Haha time for autism.
>>14012029Traveling: 7/10. Points for traveling light, points deduced for not being able to last long without stocking up. However, could be remedied by your traveling party members.
Gear: 8/10 taste, but deducted to 6/10 for not having a generator to complement your Magnezone. Also, you're just asking for your tablet to get busted up. Ignore if city based trainer.
Fashion: 8/10. Jackets over a shirt is fucking sexy, points awarded for simple accessory and underwear as pajamas.
Fuck you I'll be sexist if I want.Team: High maintenance without variety, 5/10 on the road, 8/10 in the city. Would go to a gym run by. Points deduced for no surfer or flier, sitting on Magnet Rise Magnezone does not count because it sounds fucking dangerous, ignore if city.
Overall: 8/10 city trainer, 7/10 on the road. Would travel with but not take care of because I'm a self centered faggot.
Extra: ORA ORA ORA ORA/10.