[39 / 6 / ?]
Quoted By: >>14248145 >>14248161
Just a reminder that Aegislash is the new Dusknoir.
>Doublade. Base stats: 60/110/150/55/50/30
>Same Defense stat as Registeel
>504 Def minimum, 657 Def maximum
>Defensive Doublade:
252 +1 Atk Dragonite (+Atk) Fire Punch vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 30.86% - 36.42% (3-4 hits to KO)
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 36.11% - 43.52% (3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Choice Band Tyranitar (+Atk) Crunch vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 49.07% - 58.33% (2-3 hits to KO)
>And for Adamant Max Attack Doublade that gives up defense:
252 +1 Atk Dragonite (+Atk) Fire Punch vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 40.12% - 47.53% (3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 47.22% - 56.48% (2-3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Choice Band Tyranitar (+Atk) Crunch vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 63.89% - 75.93% (2 hits to KO)
Doublade and Wish Chansey for cutest couple.
>Doublade. Base stats: 60/110/150/55/50/30
>Same Defense stat as Registeel
>504 Def minimum, 657 Def maximum
>Defensive Doublade:
252 +1 Atk Dragonite (+Atk) Fire Punch vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 30.86% - 36.42% (3-4 hits to KO)
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 36.11% - 43.52% (3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Choice Band Tyranitar (+Atk) Crunch vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Doublade (+Def) : 49.07% - 58.33% (2-3 hits to KO)
>And for Adamant Max Attack Doublade that gives up defense:
252 +1 Atk Dragonite (+Atk) Fire Punch vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 40.12% - 47.53% (3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 47.22% - 56.48% (2-3 hits to KO)
252 Atk Choice Band Tyranitar (+Atk) Crunch vs 252 HP/4 Def Eviolite Doublade: 63.89% - 75.93% (2 hits to KO)
Doublade and Wish Chansey for cutest couple.