From the guy who leaked these pictures on Gamefaqs
In response to somebody asking him why the pictures are so shitty:
>First off there is no pause button during that and the balloon doesnt hold still or stop for you to take pictures. So while trying to get a good angle while dodging everything he throws at you (its ridiculous) he also puts up a shield and summons other balloons to attack. Im doing this while trying to hold my phone to take pictures while constantly moving and keeping his adds and shield down to take a decent picture by myself. Not easy... Trust me, I hate it when people leak "fuzzy" pictures, so I hear where your coming from.
Someone asked if the ballons are random:
>No, they are not random. Each training has a certain pokemon with it. For lvl 1 training Attack has axew, level 2 HP training has Relicanth, level 3 speed training has noivern etc. Then there are 2 more secret training you get for having a fully trained pokemon (maxed EVs) and those award items. Ive gotten PP up, Sunstone, Firestone, Hard Stone, Moo Moo Milk, Stardust so far so these are worth doing.