>>14194082I dunno about reddit because every time I try giving it a chance its awful, but hating tumblr is entirely bred from a combination of memetics and ignorance. People avoid it so they never realise it's basically 4chan with the male and female demographics swapped. Yeah, it's got some SJW fucknuts that are obnoxious and retarded and everyone else (on tumblr I mean) makes fun of, but so do we, plus we have the opposite extreme in /pol/. They also have shitty porn and old as shit memes, and then the part of tumblr real people that use it actually care about is primarily a nest of generally likeminded, somewhat nerdy/antisocial individuals discussing and sharing images while putting pressure on each other to produce original content instead of citing old memes. Sound familiar?
basically what I'm saying here is the "tumblr is all SJW's and hipster memespouting twelve year olds" thing is no different from "4chan is /b/," tumblr just has a tag system instead of boards.