>>13934791This nigga right here.
I recently did a Challenge Mode Dream World playthrough (in which I only use Pokemon I've obtained from the Dream World, Dream Radar, or Hidden Grotto)
I grinded the fuck out of the 10,000 points and had the luxury of obtaining a Poliwag, so I decided to form a DW team around Rain.
Beeyeehem (was a lot bulkier than I expected and hit like a fucking freight train)
during the E4 Politoed was mostly used to set up the rain, and I would send out the equivalent Pokemon to wreck them with. Armaldo would be used to Revenge and possibly Sweep. It was basically Thundurus and Armaldo cleaning house with my other guys taking care of those niche Pokemon they couldn't.
I get up to Iris and I take care of her Pokemon easily, then comes out her Haxorus. in Normal Mode she has dual chop, but in Challenge Mode she has Outrage, the Big Red Button.
since it's programmed into the AI, Haxorus will always start with Dragon Dance unless you are a Dragon yourself which you can take advanage of by sending in a really defensive Poke or a steel type. Haxorus more often than not will get to take advantage of that DD because it has a focus sash, so unless you have a Mamoswine, something with an Ice/Dragon move and priority or a Steel tye, you're gonna feel the pain
So basically Haxorus is rampaging around hits my Armaldo, and she survives with 4 HP and lands the finishing blow. Never been more happy in my life.