>>13912857SD Garchomp hasn't been common in a long time anyway. What matters is that the choiced dragons (so most of them) will pretty much disappear. Specs Latios, CB Dragonite, Scarf Salamence, Scarf Garchomp, Scarf Haxorus, Specs Kingdra. When you think about it, you realize that Dragons pretty much derive their viability from choice items.
Some do use boosting moves still, but even these aren't safe. DD Dragonite, for example, runs DD/Dragon move/FIre Punch/Extremespeed. If it wants to smash Fairies, it will have to choose between losing to Steels, Scarfers/Ice Sharders, or losing a STAB. So it gets ruined too.
Life Orb Latios is the safest of all Dragons, against Fairies (specifically Azumarill).