The issue with RP involving Pokemon is that almost 99.9% of any medium with a community you could find that would be willing to do eRP is absolutely, utterly godawful(with a few hidden gems in each one).
This makes it kinda rough, because sometimes you have to stick out through the awful shit - but when you find someone you click with and become friends, shit's fuckin' great.
I used to RP in AOL chatrooms back in the day, got into eRP three years later, wrote stories, wrote more, RP'd more, fell into a cesspit, climbed back out of it and distanced myself, occasionally dip into such communities in search of partners.
Though I've already found friends who're more than willing to RP with me, and I can generally cover a lot of ground because I've RP'd so much. Top, bottom, feral, anthro, male, female....
>>14261790For asking that specific question,