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[14 / 6 / ?]

!!ePAObyH4hot No.14302798 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With all of the leaks and news of stores breaking street date, I figured I may lend my services to /vp/ and help some Anons get their hands on a copy from Target before Saturday.

I must note that there is no guarantee this will work.

Witness statements claim that some Target stores have disregarded street dates in the past, the trick is finding out which one will give up the goods, which leads to Step 1

>1. Location, Location, Location
It would be foolish to run to your nearest Target and demand a copy, especially if they didn't get a shipment yet. Do some research on it either from the Target website or get some help from the inside to find out which store has them. Most Targets won't have Pokemon in stock at this point, some have them already for example Upper Saint Clair, PA has 9 copies of X and Y each.

If there isn't a store in your immediate area, continue to check throughout the week. Any Target employee will tell you when their out of stock on items that they get truck shipments every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These will be the best days to strike.