>Be hyped as shit for first pokemon tournament
>Be Gen 3
>Never heard of EVs/IVs
>Be national 10th anniversary tournament
>Be looking at other people's pokemon and their stats
>Ubers are allowed
>Think people are cheating due to 500+ attack groudon and shit
>Think about dropping out
>Go through with it anyway
>Sweep first match
>Sweep second match
>Play against one of the guys i thought was cheating, his overheat missed and i crit his ludicolo(it's doubles) before it can get a SE hit on my kyogre
>Get to finals
>Be hyped as shit
>Some asian kid starts off with a follow me clefable and groudon
>I start off with Kyogre and Lugia
>Don't understand how weather works
>He gets drought off and I dont' switch kyogre out
>He swords dances kyogre like 3 times while i do shit damage to clefable
>I knock out clefable and get desperate so i swagger groudon
>It does like half damage to itself, even in the sun surf kyogre kills it
>match proceeds to go down to the wire
>I end up losing a 1v1 of mewtwo vs snorlax
>Later on realize I could've won if i used psychic instead of thunderbolt cause it was raining( i thought it'd do more damage and hoped for paralysis, i cuda got off two psychics instead of two thunderbolts and did 90% more damage for the win)
>Guy was Minh ba le
>Goes off to win world championships
>Realize I almost beat this guy without knowing jack shit