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Upgrade your favorite Pokemon.

No.13827030 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
John Gamefreak shows up at your door and tells you "Congraturation! you won contest!"

You now get to pick any one Pokemon and add 30 points to its base stat total. You are allowed to choose where to allocate these thirty points.

What Pokemon do you choose, and where do you put the points? Why do you do so? How much better will it be now?

Can be any Pokemon; you can even give Arceus 150 attack if you'd so choose.

I'd like to make Golurk a more viable Pokemon. I'm torn between giving it base 85 speed so it can outspeed slower Pokemon, and giving it 95 in each defense to help augment its walling capabilities.

To be honest, I'm really not sure how to make Golurk more awesome in thirty points, but I would sure as hell try.