Quoted By:
X: Team Flare gets to Xerneas, and starts sucking up to it, saing "Oh, Mighty Xerneas, you're so beautifull. Your influene should be spread to the world! Don'tyou see all the horrible things, ugly and sad? You must act!" Xerneas goes out of control with the whole "LIFE IS GOOD, BITCHES, LET'S GET HIGH" hippie shit and starts overdoing it.
Kalos region starts turning into a hype-jungle because plants and stuff will not stop growing, and pokemon invade cities to make it their hood without giving a care to the people already occupying it
Y: Yveltal rampages because Team Flare took away Xerneas because "SO MAJESTIC! It will truly inspire all people and pokemon to lii up to its beauty and glory!". Alot easier to make work, really, since his theme has been associated with EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL since imemorial times