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[7 / 1 / ?]

No.13838095 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's talk anime for a sec.

What are your predictions?

Is she the Misty/Iris and do nothing or the May/Dawn and be there to advertise the newest gimmicks? Maybe she actually tries for badges and acts like a pseudo-rival to Ash. Does she have a Fennekin or Froakie?

Absolutely useless like in everything he's ever appeared in or more experienced this time around? Rival? Evolves starters? Chespin the new Oshawott?

Personality-less exposition fountain? Stale-joke character? Max tier?

Is she the Max? Uguu moe character?

Will Flare be the main antagonists or will they be shafted? Will the anime be plot focused this time around?

Here's my guess, friends:
It's shit as always.