So, seeing as the leaks look over for today, here's a recap of the random bits of info.
A certain hat is 2600 poke dollars.
Once again, it has been confirmed you cannot crossdress. The dress icon is faded out for males.
It's unknown whether you can unlock different types of bags (backpacks, etc). You can unlock more items of clothing as you progress in the game and get more badges, so it's possible, says the leaker.
Third gym leader has two lucarios, you fight them before the actual gym battle.
Jaw/Sail Fossil (Tyrunt/Amaura's fossils) are obtained in the town right after you get your first badge, you can choose, your rival takes the other and they also give you a mega stone for aerodactyl.
>you can't go hatless, unless i can unlock the option later in game
>You unlock more customizing(clothes mostly) the more badges you obtain
>this is what an npc told me
>I can't confirm if you can change hair color eye color or skin, i have no idea where i can even do it.
When Hawlucha attacks, he jumps in the air and does a luchadore pose.
Other pokemon like Pikachu and Zigzagoon are confirmed to have unique attack animations like this, but the leaker has stated that "almost all [pokemon] have a neat little specific attack animation".
From what he's seen, all of them do, but he can't confirm that they all do because he hasn't seen every pokemon yet.
Story is "pretty decent", team Flare isn't as imposing of a villain as he'd like, yet
Leaf Stone doesn't work on Flabebe.
Each gym has their own unique music like in B/W2.
Dedenne has a move that drains HP. It's Electric-Fairy type.
Mr. Mime has an animation where he mimes things.