>>143870361) Substitute, which drops your HP by 1/4 (This assumes you have 100% HP).
-Togekiss follows up with a SE 95BP STAB Moonblast coming off of 120 Sp.Atk and instantly breaks the Sub.
-You can only really switch out to something that can either comfortably kill Togekiss or at the very least wall it since you don't have any moves that Togekiss isn't immune to.
-Best scenario for you: Togekiss Roosts if it needs HP or immediately starts setting up with NP while you send out your next Pokemon to check, wall, counter, or outspeed it.
-Worst scenario for you: Your next Pokemon switches into Togekiss' TWave (unless Ground) , cutting its Spd by 75%. You can hope to avoid being fully paralyzed and attack, but even if you aren’t, Togekiss will outspeed you with A.Slash and most likely flinch you...Or you can switch out, allowing Togekiss to setup with NP.
2) Stone Edge, which is known to miss a lot, but is otherwise great.
-Togekiss enters, ignores O/DC/EQ
-If Garchomp already set up SD and doesn’t miss Stone Edge, Togekiss is dead. Full Stop. If he does miss, Togekiss’ Moonblast looks like a 2HKO (60% chance to -1 Attack) with a Fairy Plate/Leftovers and a OHKO with LO.
-If Garchomp hasn’t set up SD and doesn’t miss with Stone Edge, it’s a 2HKO. If he misses, same story as above.
3)Fire Fang
-Togekiss enters, ignores O/DC/EQ
-Without SD, it’s a 9HKO on him. Togekiss can 2HKO with Moonblast.
-With SD, it’s a 4HKO on him. Togekiss can still 2HKO with Moonblast.
-If you switch and they predict correctly, Togekiss can Roost and recover the damage FF did, T.Wave the new replacement and begin Paraflinching, or set up with NP. If not, Garchomp loses.
tl;dr Stone Miss is the ONLY time SD Garchomp can kill Togekiss. Otherwise, with correct prediction, Garchomp can allow Togekiss to heal itself with Roost, set up with NP, or cripple your switch in with T.Wave/Air Slash.
Also of note is that Togekiss@LO only needs 64 Sp.Atk EVs to OHKO with Moonblast.