Worst Gen: IV
There are four memorable pokemon from the generation. Staraptor, Infernape, Lucario, Garchomp. Every other pokemon from that game is absolute garbage. Yeah, there are the 20 legendaries in there, but because there were so many none of them were memorable. Staraptor will always hold best offensive bird, infernape was champion before bw/bw2 & blaziken got speed boost, lucario is super furbait & was in brawl, and garchomp is garchomp. The region itself was rather decorative, but everything about it was so horrible. It had boring, slow paced gameplay, and what the fuck is the point of defog/rock climb? bitch please nigga. the less HMs the better. Piece of shit game, ruined pokemon. I was afraid to get BW because of how shitty DPPt was, but i couldn't resist. I will give the whole phys/special change props though. That was about the only good thing that generation.
The solid upgrade going from gen I to gen II was miraculous. Yeah, there were only 100 new pokemon and a fair amount of pointless pokemon, but the new pokemon that were cool, were the coolest pokemon in town. Donphan, motherfucking rollout elephant. Ursaring, thugass dgaf bear. Umbreon/Espeon, fuck yeah. Gligar, this flying pink motherfucker was ground/flying. How the fuck does that even make sense? That's how fucking cool he was. Larvitar, what a boss. This fucker eats mountains. Quagsire, water type thats only weakness is grass? Fuck yeah, learned EQ @ level 30? Holy shit! From the prototype that was RBY the gameplay improvements and mechanics that were implemented in GSC are unparalleled. All you faggots who started playing at gen III will never be able to understand.