's the thread. Let's look at the facts:
>claims 70 new pokes/no postgameunconfirmed, still up in the air
>says "the final starter leaks are legit. Greninja is fucking sweet."deconfirmed, no leaks at the time were accurate (barring greninja-still potential), and he talks of greninja like it was one of them. this could mean greninja is real, but that he refers to the "starter leaks" all being real is questionable since only one may have been.
>Final team is Greninja (Froakie final evo), Pyror female (I think that one was revealed?), Aumoros or whatever its name is (rock/ice fossil), Venasaur, Xerneas, and Hawlucha (a hawk luchador fighting/flying type)Here he introduces Hawlucha for the FIRST TIME. He also provides screenshots. Hawlucha has been shown in multiple other sources now.
He's likely real, but could be planting false info. It's hard to know what he has to gain from that though. For the time being I'm erring on the side of disappointment because it would be better than hoping for too much.