http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=159 Wiki:
http://capx.wikia.com/wiki/CAPX_Wiki Forums:
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php ?
Current Demo of the Game:
http://www.mediafire.com/?1de4t4u3yqg6z1z Current Comments Pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1XSUpMgD Right now we need:
>Design Revisions (For Pokemon with less then 66% approval rating) >Region details & Mapping >Names (Make sure to add your ideas to the wiki or forum!) >Sprites >Movepools, Stats & Abilities >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain about the starters, don't.
Ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>All submissions are closed at this time! >Pokemon with Green Arrows are ready design wise to go in game, they can still be changed but your time is much better spent elsewhere. >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >The dex has low quality images, check the wiki for better quality. >Spriters need to stop making the sprites direct copies of the art! They need to make sure they are facing the right way! > If you do not like a design give constructive criticism so we know best how to change it! >We are really trying to capture the spirit of Pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any Pokemon player. >We are not adding Fairy Type. >We are not adding Mega Evolutions. Clash's art folder(
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=336 ):
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g0exdjc1rdlkg4z/dZAAdIcVGB Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far:
http://imgur.com/a/X0x8e/#0 PokemonOnlineGuide:
>>14318878 Bug Gym Leader Concepts Survey 2:
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/Insectum
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/Sigpun
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/Abiliteeshirt
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/GVL3BPS
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/GKYNZPK
Confirmation Survey for the Paramoth Line:
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/moths
Custom move survey
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/showmeyourmoves
Turkey Gender Survey:
http://www.surveymonkey .com/s/R96NV73
Sprite survey part 1!
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/BTM9YK9
More Plot
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/Ploutline
Gym Snowman Statue survey
https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/snowmon
Foster Gym map survey
https://www.survey monkey.com/s/6S9VRLL Demo Structure survey
https://www.surveymon key.com/s/dangeroustogoalone Aguanaut minor change survey
https://www.surveym onkey.com/s/NautOverYet Gen /vp/ soundcloud
https://soundcloud.com/mathias-kristoffersen-2 guy from other place
Repostin' "Hoppanero have very few predators, due to its spicy fur. When gathered in large groups, they can cause heatwaves."
>>14319225 now finish it
and put it on soundcloud Anonymous
>>14319225 soundcloud pls but yeah like thaT
guy from other place
>>14319299 >>14319312 how long should the song be?
>>14319382 as long as it needs to be.
Songs in pokemon ususally range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
guy from other place
Quoted By:
>>14319412 but I'm making a song without knowing it's final purpose, so yeah, no clue on that
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>>14319225 Sounds like a good example of Ricardo's encounter theme
and the other one is his battle theme jummbl
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I want to write a dex entry for Wispern. Does anyone know where to find a backstory on it?
>>14319007 Demo survey super important.
Also, results of the Ploutline survey are here, as well as instructions on what to do to help move the main plot along.
http://z13.invisionfree.com/Pokemon_Gen_VP/index.php?showtopic=386&st=0#entry22098963 Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
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>>14319611 I approve this message
repost to remind we are not dead
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
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ability surveys also have far to few votes. I'd hate for something bad to get confirmed just because you guys are lazy.that's an empty threat. I would keep it open
guy from other place
Ok, here it is:
https://soundcloud.com/chirimoya-1/serenata hope you guys find a good place to put this.
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>>14319698 >that intro Nice desu ne
>>14320124 That's pretty good for an encounter theme actually.
guy from other place
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
Okay guys, this is a super rough mockup, since i cant to the actua sprite work, but heres this. it would end with it saying something like, are you ready to go on your journey or some such.
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>>14320538 >no trans option >implying gender is binary Anonymous
>>14320538 Draik we have two sprites made for that exact purpose.
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>>14320538 I'd rather just it say "Boy/girl" without asking
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14320596 I'm aware, the idea is that you choose on of the cool actioany poses and it zooms into the shrinkydink sprite.
Can I ask you guys something? Who thought Grass/Flying was great typing for the starter?
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>>14320538 Holy shit the last image is great
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>>14320691 secondary type triangle, yo.
>>14320651 why not just something like this?
>>14320747 because those are different things altogether.
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>>14320785 I mean the same idea, just show both pics and have you choose one of them.
Don't mean literal vs sprites
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>>14320235 this so fucking much
we take this one as the encounter theme, and the other one as battle.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>14320747 i made this a looooong time ago
>>14320651 I meant these Draik, they were made for that scene
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>14320848 I'm aware. they also had the shrinky dink frames with them, but somehow they got lost. What im saying is use the action pose to choose, then fade into this fro the animation. I know these were made, I was the one bugging people to make them.
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>>14320124 oh, hey
this sounds nice
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>>14321285 I think the legs are a bit thin, or the head is a bit big. But otherwise nice job
New namefriend interpretations and anons when
>>14321410 Never. Cut that shit out.
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Hey can I request some fanart of Chegrin's and Cairup's tail fighting?
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>>14321433 Why, it was nice and even anons were there.
Dont be a negative nancy lurker
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
I made a Muddy Buddy sprite. Hope this helps convince people to vote for him. All the other options are so serious. It'll be good to have a lighthearted E4.
>>14321957 Now do one for Sandra.
Both will be ingame
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>>14319611 Well those results are depressing.
>>14321957 You fuck! I loved you and now you go all anti-Sandra on me. Great sprite though.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Fiddlin' wit da Muddy Buddy. Got some options: mouth open/mouth closed and mud puddle/ no mud puddle.
>>14322378 I'll be glad to put a sprite together for Sandra. She's the second best of the Ground E4 options, after Muddy Buddy.
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>>14322867 mouth open fo sho
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>>14322867 Mouth open, puddle. That boy is drippin'
>>14322867 pic fucking related fucker
>>14322997 Fuck yoh man he and sandra are all but confirmed. You gunna tell me your shitty self insert is gunna dethrone either one? Both have large enough fan bases that to not have both ingame would be an atrocity
Terra !4dLvBoNE..
>>14321957 >wanting Muddy Buddy to be E4 Traitorous scum he's our Emerald!Steven, or Red, or Gen 5!Cynthia...
In all seriousness,
>>14322069 if you could do this one as well that would be wonderful.
>>14322172 >posting Gen 6 >especially starter evos Goddammit Sketcher.
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>>14323034 Ah shoot I forgot that not everyone is looking at officially released pokemon.
>>14322997 Muddy Buddy and Sandra are both going to be in the game almost 100% in some way. Plus, Muddy Buddy's design isn't going to change.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14322997 I don't know if you noticed this, but:
>>14321957 >Hope this helps convince people to vote for him. So go fuck yourself.
>>14323020 >>14323099 >>14323101 >shitty self insert no, but wait till the fucking thing is confirmed at least before wasting you time.
>>14323112 remember the atom spriter?
you're worse than that guy ever was so leave this project and never come back fucker.
>>14323112 so do you only trip to be a faggot now
>>14323034 Oh Terra
this is for starting shit with Pawter. Enjoy the psuedo line Anonymous
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>>14323157 obviously Hide his posts and ignore him
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>>14323151 it's their time being wasted, why does it matter?
>>14323200 based squishy phlask
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>>14323112 Do Sandra and its all good m80
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>>14320538 wheres my transgender protagonist?
>>14323268 It gets worse
Based goo phlask chillnobyl
Terra !4dLvBoNE..
>>14323200 Pawter made a fool of herself and made up for it, I dont think either of us are mad at the other. I was trying to calm those fires this whole time and shes the one who threw the fit. Regardless, dont act like I started shit I didn't. I couldn't care less who got drizzle. If someone got mad about Ninetales-Water Forme getting it, thats their problem and I have no
dog in that fight.
I could turn off my trip but its pretty obvious where i post, anon or not. Nonetheless, sorry for the faggotry and responding. >>14322867 Based comfy. Even if I hate you for you, I like your products. Kind of like wal-mart, McDonald's, or Apple. Except fuck apple and fuck their products to.
>>14323302 >Gen 6 has literally nothing but role-fillers, like starters and 25 legendaries and makes up for this by flooding the game with half a thousand formes for everything X/Y confirmed for pleb tier shit
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>>14322172 So how will that affect the standalone Aguanaut survey?
>>14323500 Actually 3 confirmed starters, lodes of fairies and 70 new mons. Skrelp evolves at level 37+ with camouflage and clauncher at 37 with crabhammer.
Hawlucha is luchadon meets smashiary.
Helioptile evolves to Heliolisk with a thunderstone.
Electric weather.
Kanto birds roam.
Sycamore gives you kanto starter when you defest him early on.
Gardevoir has a mega.
Dual type attacks confirmed
Jack o lantern mon.
Noivern has a prevo.
Also enjoy Chesnaught
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14323151 It's not a waste of time. I enjoy doing it, and it's a fan project. It's not like I'm on some deadline. I wanted to sprite it, so I did.
It is my free time after all, and what is it hurting?
>>14323157 No, I trip because I'm proud of the work I do, and I don't think it's arrogant to want to attach my name to good work. I know that's hard for a lot of 4channers to accept.
As for my salty response to the previous poster, they called me a fucker. Ergo, I told them to go fuck themselves.
>>14323629 hey, we should totally put your name in the credits man!
oh, what about sandra? you dont like her right? dont sprite her! that will convince MORE people to vote for muddybuddy!
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>>14323629 you said no but you explained yes
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14323500 Hey, I appreciate it. I work really hard to make good things for you guys.
I wish you didn't have such a negative opinion of me, though. This little incident right here is exactly like every other time people have gotten mad at me. This is literally the first thing this dude said to me:
>>14322997 >pic fucking related fucker Every time I get mad, it's because people like these have to say shit like this (except for that platypow incident. I suppose I had a part to play in that). But I'm going to try to ignore it from now on. It's clearly not worth the effort.
Anyway, I hope I can change people's minds about me. I really enjoy this project. Especially when the thread isn't full of a bunch of pointless arguing.
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>>14323692 >>14323629 put your name right next to Raptor's in the credits. We will be proud of you
>>14323760 You do good work. Keep around man. Youre Dunky 2.0
>>14323760 It's because you're willing to argue back and start shit with people that bait you. Most namefags have learned by now to just ignore people who are being openly hostile or rude just because they can be. You merely feed them.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14323692 That's hyperbolic. I wouldn't care if everyone was a tripfag on this project. If you do good work, there's no reason people shouldn't have a name to attach to it.
It just seems 4chan has this bizarre opinion that people only use trips because they're attention whores. But that's hardly fair.
And you don't seem to get this angry at all the other tripfags.
>>14323797 more like indignant tripfag standard edition
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>>14323829 Productive, good natured, incredibly easy to bait.
Dunky 2.0
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14323829 I suppose that's true. I am trying to keep myself from doing it, but it's hard when I actually want to have a discussion about what they're saying, and all they can do is spew angry nonsense.
I guess the jokes on me.
>>14323845 And what do you do? Whether you like it or not, the tripfags have made a good portion of this game. Most take the trip to add weight to their posts and efforts.
Comfy bites, but Comfy does good work. Unless you're going to take up the work, stfu and let him do his thing
So...is this good to Wiki in place of the old Mangrove?
>>14323898 >what do I do absolutely disgusting
put the trip back on, I don't have to explain what I do to some guy not happy with how we treat people who want credit for everything they do
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>>14323990 Yes dammit, yes.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14324001 I dont have a trip. Lurking and voting doesnt count you lazy nigress
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>>14324105 Stop the meta discussion. it can get out of hand.
Anyone gonna redo the Festival Boys that are just N recolors?
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14323898 >Comfy bites /( ╥﹏╥)\
>>14323898 >but Comfy does good work. \( ; ▽;)/
>>14321957 i want to quest with him. and ihab, and bug girl. thus i don't want any kid gym leaders. so younger trainers and jobbers can be your buddies.
>>14323112 usually i argue with comfy, but within reason, as i respect him for actually trying. something i often feel is lacking. but i agree on this. thus my occasional work on a sidequest trainer becuase i get sick of working a back or feel miserable with my current wips
>>14323629 as for advice for haters. if it's constructive try to consider it, if it's shit ignore it. i feel you over extend emotionally. but as for your work on the the dude's revised soccer bro trainer sprite. you ever adjust the proportions a bit to fix shoulder proportions and leg ratios?
also posting my muse trainer.
would have revised your soccer one but i was busy all weekend
>>14324173 Comfy, think you could freely design a trainer class with spritework?
>>14324173 holy fucking shit dude. you wonder why people dont like you when all you do is shit post. most other tripfags (read the good tripfags) know when to shut their fucking mouths and not shit post with leddit tier smiley bullshit
yes im fucking mad. im fucking furious.
Sage goes in all fields
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>>14324173 There's a good fucking reason everyone who compliments you prefaces it with "fuck that guy"
Better post your comfy chest cushions if you want to be loved. Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>sometimes thought about giving myself a name >decide not to so nobody will miss me
Crawg !lOCKq9m4o6
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>>14324291 ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Whats funny is these emotes most likely predate 4ch, and originate from its predecessor ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14324271 Do you mean design a trainer without concept art, or make a sprite from scratch without having a base sprite to work with? Because that's what this
>>14322867 is.
>>14324170 Wasn't it decided that the new one is different enough from N to be acceptable? (Pic related)
>>14324194 I haven't gone back to the footballer since last night. Let me take a look.
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>>14324334 See, gun is a good trip, because
A) She trips only when needed
B) She knows when to stop posting, or when to post ironically
C) Shes always been absolutely pleasant
D) She does amazing work
You only fit one of those.
>>14324431 >Do you mean design a trainer without concept art, This, yes.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14324457 I suppose I could. Was there one you had in mind?
>>14324484 An industrial worker male and female, female first if both are too much work. As of now the miners are the only thing that kind of fit into the second gym and they don't do it well.
>>14324431 >Wasn't it decided that the new one is different enough from N to be acceptable? the new ones are fine
>>14324542 good thinking. maybe some doubles as we are supposed to have around 1 per route ish. also a town could have a side quest. a kid asking to find his lost cowatti in the factory, have to fight workers who see you till you get to it. kids gives you a tm. (and they wonder why i want take care of the sidequests) also which tms will be available from our first few marts?
Crawg !lOCKq9m4o6
>>14324431 >>14324457 >>14324572 >>14324334 Linking Gun as well because she's the authority on sprites more or less;
I think if it was slightly altered to be visibly different, the sprite could improve drastically. Would it be too difficult to be worth it?
>>14324634 Jesus man I just wanted a sprite.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14324194 I moved the hips and legs higher and stretched the ankles by a pixel. Does it look better?
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>>14324696 yup
>>14324654 double's don't need new pose, just side-by-side mashup. just needs a little lasso tool.
>>14324696 his pose looks really gay
>>14324696 He was recoloured with the correct colors recently.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>14324642 Oh man I'm not the final authority on sprites at all, especially not trainer sprites. I'm just the OCD /a/non who runs surveys and yells at people who fuck up the sprite page. The rest of the spriters have just as much authority as me.
>>14324696 Looking good
THOUGH I DON'T HAVE THE PRE-EDIT TO COMPARE TO, GOD. . My only concern is how the hand is laying on the hip. At least in my experience, the natural way for hands to rest on the hip is to have it wrapping around the body with the thumb in the back and the fingers in the front. That might just be because girls have different proportions than guys though??? I have no idea.
Also I'm totally late on this but the fact that soccer ball is colored like a pokeball is a cute touch.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14324782 Maybe he is. That'd be pretty progressive. First openly gay character in a Pokemon game.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
Anyone have the concept art for the train engineer trainers?
>>14324782 he's a football player, get over it.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14324868 He was recolored away from those colors to begin with. I had assumed they were from different teams than the ones in Black and white.
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>>14324291 D:
:D :O C: ;A; just chill out anon
>Sage goes in all fields you missed name Anonymous
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>>14324868 correct? thought they were supposed to be sprouting england and brazil colors? we could add more countries as well. since trainer variant dude was making intersting moves in making every trainer kinda unique.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>14324782 >implying contact sports aren't blatantly homosexual Anonymous
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>>14324943 Nah that's actually the official Unova colors and these are supposed to be Unova and Urobos strikers.
>sprouting england and brazil colors No, it was supposed to be Unova and Urobos.
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>>14324881 Gun post yourself in doppole bra for pose reasons
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>14324907 I found them while searching through fools... was very long time ago.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14324881 Sorry, gun. Here's the most recent edit compared to the previous. I don't have the original from yesterday, though. Sorry.
Mr.Nice Guy
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Redesign for vectol 2, gonna color it next. Who thinks it should be called Vectol++?
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>14325054 It's all good. Proportions look much better in the new sprite.
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>>14325052 >>14325054 Yeah those guys can you repurpose them into looking like factory workers instead of train engineers?
Mr.Nice Guy
Redesign for vectol 2, gonna color it next. Who thinks it should be called Vectol++? Oh, I forgot claws as well.
Mr.Nice Guy
Quoted By:
any special way you'd like the claws to look?
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>>14325161 doesn't look like a pokemon.
Vectexe Anonymous
>>14325161 The face is cute, the body could be simplified a bit (by making the buttons longer so there are half as many?)
Mr.Nice Guy
>>14325394 Thanks man, that looks way better. Any suggestions on the claws? So far I'm uninspired.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Alright, let me know if I'm on the right track with this guy.
>>14326233 all good but shoes. don't wear runners to work in a factory. you will be fired, or if your boss is a moron you will get hurt
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>>14326233 oh wow, comfy you are great do you have any dA or tumrl? ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14326366 They're not meant to look like trainers, but I suppose they kind of do. Here's some classic leather boots.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14322172 Woah, where's the rest of Wibe's golems?
>>14327267 Noo, the baby is perfect, make an evo!
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>>14327290 That is the evo Anonymous
When did these threads first begin?
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>>14327333 October 16 2012
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>>14327333 over a year ago, though it started as a fakemon thread. group moving is tricky, but the result of iron sharpening iron, diamond sharpening diamond has resulted in some scary Quality
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>>14322172 You lack a load of golem-designs
>>14325054 >touching ball with hand it's shit
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>>14322172 Oh boy oh boy, time to vote.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Here's an updated Skurrow. Yes, a FIFTH skurrow sprite.
>>14327546 >Throwing in after an out-of-bounds. >Taking ball to practice. >Holding ball during battle so he doesn't lose it. Take your pick.
>>14328387 Better face better claws worse tail
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>>14328408 No way. The tail actually is consistent now when it comes to thickness, and the lines of the rings actually look like they naturally follow it.
>>14328387 >tfw might actually consider using now. Anonymous
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>>14328387 Likelihood of it having any dragon egg moves?
>>14328855 It looks a LOT better now and I too am liking it a lot.
Sketcher, nearly everything you thought was a fumighast is a noxial.
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>>14329350 Don't worry, it's not like it's going to change.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
Sandra sprite. The actual sprite is 96x96.
>>14329678 comfy sleep. you incredible bastard. though i always pictured her hair and skin darker. speaking of we have to be sure not to whitewash our cast. female brazillian-multirace-beige cop?
>>14329702 This. Most of the art has really dark hair and yellowish dark skin.
>>14329350 D would be the only one that could ever-so-possibly be a Noxial other than H, but I compensated for H by putting it in both.
>>14329700 Wow, that is top notch Comfy. Great.
Also, please refrain from posting ANY XY spoilers (i.e. anything not released officially) unspoilered. If I see a couple more I'll competely leave until I finish XY.
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>>14329700 Make more magic happen and do Tess.
>>14328649 Wow, 9 months later you ruined it faggots
It doesn't even look like the original picture anymore
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>>14329772 Wow, in one post you've managed to give such constructive feedback faggot
It looks like you've tried your hardest too
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>>14329736 >D would be the only one that could ever-so-possibly be a Noxial other than H, but I compensated for H by putting it in both. Dude, I made 90% of the designs.
They are intended t be noxial.
>>14329736 >D would be the only one that could ever-so-possibly be a Noxial other than H, but I compensated for H by putting it in both. Dude, I made 90% of the designs.
Red is noxial, all made by me except the one drawing of my design by someone else, blue is fumi but everybody wants it as noxial
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14329702 This is the time of day I'm most awake.
>>14329728 There's one pic with her being shite with red hair. Here's one based on the more Asian-looking one.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14329876 >her being shite I mean white.
Hey guys, here's something I've been thinking. Between last thread and this one, a new guy came here and asked if we needed music. Someone said we needed a rival battle theme, and then the same old discussion started again: "doucherado song we have should be the battle one!!!" This got me thinking, are all polls' veredicts final? Can we decide on something without having something else to compare?yeah, I don't want to use that one as encounter theme
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>>14329772 the original was a fucking recolour.
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>>14329876 sexy.
Before i didnt care if you left because your attitude sucks and you only did endless QC.
But now you're doing some god tier OC, making you invaluable.
Nice work.
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>>14324782 >soccer player >not gay Anonymous
>>14330054 >mfw That's pretty sneaky anon.
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>>14329840 That box is for Noxial...
Where can I see the sprites?
>>14330202 not that same anon, but what was it... last week when we were playing around with those?
That was fun
sadly I deleted mine
>>14330270 the wiki
>>14330273 it was like 3 weeks ago i swear.
Whenever snogre got confirmed.
Quoted By:
>>14330283 the days just run together for me lately either way
>Quetzalcoatl legendary 10/10, best one of them all.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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>>14330952 That is cool as fuck!!
Is it cruel that, if we have animated trainer sprites for leaders and such, I'd want to see the statue crumble as she stands up? Anonymous
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>>14330952 can you fix this sprite to mekte it concept.accurate?
the poncho desgin and the shoes don't match the art
>>14320848 Anonymous
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>>14329840 >>14329736 >>14329350 Fuck it, can you just hop on skype, so I can explain it to you there?
>>14329700 jesus fuck
these are amazing'
I don't even care if you occasionally feed trolls if you keep this up
Had no idea you could from scratch like this
>>14331405 We don't use recolored bullshit in our game
>>14331419 >what is a shiny pokemon? Anonymous
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Guys, unless the design that is both Noxial and Fumighast win, it isn't going to matter. The design works as a midstage and a final stage. If people really like a design, but would prefer it somewhere else in the evolutionary chain, they'd comment about it. Not saying that every evo we design should be surveyed whether it goes mid or final, but if alot of people bring it, let the design be re-voted in that catagory.I just don't want you guys arguing now we've come so far. T.T
>>14331449 They are still original sprites and dont have parts from the GF pokemon sprites
>>14331449 Don't bait so hard!
It's a differently coloured sprite that is nontheless made from scratch without GF parts.
>>14331464 >>14331477 I'm just teasing. Sheesh guys.
Not everything is a bait, not everyone is a troll. God what buzzword will pop up next following these, they're so stupid. Anonymous
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>>14331477 >made from scratch without GF parts. that's what i thought
although I probably wouldn't recognize a recolor of trainer #37 into Sandra, so I thought the anon just knew his stuff instead of being an idiot ass
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
Ability surveys been up almost a week and each only has about 30 votes.
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>>14331504 Who knows? And an advice: Don't take buzzword throwing so humorlessly!
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14331464 >>14331477 In fairness, her legs are based on the ones in the BW2 Elesa sprite. But they're not identical, and the rest of the sprite is from scratch.
>>14331572 that's just stupid man. I keep checking them to see if they've moved on the the next step yet. VOTE YOU FUCKERS
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>>14331595 nothing wrong with taking a part here and there from a gf sprite.
Shit, a ton of our trainer sprites have certain parts taken from gf ones.
Especially their heads.
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>>14331595 mind making a native trainer? not necessarily based of this. To replace that hideous hippy
that I made ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14331541 Here's my Megaskink.
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>>14331646 cute. Too much dithering though.
i guess that's a carryover from the sand sculpture, eh? Anonymous
>>14331646 Is he really going to be in the game
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
>>14331624 me too.
If it becomes obvious that just no one cares I'll just collect them, but it has to get to at least 50 to get a fair gauge.
At least that's my take on it, I'll ask the other surveyors later.
>>14331674 no, don't be stupid
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>>14331725 apparantly my opinion has more sway than I thought. I...suppose I'm okay with this.
Sir Vay !yqity7zNyM
OK, so looks like Bug leader survey has had over a week and is only at 50 that's just unacceptable. get on it people, shit is serious business.
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>>14331858 i'd say that's enough to close it.
>>14331858 well remember, our numbers have dropped recently, what with pawtergate and xy hype/spoiler avoidance.
50 is pretty high nowadays.
>>14331858 >Leader 'Bikini Lady': A young woman who wears a bikini and had big breasts that likes bugs. 10/10 design, sold on it immediately
>...had? Anonymous
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>>14331646 God damn. Really cool.
Really makes me want "ginat pokemon" that are rare like shiny pokemon, but its a fuck-ton of work for an aesthetical Anonymous
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>>14331858 >>14331941 Yeah, might want to keep some surveys open until 19th/20-something of this month.
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>>14331988 they were swollen due to her bug bites. duh.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
A quick QC and now I'm going to take a nap.
could someone please add this to the wiki so I don't have to make a whole account and everything?
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>>14332214 make an account faggot
Working on drawing (read: tracing) over one of the art of one of my noxial designs to be larger in resolution and to resemble original design more
>>14332435 Thanks.
>>14332474 Well, you can tell that my hand is jittery as fuck, for sure. And I had the max smooth stroke setting on.
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>>14332518 It's my favourite Noxial as well.
>>14333794 The cracks look bad
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>>14333845 I know.
I'm not using a tablet, so I can't really vary the thickness of my lines back and forth, which is why
>>14332061 Just out of curiosity, Comfy, what method do you use to sprite? Rough outlining and then smoothing? A lot of copypasting and adjusting? I'm interested and it might help spriters in general.
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>>14329700 Thank you for doing them both.
They both look amazing.
>>14333946 >an artist selling/giving away his secrets Anonymous
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>>14324431 Their hips are just so square and the angles and shading on the headdress and legs make them look very flat.
>>14329997 >are all polls' veredicts final? They should be, but sometimes people resurvey anyways since a lot of people can't get over it..
You'll have to ask a surveyor.
>>14334023 Method =/= secret
Art is a matter of skill not a question of secret ingredients
at least it should be Anonymous
>>14334023 >likening artists to magicians Anonymous
>>14334071 nothing ever get resurveyed unless there was a mistake on the survey ore there are new contenders for to survey.
See drizzle survey, people made a giant shitstorm but it wasn't resurveyed
>>14334119 I'd say time is a big factor too, unless you're a natural. I'd say we just let Comfy do his thing since he obviously knows the ways around it.
>>14334131 This goes for anything. It's like a secret ingredient or some shit. You don't WANT to be copied.
>>14334071 >>14334187 Well, if that theme was never intended to be used for that role, then it could be argued the survey was invalid
However, that survey was for the DEMO. Music surveys as of now are on a per demo basis, and are not final for the game
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>>14334187 >tfw going to roll with 6/6 Hurricanines Anonymous
>>14334187 I know. But usually someone brings up past surveys that have been redone.
Trust me, I am all for people just getting over it.
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>>14334228 He's not the only spriter we have, though, and shouldn't be.
But it's up to him whether he wants to share his methodology
though it may just be talent, too. Anonymous
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>>14334275 >Music surveys as of now are on a per demo basis, and are not final for the game it was always like that
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>>14334228 Actually, especially so in this case, you do. Nobody here is making commision on or hell, even having their name put to their work. People sharing techniques can only hasten production and improve quality.
Are there spoilers in this thread? I'm afraid to scroll through it.
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>>14334313 if they ave been redone, it's always for one of the reson i said
>>14334363 In the top half.
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>>14334420 Damn, alright. Thanks.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14333946 A little of column A, a little of column B. Making a sprite from scratch usually starts with a rough of the shapes, and then a lot of color filling. After that, it's a lot of little adjustments. Selecting and moving pixels, fiddling with colors.
I suppose the only secret is knowing how to represent a 3D shape with 2D pixels, which is a skill that comes with a lot of practice. And it's something I still get wrong on a regular basis.
There's no one thing I could tell you that would make you instantly better at spriting. I'm no good at teaching by telling.
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>>14334420 also, ctrl+f+surveymoney
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>>14333946 Aren't there guides for this? I think there is one on the wiki
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14334535 Hey comfy,since you're working on some trainer sprites, would you mind making a sprite of the psychic tired kid?
>>14334597 If Tired Buddy isn't just a Psychic trainer class and becomes yet another unnecessary NPC I'm going to be pissed as hell.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14334621 He was gonna be an npc for a long while friend. not sure if from conception, but for as long as i recal, he was an npc.
So Muddy Buddy and Sandra are both confirmed? How does that work? I'm confused. One is E4... the other is?
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>>14334535 >There's no one thing I could tell you that would make you instantly better at spriting. No worries, that wan't the idea. Just wondering what methods people use, but I guess there's only really one. The iffy bit is to know where a pixel works better and where it can be left out.
Thanks for responding.
>>14334658 unique npc
team muddy buddy Anonymous
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>>14334621 Don't forget that hurricanine super hero guynow with a god tier mon. And the guy with a pokeball for a head. Face it, every failed design will make it in somehow.
>>14334655 That was never voted on. It was just a bunch of people calling for this random kid to be important because they liked him and we hadn't started actually developing any characters yet.
And since when has the idea at conception been a determining factor of things?
Just look at Drizzledog Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>14334658 they rent, but my idea was that either muddy is e4 the first time through, and sandra rhe second, or when you go the battle the e4, he is saying his goodbyes, and retiring, so you're hr first battle as an e4. then you battle muddy buddypostgame.
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14334597 Is there a central location where his concept art is stored? I only found one pic on the wiki.
>>14334692 Battle frontier? Anonymous
>>14334658 none is confirmed yet, but they both have strong supporters so the one that's doesn't win for the elite4 will be probably voted in as a recurring npc since we decided that failed concept for gym leaders could become recurring npcs
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14334707 true, but neither were muddy buddy or sandra. im just saying, thats likely how its gonna end up.
>>14334734 So we'll have walls of text worth of plot for these sidecharacters? I fucking gave up in B/W because of all the fucking unskippable talking all the time.
>>14334658 No they aren't confirmed since we haven't had a survey for it yet, but they both have a big following, so
they will most likely both be in the game.
One of them will probably be a side-quest or a recurring trainer.
>>14334734 said.
>>14334745 >I want it so that's how it's going to be Ok
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
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Muddy Buddy sidequest.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14334763 probably yeah, sorry.
>>14334773 I'm only one vote friend.
>>14334726 possibly the dropbox, im looking now.
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>>14334763 i sure hope not! i hope they end up with some sideplot quest or some optional battle somewhere hidden for some rare item or something like this...
>>14334810 I just don't understand why so many people think their super special trainer should be important enough to warrant a distinguishable role in the game. We have all these characters already and people are still trying to add more. It's just bloating the hell out of our story
Need help with cracks and the end of the right flask neck/tube/whatever thing
>>14334850 there's always some recurring npc in pokemon games, they ould be even just sideplot characters
>>14334850 most of these characters arent for part of the main story.
They're usually made for a sidequest, like Isaac
>>14334896 We already have Pokeman, Northington (supposedly), Calcifer, Captain Isaac, the Festival Boys and the gym leaders. I just get concerned that we're going to get increasingly mundane ideas (like this tired kid) and saying "Yeah, he definitely deserves a sidequest". And that's not even getting me started on the Dora and Diego pair that some people wanted to be reoccurring.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>14334850 dont get me wrong, I think most of them should be entirely optional. But if they are in game, I would like something a little more than the once and done thing that DPPT did. something in between that and BW I would be happy with.
>>14334964 i didnt even want dora and diego in game
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>>14334917 this. the idea is that the game will have "sidequests" to give more gameplay, characters, and an open-world feel without detracting from the main plot or pacing
>>14334964 of course not all those character are going to be in the game. There will be a survey, also some of the one you listed are just trainer classes...
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14335057 pokeman and the fesitival boys have been surveyed. I THINK Calcifer was but idk. dont know about calcifer, but dora and diego were just supposed to be a trainer class.
>>14334964 What's the idea behind Pokeman anyway?
>>14334964 I thought the Festival Boys were out version of the Kimono Girls..?
I don't think they were ever meant to be reoccurring.
Plus it depends which gym leaders/E4 members.
If we have Tess as Electric E4, it's kind of given that she should be brought up before her battle.
Well, while we are on the subject of NPCs, i've always thought it'd be funny to hide a bunch of us very, very subtely in the game just in terms of their dialouge or something. For example, there could be a person in game who says that he studies the native trees of the region, or one person who says he hates bird pokemon. I have a feeling all of you would hate the idea, though
>>14334964 I thought the Festival Boys were out version of the Kimono Girls..?
Were they ever meant to be reoccurring?
Plus it depends which gym leaders/E4 members.
If we have Tess as Electric E4, it's kind of given that she should be brought up before her battle.
would anybody like to share their critiques on
>>14325842 ?The claws are where I'm really drawing a blank but any advice would be appreciated
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>14335121 hes like a kamen rider he wants to be a real superhero so he goes around in costume fighting crime and you battle together at soem points etc.
>>14335136 they are, but you meet them along the region and they give you items, kinda like the day family, but not day based. then when you meet them in their fesitval, you can battle them and junk.
>>14335157 I think we were all for avoiding any kind of personal representation in the game, as subtle as it may be. I think that's a reasonable choice, though I personally wouldn't mind.
>>14325842 >>14335180 I like it, looks more pokemon-y than most of the vectol designs.
Make it a little less cute, though.
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>>14335181 That kinda makes Pokeman potentially plot relevant, depending on how overtly evil the bad guys are.
But yeah, figured as much.
>>14335190 i think hating birds and stuff has become so much of an inside joke that it kind of transcends a person being inserted
>>14335190 That's what I figured, but I thought I would mention it anyways.
Though, doesn't GF usually have a building where they have a bunch of employees in the main games? Can't we do something like that and just not have anybody stand out?
>>14335255 I think that usually gets a bad responce, because of our namefag phobia
Let's just have the building be burned down by /b or the rest of /vp
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>>14335242 there should be the occasional npc that tells you all your pokemon suck and that you should give up.
Also another occasional one that tells you your team is awesome and you should keep going.
>>14335275 >because of our namefag phobia Isn't that avoided by having it just be a building of nameless, unrecognizable people working on stuff?
They could say stuff like complaining about group votes, argeuning over wether something is final, and such
>>14335327 I'm not even in that camp, just saying a lot of people see cameos or credits of any kind as a red flag.
Hell, I think someone accused Muddy Buddy of being an insert. I guess cause Dunky is overweight...?
>>14335386 >Hell, I think someone accused Muddy Buddy of being an insert. I guess cause Dunky is overweight...? you cant be serious
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>>14335202 gotcha. care to elaborate more on the cuteness? Someone else said it was cute as well, but That wasn't my intention
>>14335327 I'm sure we'll have the nintendo self-reference as well, and I like the idea of showing a bit of the process. Probably we'll just have a generic trainer class
Amateur Developer? and maybe the powerful guy who's name I forget.
>>14335635 b-but what about me? I just take surveys and post.
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>>14335665 Generic trainer class man, that's all of us.
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>>14335665 Contributor class?
>>14335120 aren't festival boys just trainer classes too?
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>>14335924 Only there's just five of them.
>>14335987 kimono girls like in the original silver where you just fight them for surf, or like in SSilver where you meet them trought the game and they make the Lugia ritual and all that?
I'd prefer the first...
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>>14336038 Kimono girls in that there's only 5 of them and they use a pokemon corresponding to their color. Don't overthink it.
>>14335569 Nvmnd, guess I misunderstood this post.
>>14323020 Anonymous
>>14335176 >recurring characters >introducing evil guys >battling evil guys >introducing gym leaders >introducing E4 >introducing champion >Doucherado >the unchosen player just listing off broad categories and we already have one plot/character dump per city. Back off with the additions or we'll have a ride full of jumpstart failures.
>>14335386 >dunky >muddy buddy >self insert There are so many things wrong with that post and whomever thought that.
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>>14336213 can't put new characters in cities that have a gym?
Plus, nothing wrong with sidequests as long as they are good enough and dont distract from the game
updated once more. Comments? Critique?
>>14336361 Are you implying that's not true?
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>>14336361 see
>>14336127 I just missunderstood
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>>14336428 oh jesus you mean there are idiots that think that?
>>14336428 it's not.
If anything he's more Tito from rocket power than dunky.
>>14336428 Dunkys weight is true, but no fucking way that he would selfinsert into the game. He was an asshole, but he didn't have an ego.
Now Raptor tried to selfinsert into the game. I'm not even fucking kidding
>>14336533 really?
was he that one with the love pillow?
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>>14336496 >"Its like the ancient Urobosians said, 'the sky rock is the real gold in your life'" >"Muddy Buddy wtf you make no sense" Anonymous
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>>14336533 >Now Raptor tried to selfinsert into the game. I'm not even fucking kidding What'd he do?
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>>14336558 Nah, he was pushing for a trainer with some name of his. Ironically I think a trip busted him on it
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>>14336558 No he proposed a shitty mechanic gym leader that was straight off his DA, even drawn to look like a non fatass version of him.
Clash !dErycoonJw
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>>14336496 I used to love that show... Anonymous
Anyone know if Raptor actually have asperger? He acted strangely.
>>14336769 Reminds me. Should we have a mental hospital for people with autism in our game? To raise awareness.
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>>14336769 We are on 4chan, so it's all meaningless anyway.
>>14336897 >not having the main character call peoplke faggots 4mon at the beginning >not having the main characterette check likes on her pokebook Anonymous
>>14336426 i'd change the legs, and the tail's end
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>>14337049 I'd change everything :^)
Sam Spade !XozFbW8qqw
Can anyone here make this image a bit smaller so it fits better on the wiki?
ComfyCushion !!wEpYnpclEDq
>>14337597 >That Lavoon looks actually good Fuck, turns out colour is the only real problem I got with the official one.
Sam Spade !XozFbW8qqw
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>>14337597 female industrial worker or
>>14337529 pls
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>14337597 >>14337623 I made this awhile back after I made a ton of the shiny colors. Anonymous
>>14337853 Blue lava is best lava
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>14338179 Yeah that was the most liked, here is blue with current art I made.
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>>14338313 I'd fuck it. It looks like water pretty quickly though. I think the yellow + white makes for a royal look. But I guess this is just for the shiny?
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>>14329840 Those are all Noxial. I should have said Fumighast there, but still in the survey they're called Noxial. I don't know where the initial confusion came from?
Moose is about to go home soon
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>>14331714 >>14331728 >>14331733 ;-;
At least he will live on in my heart.
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>>14335157 One suggestion was to have a thread on the forum where people can post (one) name and a preferred trainer class. Those names would then be used in the game. Names can't be handles so no 'Backpacker LeEdgeyMaster' or anything bullshit like that. It would just be a way for people to get a subtle little credit in there.
>Hiker James was named after me. I did some sprite work for the Hiker trainer class >I got a swimmer named after me. I worked on some of the water route mapping. etc.
>>14336533 >no fucking way that he would selfinsert into the game You realise the tripfag came before the mon of the same name, right? Or are you just mad new
>>14338313 Have some more Lavoon
Crawg !lOCKq9m4o6
>>14339694 Hey sketch, mind making the new thread? Very little time remains.
I'd screw it up Anonymous
What happened to the sugi style burrmudail art someone was making
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>>14339837 And where is SZ? It should be holiday now
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>>14339572 Like the colours. The fumighast one is decen with the face but it's just copy and past faces.
>>14339552 He named himself that because that was the first survey he ran. Raptor drew dunkywunkr, the fan name got attached, and then the Trip named Dunkywunkr ran the survey for its name. No ego, no self-insert, just a guy that picked a name and stuck with it.
The fact that he spent his time since stopping surveying as anon and only taking the trip in some circumstances should speak to a lack of an ego.
>>14339753 Just save the dex from the wiki, copy paste the OP, ctrl S all the spoilers or copy and paste that list plus ctrl+F any new surveys, and then post. Make sure you have the checklist image too.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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Does anyone have the frames for these shrinking?
>>14320848 I remember seeing them on the wiki and seeing a gif of the animation but they seem to be missing now. Greatly appreated.
>>14339967 Why you speaking in third person, Dunky? It's obvious that's you. Not that it matters. Just find it kind of silly.
Terra !4dLvBoNE..
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>>14339996 >>14339996 was afraid I'd screw it up but here it is.
>>14340016 NEW THREAD
>>14340016 NEW THREAD
>>14340016 NEW THREAD
>>14340016 NEW THREAD
>>14340016 NEW THREAD
>>14340016 Anonymous
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>>14340027 Because I ain't Dunky. That's why. Don't get me wrong, I know he still comes in, hell he posted telling the surveyors that he's doing names but I doubt he's here.
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>>14339552 Pay attention before you get angry, retard