Many reviews have emphasized the social aspect of Gen 6 so let's take advantage of it, /vp/.
State your Version, Nickname, and your Friend Code in the Name Field. Reply to everyone you've added.
>How do I find my Friendcode? Go to your 3DS dashboard, click the orange square at the top, find your Mii card and the code will be at the bottom.
>How many friends can I have? 100 friends total.
>How do I know if someone is my friend? If you can see their Mii Card, then they are your friend. If there is a ? where their Mii should be, that means they haven't accepted your invite yet.
>How do I delete a pending invite/friend? Scroll all the way to the left, select settings, then select delete friend.
Previous thread
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Anyone who wishes to add me, please do and let me know who you are, lots of fun kicking about with the snapchat and getting ready for saturday, I'm getting X
Kuza 2981-5890-7619 [Y]
>>14360427 >choosing charmander someone hasn't seen the new special Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>14360592 meh, it was just a random pic to throw up top, but still...
>muh charizard Alex X Version 0877-0191-9790
>>14360462 >>14360567 Added.
Also adding replies.
Max 4356 0490 7348
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14360661 christ, your the 3rd alex i have on my friends list, and i'm easy confused
I just added you, and I'm getting Y so we can trade.
>>14360462 Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Kuza 2981-5890-7619 [Y]
Quoted By:
i'l bump this a few more times before letting it rest in various pieces...
Quoted By:
any more takers? (2nd last bump)
Murray X Version 5300-8858-2453
>>14360462 >>14360661 >>14360706 >>14360567 >>14360759 Added all of you. Whelp, that's my social interactivity for the day. :p
Mike / Classtoise 4983 5628 0787
Getting X. Trainer name is Mike, nick I use everywhere is Classtoise.
Kuza 2981-5890-7619 [Y]
>>14361434 added no problem
>>14361505 added
Murray X Version 5300-8858-2453
>>14361505 Added
>>14360661 Hey, I see you've got Rune Factory 4. Was thinking about picking it up; how good is it compared to the other RF games (And Harvest Moon)?
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14361607 >>14361505 whoops. forgot muh details
Alex X Version 0877-0191-9790
>>14361622 Haven't finished the story yet, but it's better than 3 (the only other one I've played), and I personally enjoy RF more than HM.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
this is my last bump then letting it go,
Murray X Version 5300-8858-2453
>>14361684 Alright, cool! Thanks! I think I'll order it now.
Tom 1736 0587 5087
Adding anyone who replies to this post
Kuza 2981-5890-7619 [Y]
Halla 2981-6586-7425
>>14361884 added you Tom. I'm just learning to use my 3ds so hope this will work, lol. Anyone who wants feel free to add me getting X version...
Murray X Version 5300-8858-2453
Quoted By:
>>14361884 Friend Request Sending 2: Electric Boogaloo
Kuza 2981-5890-7619 [Y]
>>14361941 Adding you too!
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
keckal 2638-0399-6926
im getting why so if anyone needs dem version exclusives add me
keckal 2638-0399-6926
Mike / Classtoise 4983 5628 0787
Halla 2981-6586-7425
keckal 2638-0399-6926
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Rico X 0619-4152-6540
Halla 2981-6586-7425
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
Late night postan Who else is here?
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14362767 early evening in OZ dude, may still be a few of us kicking about still
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Quoted By:
>>14362767 I'm still here. Mostly just lurking. It's only 7pm in this part of the world.
Halla 2981-6586-7425
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Hmm, I've never actually exchanged friendcodes before. Might as well, with X/Y coming and all.
Rico X 0619-4152-6540
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Zander Y version 2638 - 0476 - 2856
Scottishfag here, getting the game in under two hours, hyped as fuck. Add me if you need dem Y exclusives or Chespin/Bulbasaur babies
Tom 1736 0587 5087
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Quoted By:
>>14362847 >>14362851 Adding you both in turn.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14362767 >>14362814 both added, the wonderful thing about the DS is you can delete people no problem if thats your wish. theres been a lot of random shit been happening on the snapchat/letterbox thing, been a bit of a giggle.
Mike / Classtoise 4983 5628 0787
Quoted By:
Goin' to bed. Feel free to add me, I'll check this thread tomorrow and add anyone who quoted me.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14362848 hah, simply because i'm a scotsfag out in oz at the moment, keep us updated on guid ol glesga
Halla 2981-6586-7425
Talha - 5086 - 1728 - 7583
I am getting X, and charizard :D -Also batlleing on gen 5
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Just sent everyone I know my Blastoise drawing, first time using the letter box
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
dd me to battle and trade poke! 1263-6595-8829
Quoted By:
>>14362919 Add* pokes* lol
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14362909 a damned fine effort my son, beats muh sandslash hands down, i'm crap at drawing but its all in the name of fun
Sistinas 1633 - 5114 - 4086
I play Animal crossing every day so there is that no gay shit please
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14362919 Are you a boy or a grill? also a name would help us add, if not, just tell us who your adding
>>14362959 im a guy. my names victor and idk im adding anyone that plays 3ds games lol
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
I sent out a Swirlix. I worked quite hard on it, and I believe it payed off.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14362938 Haha thanks, Im sucked at drawing as well but its so damn funny
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14362982 you can't add people without their name unfortunatly, unless you ad someone first, just the way it goes
Tom 1736 0587 5087
>>14363020 I don't get it. I have to put someones friend code in first?
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14363043 true dat, but if neither of you have made an add, then the system wants a name, a safeguard just incase your mashing codes and hoping for the best i'd assume.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Vick 1263-6595-8829 X version
I think i did it right this time.. anyone can add me!
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Quoted By:
>>14363112 added, remember to install Nintendo letter box or you will miss the fun here
Rico X 0619-4152-6540
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
Tyler 4313 0953 4771
Hey everyone, I'll be getting X. Will do trades for gen exclusives, help do trade evolutions, whatevs. Fairly avid breeder of egg moves and potentially IVs. Hit me up and add!
Halla 2981-6586-7425
>>14363354 added I'm getting X also.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
Tyler 4313 0953 4771
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
pew, just sent my Flygon (black and green ver) to everyone, enough drawing for today, having so much fun
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Quoted By:
>>14363440 >drawing my favorite poke Made m'night.
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14363354 I add you, Bro.
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
Quoted By:
>>14363488 I'll add you, rather.
Wheeto Y Version (3969-4477-4893)
>>14363354 >>14363371 >>14363372 >>14363376 >>14363440 Sent you all an request, adding back would be very appreciated.
Will be lurking this thread for awhile so people feel free to throw me a request.
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14363503 I gotcha. Way to rock Chespin/Charmander.
>>14363510 Added you.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14363510 cheers dude, successfully added, gon send you a few pics i'm proud of, i'd have these on my fridge no problem
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Tyler 4313 0953 4771
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
>>14363550 Hahah, thanks. I was going to go with Fennekin, but I really like Chespin's final evo way more than Fennekin's, and Charizard was one of my bros in Pokemon Blue.
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14363635 Same story here, was going to go with Fennekin at first. Actually had Y preordered originally, but changed it because of MUH MEGA EVOLUTIONS.
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Quoted By:
>>14363665 successfully added, cheers
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
>>14363662 I was always planning on getting Y because I like Yveltal just a tinier bit more than Xerneas. The other exclusives don't really bother me that much, because I know that I can always just trade for them.
Miles 3282-2834-1387
If anyone wants, here we go
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Quoted By:
This is probably the first gen where I have no strong preference toward with version I get first. I just rolled high/for it and came up with Y
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
>>14363719 added, and dat name, all i got we're nostalgic flashbacks of sonic the hedgehog. Cheers dude
Wheeto Y Version (3969-4477-4893)
>>14363743 >>14363440 Love the pictures guys, you have some talent. I would send you one back but I can only draw stick men.
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
>>14363305 just a reminder
Greymon 3926-5366-9926
Quoted By:
>>14363814 Oop, thought I added you.
Tony- 1676-4018-9854
reply and I'll add you back
Miles 3282-2834-1387
>>14363719 I'll be going now. I've got this thread open on foolz so you can still add me, I'll just get back to you later
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14363794 my talent is non existant, don't ask me to draw on paper heh heh. it takes me forever because i'm altering so much, but its damned good fun at least.
>>14363843 added dude
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14363719 >>14363843 Added both of ya.
>>14363695 I prefer Yveltal as well, but I rarely use legendaries anyway so I figured it wasn't that big a deal.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14364161 Done
Remember to have nintendo letter box
Xeiros Y 0044 - 2816 - 4438
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14364253 >Nintendo Letter Box >Not いつの間に交換日記 [Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
>>14364257 Added!
>>14364263 I already did. lol You're online in my friends list.
>>14364297 I added you lux
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Teapot 5300 8943 4237
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
Teapot 5300 8943 4237
Tyrone: Pokemon X Version Friend Code! 3754-7079-2476 TELL ME ONCE YOU'VE ADDED ME GUYS!!
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
bumping for the hell of it
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
once more, then i'm letting it go,
Quoted By:
Just added a bunch of you guys hopefully see you all on the game by the end of the week! Haven't added anyone in months since someone stole my last 3DS! Anyone else adding me, reply back!
James 3368-1480-1488
Quoted By:
>>14364873 added confirmed dude
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Jeff 3539 - 9547 - 8440
>>14364788 Got you back Bro.
>>14364873 Added you too.
ry - 4871 - 4163 - 4187
ry - 4871 - 4163 - 4187
1950-8527-3448 Ausfag. My current count is 0. Lol
Xeiros Y 0044 - 2816 - 4438
>>14365009 welcome aboard dude, but due to the way the system works, we need your Mii name so we can add, unless you add someone first, its a feature, not a bug
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14365009 >>14365037 >mfw i forget my own details Snowy
>>14365009 Oops. I dun goofd.
I hope this is a better effort!
James 3368-1480-1488
Quoted By:
>>14365051 Added, I am too an ausfag
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Quoted By:
>>14365051 Hey there fellow Ausfag, added you.
Fenix 2062 9440 6885
>>14365051 Added, Aus-fag as well
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14365051 confirmed added, its all good it just means people have the name to add you with
Scotsman living in QLD (for now) here
Xeiros Y 0044 - 2816 - 4438
Talha - 5086 - 1728 - 7583
add me if you want reply if do
Snowy 1950-8527-3448
>>14365009 Added all under this post.
Until this post.
Phone is difficult to post from, but it should confirm me being friends. Thanks guys.
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
I saged <:^)
Quoted By:
>>14365201 congratulations, we just won our first idiot...
>implying the pic matters a crap to what the threads trying to do Clipzle 4270-1495-7347
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14365295 Added confirmed, right all, i'm out, night time where i am, keep this rawling
Derek 2981-6551-3915 [X]
Hammy 1204 - 0550 - 1303
Quoted By:
>>14365355 confirmed. ok definately off now before its midway into the morning before i know it.
Derek 2981-6551-3915 [X]
jk im also adding every single person in this thread
Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969 [X]
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347
0447-6270-1682 (Hot Sauce)
Still active? I'll add all those that reply.
James 3368-1480-1488
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347
>>14365977 still here, added
Kait X Version 3797-6326-3385
Derek 2981-6551-3915 [X]
Tom 0834 0952 6360
Going to add some people now
Tom 0834 0952 6360
0447-6270-1682 (Hot Sauce)
>>14366040 still waiting on you
>>14366024 added you
Tom 0834 0952 6360
>>14366126 Adding you now, also I added kait
Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969 [X]
[Y] Lux 0903-3053-5799
Quoted By:
>>14366040 Added back.
And with that, this Ausfag is heading to bed. Happy FC sharing all.
I'm getting X anyone want an add?
Tom 0834 0952 6360
Quoted By:
>>14366508 Post your fc then
This is > 14366508 4398-9188-6141
Tom 0834 0952 6360
>>14366657 whats you're FC?
Quoted By:
>>14366690 Using the longer you're incorrectly... top lel.
Gant 5343 -8548 - 8218 [Y]
Don't have time to add anyone atm, since I'm getting ready for work. I likely won't be able to play until monday/tuesday because of amazon, either.
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355
Stephen 1478-4041-4586 Pokemon Y
Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969 [X]
Khalid 0404-6278-2060
Adding anyone and everyone who replies to this. X version
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
Add me and I'll add you, got a completed dex ready on White 2 if you want trades.
Derek 2981-6551-3915 [X]
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355
Roarsaurus - 3196-3838-1130 - Y-version
I'm tuning back in again, will add anyone responding. Also, if i didn't add you back yesterday, shout at me.
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Adding anyone who replies.
Bethan 3437-3239-6123
Xeiros Y 0044 - 2816 - 4438
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
Bethan 3437-3239-6123
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
I'm getting Y, reply and I'll add.
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
>>14371176 That was near telepathic speed right there!
Keeshi 0662-3017-4305
Keeshi 0662-3017-4305 Version: X!
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Kait X Version 3797-6326-3385
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Going to get X. Any one who wishes to add me please do. Captcha: spiritual ouncld
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Adding all replies, i'm on Y if anyone needs exclusives n' shit
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Quoted By:
>added >added >added jesus, it is worse than may and june's /acg/ do a goddamn spreadsheet if you want to trade FCs
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Vladimir 0920-0583-4744 Y version
Mike / Classtoise 4983 5628 0787
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Alex X Version 0877-0191-9790
2062 9395 9513
I have room for more. Getting both games. Playing X and Animal Crossing. Adding replies.
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Pooka 0705 3254 8447
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Pooka 0705 3254 8447
2062 9395 9513
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Juni 2879-0732-0305
Getting Y version. Add me if you wish.
Quoted By:
>>14372680 flex and getting y
Quoted By:
>>14372462 >>14372671 Added. Reply to me and I'll add you. Getting both games.
Nick 0834 - 1734 - 8371 !Y1oV2IYiGM
Pooka 0705 3254 8447
Alexander 0705 2451 9633
Alex X Version 0877-0191-9790
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
Plenty of space left. Adding those that reply.
Pooka 0705 3254 8447
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Xeiros Y 0044 - 2816 - 4438
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
>>14372746 >>14372671 Added.
>>14372680 My 3ds says your friend code is invalid.
Pooka 0705 3254 8447
2062 9395 9513
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
2062 9395 9513
Quoted By:
>>14372995 What's your friend code?
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Jimmy 2558 1587 3519
Will one of you be my friend? I don't have any irl or on the 3DS
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
>>14373101 I will be your friend
>>14360462 >>14360567 >>14372829 >>14372462 >>14370924 Nishi, Mohamed, Chloe, Kuza, Hammy added.
Anyone got the pokemon stationary?
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Quoted By:
>>14373134 >>14373101 My 3ds says your friendcode is invalid
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Kola 0834 - 1734 - 8371 !Y1oV2IYiGM
Still looking for people to add, getting X-Version;_;
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Quoted By:
>>14373184 >>14372746 >>14372829 >>14373007 Added. Please add back. I will add anyone who replies. ^_^ Long time Pokemon aficionado
2062 9395 9513
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
2062 9395 9513
>>14373306 Oops, already have Kola
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
Anyone have this stationary?
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
>>14373403 I've sent it to you.
Alexander 0705 2451 9633
>>14373244 added
Reply and I'll add
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Some1CP 2320-7560-9923
Getting Y. If anyone wants to add me, feel free.
Kola 0834 - 1734 - 8371 !Y1oV2IYiGM
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
>>14373464 Oh gosh, thank you!
Kola 0834 - 1734 - 8371 !Y1oV2IYiGM
2062 9395 9513
>>14373582 Will you share it so I can get it?
[X] Spencer 1203-9668-4286
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Kait X Version 3797-6326-3385
>>14373628 I cant figure out how to get it from the message :( Do you know how?
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
NeoGlenn 0490-5759-1624 Y
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
>>14373730 Shouldn't it just automatically save once you've opened the letter?
Quoted By:
>>Is there a chance of getting it too? ;) >>14373549 >>14373498 >>14373470 Add back
2062 9395 9513
Quoted By:
>>14373730 No problem. I got it. :-)
>>14373773 Maybe I need to send more swapnotes to unlock it? Its not in my list of stationary, only the default 6 are.
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
2062 9395 9513
Quoted By:
>>14373819 Send more notes. You'll unlock stuff from Nikki. She will eventually tell you about bonus stationary.
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
2062 9395 9513
>>14373972 Still waiting on you, I believe.
Quoted By:
>>14373819 You need to enable getting special stationaries in the settings.
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
I'm going to try to add everyone on here. Add me if I didn't add you yet.
2062 9395 9513
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
Long time lurker here. Getting Y on friday I hope. EU player. Will start with Fennekin and trade other starters from a friend later on so I will have lots of eggs and shit to trade after a week or so. Don't know what else to type here, add me if you want to battle/trade/whatever. I'm new to this kinda stuff. Gotta catch 'em all.
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Quoted By:
>>14372909 the code was 2628 9714 5392, sometimes I have dyslexic tendencys with numbers
Aksel 5429 7703 1424
I'll ad anyone who replies im just 30/100 so far
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
Quoted By:
>>14374329 Add me back.
Maybe getting it on Friday too. EU
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>14374182 >>14374224 >>14374316 I added all 3 of you above my first post.
>>14374573 >>14374588 Let's add each other.
This is kind of a dumb question at this point, but do you actually see if someone sends you an invite somewhere? I can't find it unless BOTH the people add each other.
That would certainly explain all the "add and reply" thing we got going on in here.
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
Hey guys, just thought I'd join the party. Adding all of you as we speak.
2062 9395 9513
Quoted By:
>>14374737 Have to have both 3ds users add each other. Pretty stupid, really.
Vladimir 0920-0583-4744 Y version
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355
2062 9395 9513
>>14374573 2628 9714 5392
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
So far, i've added>Hammy >Kuza >Max >Luke >Murray >Mike >Tom >Chloe >Amantis Sorry for being lazy, butt I added all of you and did'nt want to seek out each individual post. Reply for add.
Nishi 1564-2826-8980
Matt 3325-2572-2746
Just got my 3DS and preordered Y add me up!
Zenchi (Y) 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>14375517 I think I added you.
>>14375548 Hey, we are in the same situation!
Anyone else who wants to add me just reply. I'll be up for 1-2 more hours and after that I'll check thread when I wake up.
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
Aksel 5429 7703 1424
Quoted By:
>>14375362 Invalid code...
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
2062 9395 9513
Quoted By:
>>14375548 Added.
Reply for add.
Matt 3325-2572-2746
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
ouo (Y version 4184 2058 3860)
Aaron X 0919 9924 4089
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
2062 9395 9513
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Chloe (Y) 0834-1217-6652
Plenty of space left. Adding those that reply.
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
Distrobro !RkMG6R5bKc
I'll try to add everyone. Here is mine: 4854 6829 8372
Nairu - 0791 1463 4646
Malachi 4296-3478-5583
Okaroy2.0 0173-1309-7824 !nw0GZUAFVI
Dosky 2750 1087 5555
2062 9395 9513
Are Frode 4983-4916-2355