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No.14101640 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Holy fucking shit tits, /vp/. I decided to watch some cartoons on my day off, and while channel surfing I came across Rival Destinies, more specifically the episode where Ash battles Roxie. WHY is he so fucking stupid, though? Yeah, he won, but why not Volt Tackle instead of Quick Attack? Garbodor was holding Pikachu in the air for a bit, literally holding it in the air, and he didn't have Pikachu use Thunder. Why? The fuck.

>TLDR Ash is a dumb fuck, do you think that he'll be smarter in the X and Y series since he appears to be ageing, or do you think we'll get another reset?

Pic is mfw when watching Ash battle and listening to the characters explain everything short of how the Pokemon walk.