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No.13817560 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So let me get this straight, Gamefreak.

You're giving Mega-evos to Pokémon that were already powerful to begin with. Even Pokémon so absurdly powerful (Blaziken, Garchomp) they were banned in certain competitive circles. Thus dooming the Mega-evos of Pokémon that needed the boost, like Mawile, into being second-tier at best and utterly forgotten at worst, thanks to the one Mega-evo limit.

You made the new Fairy-type to counter the broken Dragons. And yet you manage to make it too powerful and not powerful enough at the same time. The type matchups being too powerful, and the Pokémon themselves being underpowered, making their whole raison d'être moot considering the godlike stats and movepools of dragons. (Oh, and Gengar and Scizor are going to shit all over 'em too. As if they didn't need enough boosting.)

You do absolutely NOTHING to boost the types that needed boosts the most. Ice still has absolutely no resistances and the one or two at most useful fairies are going to utterly usurp them. Bug now has SEVEN FUCKING RESISTANCES. Yeah, as if Bug-types were sooooooo broken.

You also make Ghost-types the de facto new Dragon-type by removing Steel's resistance. Gengar, a Pokémon so powerful that he was top-tier for the whole history of Pokémon, is even more powerful now that Steels can't wall him. And you give it trap-immunity just for the icing on the broken cake. And don't get me started on how sad the Steel/Psychics are (oh god poor Bronzong you're going straight to RU this gen)

And you have the bald audacity to claim that you want to restore balance to your game. Let me ask you something:

What. The. FUCK.

(oh, and inb4 >hurr u le buttmad xdddd.
Yes, I mad. And anyone who gives a shit about this game should be mad too.)