>>13838437> Cool in middle school> Uncool in high schoolWhat? XD
Nothing is "cool" in middle school, you get hated for anything. Act different, everyone makes fun of you for being weird. Act similar to the others, you get made fun of for "thinking you're cool when you're not".
High school here, on the other hand, is great. Everyone stopped giving a shit and went back to playing Pokemon (in every class I'm in, about half the class is playing Pokemon instead of listening. The saddest part is that we're in the most difficult classes offered in this school, in the best school in the area). You're not expected to be a douche like you are in middle school. The people who actually make fun of others to be mean generally are hated and get the shit beaten out of them when the short kid they made fun of for nine to eleven years suddenly ends up being about a foot taller than them and a hundred pounds heavier (weight from muscle). Too bad that last part was my brother, not me. I'm still short, and I'm in college.