>>13959695Rotom'sis Substitute, so
>FirewallThe user conjures up a wall of fire using some of its HP that blocks attacks until it is doused. It takes reduced damage from Fire, Grass, Bug, Steel, Ice and Fairy-type attacks, but double damage from Water, Ground and Rock-type attacks.
It's gonna be the same gist for the rest so i'll just list names:
>Bubble WrapSummons a water-type bubble around user
>Leaf ShieldSummons leaves around user
>EM RepulsionElectric-type, User repulses attacks for a certain period via magnetism
>Hard ScalesDragon-type, user hardens its scales and becomes immune to damage until the equivalent of 25% of its HP is dealt to it
>Solid FreezeEncases the user in ice
>High WindsFlying-type, kicks up winds around user
>ParryFighting-type, user will parry certain moves
>StonewallRock-type, self explanatory
>MudbathGround-type, user encases self in mud because i don't know
>TelepathPsychic-type, user dodges moves automatically.
>ScapegoatDark-type, basically substitute but fuck you
>Shadow CloakGhost-type, user retreats to shadows for the duration of move
>Pixie DustFairy-type, spreads a cloud of disorienting dust
>IroncladSteel-type, self explanatory
>Fake VomitPoison-type, makes foe wary of actually trying to hit the foe
>HivemindBug-type, summons bugs and shit I guess