[13 / 5 / ?]

355KiB, 992x806, pokemon_x___y__yveltal_and_xerneas_by_masterthecreater-d5rdi75.png
Quoted By: >>14030184 >>14030206 >>14030230 >>14030233 >>14030256
Ok, I got my hands on Pokemon X early, and would like to tell you some info I have found:
* Fennekin's Final Stage is Fire/Psychic
* Chespin's Final Stage is Grass/Steel
* Froakie's Final Stage is Water/Dark
* Fletchling does in fact have another stage after Talonflame, named Inferclaw, who is also Fire/Flying
* Swirlix evolves into a larger Cotton-Candy-like Pokemon who is now purplish and is also Pure Fairy.
* Spritzee evolves into a flamongish Pokemon who is a darker shade of Pink, and is now on two legs, it is a Fairy/Water-Type.
* Milotic is found by fishing and is also now a Water/Fairy-Type, along with a new Pokemon that is Water/Fairy named Nixine (I think it is a play on the mystical water spirit called a Nixie)
* There is a Z-Legendary! It's name I will leave for you to discover, but it is Poison/Ghost-type.
Gym Leaders:
* Clemont focuses on Normal-Types and has a Bunnelby and a Litleo.
* Viola has just one pokemon, Vivillon.
* Grant is surprisingly a Rock-Type Gym Leader.
* Korrina focuses on Fairy-Type Pokemon.
Team Flare:
* Xerosic is the boss as suspected
* Each of the Scientists focus on a different battling style, ex: Bryony focuses on Defense.
* They use Dark and Fire-Types.
Some Plot for You:
* Xerosic and Team Flare's plan is to try and take over all of Kalos and force the world into slavery (little darker, it's nice :) )
* Surprisingly, Professor Sycamore is the champion of the Kalos Region.
* Professor Sycamore gives you the option to pick only one region to get a starter from, not just from Kanto, but you only get one, so choose wisely!
* You often battle your rival
And with that, I give you all that you will need to hold you over until X and Y :) Have fun playing the games you guys!
* Fennekin's Final Stage is Fire/Psychic
* Chespin's Final Stage is Grass/Steel
* Froakie's Final Stage is Water/Dark
* Fletchling does in fact have another stage after Talonflame, named Inferclaw, who is also Fire/Flying
* Swirlix evolves into a larger Cotton-Candy-like Pokemon who is now purplish and is also Pure Fairy.
* Spritzee evolves into a flamongish Pokemon who is a darker shade of Pink, and is now on two legs, it is a Fairy/Water-Type.
* Milotic is found by fishing and is also now a Water/Fairy-Type, along with a new Pokemon that is Water/Fairy named Nixine (I think it is a play on the mystical water spirit called a Nixie)
* There is a Z-Legendary! It's name I will leave for you to discover, but it is Poison/Ghost-type.
Gym Leaders:
* Clemont focuses on Normal-Types and has a Bunnelby and a Litleo.
* Viola has just one pokemon, Vivillon.
* Grant is surprisingly a Rock-Type Gym Leader.
* Korrina focuses on Fairy-Type Pokemon.
Team Flare:
* Xerosic is the boss as suspected
* Each of the Scientists focus on a different battling style, ex: Bryony focuses on Defense.
* They use Dark and Fire-Types.
Some Plot for You:
* Xerosic and Team Flare's plan is to try and take over all of Kalos and force the world into slavery (little darker, it's nice :) )
* Surprisingly, Professor Sycamore is the champion of the Kalos Region.
* Professor Sycamore gives you the option to pick only one region to get a starter from, not just from Kanto, but you only get one, so choose wisely!
* You often battle your rival
And with that, I give you all that you will need to hold you over until X and Y :) Have fun playing the games you guys!