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No.14233729 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /vp/ I am extremely concerned with the future of competitive pokemon. Will competitive pokemon die by the time X/Y arrives?
>No RNG, so real life competitive battling like VGC will be severely gimped
>Power creep from Megas and New Pokemons
>More offensive pokemon requiring specific counter. (Assuming 3.5% Smogon cutoff, OU will be more crowded than ever). There's no way a 6 pokemon team will be able to counter/check all the threads. It will be nuke first or get nuked / matchup coin toss game (just like Gen V but on steroid)
> Weather wars will be worse than ever

I seriously think the glory of skill & prediction based Gen IV battling is long over (I'm not a genwunner, let's be honest Gen 1-3 was also shit, and Gen V is a decline compared to gen IV)

Is it time to jump ship and become casual karenfag?