pun, which is a stretch most people wouldn't notice.
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>>13828374 Are you high, that thing is a rape machine
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
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>>13828374 Please god no more dragon centralization.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>13828367 Have you seen Hyezuka's prevos? The first stage is literally a dog. Its a quadrupedal pup.
>>13828374 >lets break up the trio with game breaking abilities that don't make sense! >>13828390 You're right about it containing an iguana pun, but ifits a "stretch", its one only retards like you don't notice. That, or spics
>>13828367 it starts as a regular hyena pup.
But I'm not butt hurt about it like that guy apparently is. We have a bunch of field only and not very many humanoid. I'd say it's a fair, albeit a bit dumb.
>>13828374 Can't wait to fight the dragon E4
>>13828407 >South America game >results to racial slurs to insult people Anonymous
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>>13828407 >Have you seen Hyezuka's prevos? The first stage is literally a dog. Its a quadrupedal pup. >>13828419 Oh god I'm a fucking retard
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>>13828483 >choosing to be offended Anonymous
personally, i like the body of the current one, but those trex arms really put me off. heres a personal quick fix, hopefully this helps some
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>>13828520 at least make them look active. Now it's like Frifloom and looks weak as fuck.
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>>13828520 I... don't hate this. It's pretty neat.
Could someone put the pipes on the back on that other one, by the way? And make it not looking at a freaking flower
>>13828407 It's a hyena, bro. They're actually more closely related to cats.
>>13828464 I can't wait to fight the oil rig
>>13828520 its got that Dia
boromon feel
maybe extend the tail too?
>>13828327 https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/BSHZM8W >mfw I can look at who's winning >mfw it's xxxxxxxxxx ]
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>>13828483 >racial slurs This is still 4chan, bro.
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>>13828561 Related to cats or not, that stage 1 is a freakin puppy.
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>>13828578 It has 23 votes
gotugudfgt is winning
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>>13828578 so basically youre a faggot?
>>13828578 Oh god no its that doghttp://
www.google.com Anonymous
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>>13828584 We should change grass elephant to fire just so we can have this
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>>13828584 >Height: 75'08 >Weight: 2105groudons Anonymous
>>13828520 imo pipes should be reserved for Erion
>>13828578 Which mon learns weather ball?
>>13828635 Use the wiki you lazy tard
Sam Spade !0.CROxoz8w
>>13828607 Baboom makes so much sense, fuck.
>>13828635 Weathoraxe
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Working on fixing the Aguade backsprite. It's BETTER but something is still off. Suggestions?
Sam Spade !XozFbW8qqw
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>>13828666 Been fucking the trip the whole time.
>>13828649 >>13828666 I can't find it on the wiki, I wikid them all
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>13828666 still can't believe Stormaggedon got confirmed. Overdesigned piece of shit.
>>13828713 Looks better but it's probably a bit too big, I would ditch the tail I were you
>>13828706 Jesus fuck did you wiki the ones that arent even real? Hint:
You probably shouldn't vote if you cant answer the filter. That -is- what the thing is for. But since you're trying: Actual Hint: Its not learned by level up. Anonymous
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>>13828617 your opinion is wrong.
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
Quoted By:
>>13828607 reminder revealing the results turns things to shit
reminder IPs haven't been checked
reminder results can change over time, and where vastly different last time I looked
>>13828726 oh so it is the mon 137th mon of our dex? Man guess taking case sensitive off helps. thanks dude
>>13828713 The high contrast between the mouth and the body makes me think it is a vagina. Maybe make it just smile confidently?
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>13828725 It IS a bit too big, but without it the body just kinda cuts off awkwardly. I'm not sure which is worse.
Sam Spade !XozFbW8qqw
>>13828758 Please actually look closely at the wiki pages for the pokemon you are voting for in the survey.
>>13828821 come on dude I got self-diagnosed ADD
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>>13828853 >b8 It's easy. Go to their pages and look it up
Hey guys, I've been working on this for the past few hours, and I want some opinions, and most important, if there are any other spriters reading this, please feel free to edit it and/or use this as a base, because I think it's body does'n look like it's made of stars and spacial stuff. I had to make the wings bent this way because of the 96x96 limit, this pokemon is fucking detailed and big, and I had a little space to work on.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>13828853 >I can't, because I decided I don't have to! Yeah, no. Also, nobody really cares unless they insult you.
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>>13828927 Holy shit, this is workable. We can edit the space thing but good fucking work man. I'm legit impressed. Keep up the good work man!
>>13828927 Dude, what's wrong with you palette? How could you look at that brown and go "yes, this matches the model"?
>>13828927 Very good so far. Lighten up the stone parts though.
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>>13828927 Wings need to be vertically taller since they're folded in. Colors are wrong. Outline is mostly decent though.
>>13828965 Is the mouth a bit far down perhaps?
>>13828985 Because that is space forme. Statue forme is mostly a light brown
>>13828927 Nigga quetz shiny
>>13828927 That brown is waaaaaay too dark but its a good start. Thanks nigga, you da bes
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>>13829016 Space form is still mostly light brown. It doesn't make it look like the stone has been soaked in oil.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>13829007 Not sure, here's the concept art for comparison.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>13829078 >>13829007 Okay yeah it's too low. Fixed.
>>13829078 give him sunglasses
Chen !EchegrinwM
>>13828258 Anything that needs to be added or taken away?
Chen !EchegrinwM
Quoted By:
>>13829201 >Forget to edit Sunduke level gap Dohohoho
brbshootingself Anonymous
So when is rest of you art getting sugified?
>>13829026 >>13829041 >>13828992 >>13828985 I should learn to pick the colors directly from the official art, but here is the lightened up version.
holy fuck, capcha: their Paleute Anonymous
>>13829240 never
sz is deeeeaaaaaad
and noone else is any good
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>>13829259 Oh man. i really like those portraits of your mons. Gives them a real official feeling to them. Still good job people. Can't wait to play this game
After my retirement Anonymous
>>13829201 >Galaxagos evolves by stone What the fuck, it does?
Chen !EchegrinwM
Mega form when?>200 Defense and special defense
>>13829201 Huricanine used to have a choice so that if you kept Pawter till level 36 or something he could get Agility, but if you evolved at 35 Huricanine could get some cool move like Weather Ball or something? I don't remember the specifics, but I definitely remember that option being there and making someone decide when to exactly evolve their mon
>>13829253 Holy shit thats beautiful. Needs some touching up of course; its literally rough around the edges, but the main complaing besides that is the face needs to stick out just a bit more, visually speaking not necessarily angle wise. And the gem on the tail should match the forehead.
Unrelated; Quetz is the "feathered" part of "Feathered serpent", so Quezecko should probably get a name change. Not going to demand it or mention it outside of this post, and while it does have grass feathers, its definitely more of a coatl than a quetzal. More of a snake than a bird. Same with the legend, which is why I mention it here
Chen !EchegrinwM
>>13829423 I'm sorry anon, it might just be my headache but I have no idea what the fuck you're even saying up until the point of giving it Weather Ball which I could easily fit in between Howl and Thunder.
>>13829253 >I should learn to pick the colors directly from the official art, That's actually something you shouldnt do
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>>13829402 you forgetting about HP, speed, attack and special attack?
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>13829462 If you evolve Huricanine at 35 he would be able to get something like Weather Ball. But if you waited and held Pawter til like 40 or so you'd get Agility. But you wouldn't be able to get both on one Huricanine. It just offered a little bit of diversity.
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>>13829502 damn thos ehuge retarded glasses got a lot of
swag kill me Anonymous
>>13829425 Tail gem edit
>>13829477 But I have a bad eye, I made it too dark.
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>>13829502 >american >evolves into mexican really a metaphor how the gringos are getting overtaken by spics
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>>13829538 Good way to do it is to find a similar colour from the official sprites.
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>>13829578 amazingly simple
>>13829201 >Drizzle >Thunder Into the ubers it goes
>>13829626 >drizzle >thunder >STAB to both water and electric fuck this dog is a beast
>>13829626 Because compoundeyes thunder made galvantula ubers, right?
>>13829641 And yet its blocked by Solacari
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>>13829665 Galvantula doesn't have a fantastic defensive typing and rain-boosted STAB hydro pump.
Chen !EchegrinwM
>>13829535 So something like this?
>>13829626 >Drizzle Huricanine >Ubers That's not how it works. OU maybe but ubers is nothing but a dream.
>>13829626 >>13829673 why do our worst mons get these abilities?
>>13829699 >implying toed or tales are any good >implying Hippowdon is Abomasnow is the only good weather starter below 600 BST
>>13829697 Yes, that looks great. Thank you for fixing the movesets Chen.
>>13829699 >hurricanine terrible Solacari gets drought because it is perfect for its concept as the herald of the sunrise/sunset
Chen !EchegrinwM
>>13829728 >Ninetales >not good Say that to my face outside.
>>13829752 Glad you like it.
>>13829697 >That's not how it works. OU maybe but ubers is nothing but a dream. At least we still got our water Blaziken
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>>13829728 >>13829755 I meant in design, fags
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>>13829773 Hoo boyo, chen's mad.
>to the batbunker Anonymous
>>13829782 >not running Dry Skin+Aqua Ring+Leftovers balk>speed
>>13829816 sorry I'd rather sweep teams
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>>13829773 I would but I'm stuck down here, in this giant windy hole ... Ugh Im so jealous of you all, going outside whenever you want!
>>13829838 Lutrajet's offensive ability isn't much compared to Blaziken's, both in terms of STAB, moves and stats. Plus you need several turns of boosting before you actually outspeed things, given its poor Spe.
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>>13829897 welp guess I won't be using water types then
>>13829897 I thought he was a water carbon coby of Blaziken? What is it that ruins it? The single typing?
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>>13829955 its shit design for one. it aslo doesn't have a mega evo
>>13829955 Single typing and shit movepool. Can be decent ingame for Cameron but I wouldn't give it much use in meta
>>13829955 The lack of a flawless dual-STAB and powerful moves like HJK and Flare blitz; also no Swords Dance that I know of
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>>13829955 Blaziken is SE against ~7 types, Lutrajet is SE on three. Blaziken is viable as a mixed attacker, while Lutrajet's Atk is isn't very good.
>>13830014 Oh well. Guess I'm stuck with
>all our water types are shit oh
>>13830027 >aguanaut >dunkywunkr >ragnarow >chlorofin Anonymous
>>13830048 Jawgodon is bad?
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>13828572 hehe, I see what you did there, and it pics my related >>13829773 chen no take the high road
you will get more momentum with a jump-kick from there
>>13830027 >>13830016 Water's resisted by, what? Grass, Water, and Dragon?
Ice hits two of three SE, but is still resisted by another water type. Electric gets around that but Dragon resists it [but several are flying, and Ragnarow/Kingdra are water, and thus neutral].
I guess Water/
Flying or Water/Bug are the best pair for coverage.
Good luck using it defensively, though. Either way you're weak to Rock, one is doubly weak to electric, which means Rain will counter yourself with an opp's Thunder, while the other is neutral to fire...
Basically, Water is a shitty coverage type and can't be paired with anything offensively, and instead relies on its bulk a la Slowbro and Tentacruel/Blastoise
>>13830027 Aguanaut is currently the strongest Mon in the dex
>>13830048 >>chlorofin You mean Crawglock?
>dat coverage Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>13830079 Idk tbh. What is its movepool like
>>13830079 Can someone tell me why Jawgodon isn't Water/Dark? It pretty much looks like something that'd bite you in half.
>>13830100 Oh. Shit on me, I mentioned Tentacruel and forgot Water/Poison
Mollux being fan-fucking-tastic offensively.
Wait, Poison as offensive COVERAGE? Fuckin' bizarro-Pokemon up in here
>inb4 something about Gen 6 >inb4 fairies Anonymous
>>13830101 Aqua jet is getting removed. Suck it, fag
>>13830128 >it looks vicious therefore its dark-typed Its not water/dark because you don't understand what Dark type means.
>>13830110 >eq >aguanaut Dunkys saving grace is its speed and attack stat.
Banded Ocerumi could OHKO it with a mach punch
>>13830128 Because it isn't nefarious or shady? It is just vicious
>>13830145 Shit Hydranticus too. Combined with levitate, it's going to be rough to counter short of Cerebrulb and Hurricanine
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>>13830128 >it looks edgy so it should be Dark With Fairies coming next gen I don't think we should be so careless with typing. Also we need to buff Bug.
>>13830156 >Because it isn't nefarious or shady? It is just vicious >>13830155 Ok. Just feels like a missing typing that'd fit.
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>>13830145 Wait I think Mollux is Fire/Poison.
Oh well.
>>13830209 MajoraZ. Typings are final.
>>13830227 Not necessarily, but good luck changing it. highly discouraged Anonymous
>>13830201 What about it? Why did you quote that guy with it?
>>13830252 Eq is Earthquake
>>13830249 We had a survey to deal with mons and type changes. The only one that was really seriously close to changing was Shibalbat.
>>13830227 Typings are final? What are we going to do about all the 4x Fighting weaknesses? Gigaard, Kobalt, Penglacier, Hiloquin, Carnibal etc.
>>13830296 >Eq is Earthquake yeah but I don't get why it was used in that context
>>13830324 Good thing we've got like 2 fighting types and a billion fucking birds
Why is Howlequin x4 fighting weak?
>>13830324 Live with them?
>>13830346 Because earthquake will wreck a steel type, and Terrocotta can wall Crawglock completely
>>13830358 because its normal and dark
>>13830346 He was telling me that Crawglock is worse than Chlorofin because EQ and Aguanaut counter it
not true, wait until I shrek you with a specs set .
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>>13830396 Its normal? Thats really stupid.
>>13830358 >aguanaut >fighter family >plati line >smashiary Anonymous
>>13830386 >flamethrower >overheat Anonymous
>>13830430 Bulky Terrocotta can take one of those
Quoted By:
>>13830424 >Smashiary Hahah haven't heard that name in ages. It's shit and no one will use it
>Platikhao Its a worse Croagunk, which no one uses
>fighter family You mean Ocerumi? Might be good but they're not versatile enough to really wreck shit
Maybe Band Combat or Sash/SD + Mach Punch spam
Quoted By:
>>13830152 >remove aqua jet >give it mach punch Anonymous
>>13830447 >252+ SpA (custom) Overheat vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD (custom): 432-510 (115.5 - 136.36%) -- guaranteed OHKO Anonymous
>>13830501 how do you calculate that? Do you have it all in your head?
>>13830531 woah, thanks dude thats awsome
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>>13828927 hate that out of all the posted poses you went with the standard art.
but it does look nice.
Do we have a permo-trick room user by the way, or did we forget to include that in the ability threads
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>>13830549 >>13830518 >>13830447 Actually I forgot specs so Flamethrower can be used over Overheat.
>>13830178 why would the sea slug have levitate? Aren't hoverfish covered by Squidrift?
Quoted By:
>>13830564 >permo-trick room user No.
>ability threads When did these happen?
>just a bird grass starter >just a goat fire starter >just a human water starter It's fucking nothing
>>13830648 >human water starter we never wanted you here, honey
Quoted By:
>>13830625 >hoverfish Hydranticus isn't based on a hoverfish, it's based on Glaucus, which can float on the water's surface using sacs of gas. Squidrift is a reference to the ability of squid to glide over water by propelling themselves upwards near the surface.
>>13830648 >just a human water starter Anonymous
>>13830648 "My mom's X" is stale b8 m80.
Double battle in the ice gym needs to be Youngster Russel and Youngster Jimmy
>>13830683 >>13830698 >>13830700 >>13830736 Just take away the tail and you'll see. Even its face isn't far off.
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>>13830772 >shitty memes No.
>>13830776 It has an iguanas face, just go
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>>13830776 He also wears clothes mate. What's the big deal? Most pokemon are just animals.
>>13830821 Just no. Google a fucking Iguana.
You know what? Whe should ge rid of the "the opponent is about to send out XXX" thing. We should give the possibility to switch but without knowing the next pokemon
Quoted By:
We're in autosage brothers.
>people still hating on Aguanaut
>>13830878 I dont that will go down well, but maybe we could have it go something like
>opponent sent out XXX! Would you like to switch? Anonymous
>>13830776 Ever seen blastoise without his shell?
Its not going to look like an actual iguana because guess what, its a fucking cartoon animal
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>>13830776 *le obligatory reply*
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>>13830921 >it's an iguana face... except it's a cartoon you guys!! backpedaling. It hurts to watch. Not saying your starters are directly objectively bad just uninteresting. Don't like the Iguana though
>>13830903 >people have to like it I only like Iguadium, Kidling, Florabri and Florresum.
>>13830917 we want it harder you should be hable to know who's next it doesn't even make sense
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>>13830878 By the way, you can. Set battle style to Auto instead of shift.
>>13830917 This is a good idea, though.
>>13830982 Foliat, Florresum, Kidling, Pyroat, Aguade and Iguadium here.
Why don't we just replace the firegoat and Aguanaut? I don't think I have ever seen someone liking them
>>13831014 Is saying once they sent it out, you get the option to switch. Again, the option to turn that function off entirely would still exist.
>>13831026 Flairees is the best 'mon and I usually (always) pick the water starter
>>13831050 >Flairees is the best 'mon and I usually (always) pick the water starter >Flairees is better than Aguanaut Now I don't even like Aguanaut but hold on, it's still one tier of shit better than Flairees
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>>13831069 >this this is bait
>>13830857 Google marine iguana, which aguanaut is based on
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>>13831069 don't think anyone took that starter baiter serious
>>13831079 Aguanauts prevos are a shitty water line, Aguanaut itself is Tornadus-T and Feraligatr's lovechild. Best in combat, worst in art
Can we stop the shitflinging and make a new thread
>>13831092 hahaha oh wow they look like retarded humans. That explains it
>>13831104 Not till page 9
>>13831099 Good lord its been forever since I heard that hahaha
>>13831104 We make a new thread when we hit p10, not when we hit bump limit.
Or when we hit image limit but that never happens and this is exactly why. Nothing gets done.
Hows Quetz spriter doing? is he doing anymore work or is
>>13829538 the last of his work for now? Regardless, its incredible
Quoted By:
>>13831104 Only when this one is kill. If anything we should fling as much shit as we can here so it's out of our systems come the new thread.
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>>13831136 We are on page 10 and autosaging
>>13831099 You're the fucking worst. It's nothing like Feraligatr at all. And only thing with Tornadus-T is what? The moustache that makes it look kind of like the edge of Aguanaut's upper jaw?
>>13831150 It's an old complaint against te original Aguanaut. It was hilariously true
>>13831140 >>13831136 were page 10 and 6th in line to 404
people never bother to make new threads anymore
>>13831176 man even that wasn't close. These kind of people discredit a lot of shit just because something is bipedal and blue.
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
>>13831194 >>13831150 Let me find the original aguanaut that had it worse than this one does and show you Tornadus-T side-by-side
>>13831186 So make it yourself?
I will if it hasnt yet Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>13831222 show me in the new thread m80
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>>13831222 show me in the new thread, m80
Shitty New Surveyor !.vcAfdSp5U
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>>13831247 NEW THREAD
>>13831247 NEW THREAD
>>13831247 NEW THREAD