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102KiB, 1191x670, tengen_toppa_gurren_bisharp_by_silver_blur_x-d4kojgf.jpg
Quoted By: >>13857517
So, /vp/, we know that there are obvious pokemon who are going to rise and fall in 6th gen's Metagame.
+Gengar will get used a shit ton with his newly buffed typing.
+Venusaur's buffed all-around, and already sat comfortably before
-Unless they get buffs to compensate, Hydreigon, Metagross and Jirachi will fall, if at least a little
But what are some of the less-obvious, less talked about changes that you think we'll see (that is, assuming things don't change as they are now)?
Pic related. This motherfucker has suprisingly a lot going for him this gen.
Great defensive and offensive typing. Steel and Dark now hit the base type chart all neutrally. Fighting's less common what with both Fairy and Ghost running around, so that 4x weakness isn't as game breaking. Also it's type deals perfectly well with Gengar, our new OU king. He's not weak to Fairy, and is one of the few Dark types who can actually kill Fairies.
Slap a Choice Scarf on him, and his amazing attack works to sweep pre-setup. More importantly, he's unique enough to not be fully outclassed.
I honestly think he'll get a huge buff.
What do you guys think? What else do you predict to shift?
+Gengar will get used a shit ton with his newly buffed typing.
+Venusaur's buffed all-around, and already sat comfortably before
-Unless they get buffs to compensate, Hydreigon, Metagross and Jirachi will fall, if at least a little
But what are some of the less-obvious, less talked about changes that you think we'll see (that is, assuming things don't change as they are now)?
Pic related. This motherfucker has suprisingly a lot going for him this gen.
Great defensive and offensive typing. Steel and Dark now hit the base type chart all neutrally. Fighting's less common what with both Fairy and Ghost running around, so that 4x weakness isn't as game breaking. Also it's type deals perfectly well with Gengar, our new OU king. He's not weak to Fairy, and is one of the few Dark types who can actually kill Fairies.
Slap a Choice Scarf on him, and his amazing attack works to sweep pre-setup. More importantly, he's unique enough to not be fully outclassed.
I honestly think he'll get a huge buff.
What do you guys think? What else do you predict to shift?