Here's the thing: when Pokemon just started, it gave te world a very creative universe. It brought features such as: real interaction with friends through trades and battling (that play an actual important part in the game); extensive type chart (with some innovative types for RPGs, like ghost, psychic, fighting and dragon); 150 powerful creatures with which you could build a very diverse team of 6, it had pokemon that were realistic (it respected the logic of "animal inspired creature") and mysterious ones, like Gengar and Mew, so you could never really make up a logic to that world, but only enjoy its wonders; you had a asshole rival to beat, a championship to win, a crime organization to stop; you had pokemon inspired by pre-historic creatures that were brought back to life through fossils, you had pokemon that only lived in safaris, you could surf on your pokemon, you could fly on your pokemon... The first game is like building a world of child's dreams, making it creedible and then making you think that there's so much you don't know about that world, making you want to discover, to go on an adventure. The first game of Pokemon makes the set up not only for a promising game franchise, but for a new way of playing video-games. When you play Red, you just can't wait to discover what did they come up with in the sequels. And the truth is... They never came up with new stuff. I mean, REAL new stuff, not shit that nobody cares about. Since its first game, Pokemon didn't changed a bit. And some might even say "I didn't wanted it to change", but you would be lying. Nobody wanted more and more pokemon, that amount, 150 (with a hidden 1) was enough. I'm not saying I don't like any of the pokemon that came after (Gollurk is my favorite mon and Gen VI is setting up to be my favorite generation), I'm just saying that, what we expected when we played the first game was for brand new features, new choices you could make, new ways to explore the pokemon world...