>>13993541I think I get you question, OP.
I'm a cop nowadays, but for the most part I've always identified with a punk/ indie mentality, and naturally am drawn to that subculture and musical stylings.
As such I relate a few pokemon visually if not necessarily temperamentally, particularly Dark, to punk.
Toxicroak, Primeape, Sandslash, Rampardos, Gengar, Murkrow, Scrafty,Skuntank... they relate visually to punk hairstyles. I'd totally put them in a band.
Heck, even the Dark-specialized trainers Karen, Sidney, and even Grimsley (with his My Chemical Romance-esque garb) wear a fashion that wouldn't be out of place at a punk show.
I'm hoping to see some new Punk-emon with Gen 6 to add to my collection!