Taillow line, State bird is the scissortail, same family as swallows.
Buffolant, we got the buffalo, ranches of 'em.
Deerling Line, There's a lot of 'em, and double duty as redbud three.
Excadrill, From my house, I can see three fracking towers.
Castform, I don't like it, but it's pretty apt for how things go 'round here.
Other options
Chatot: We had a musical this one time, Wolverine was in it.
Braviary: We don't have bald eagles, but OK was 100% red two consecutive times, maybe more.
In the Marvel Universe, Thor's hammer landed a few miles west of Tulsa, and Asgard hung out here too. No Thor Pokemon though, might justify a Legendary.
That ghost cowboy thing in gen /vp/ would be perfect, if he were real.
Captcha: Acres ubliesh. Yes, we have acres.